A Counsel Meeting Requested!

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Soon the morning had a rose and a few of the keepers and shifters were awake just either making breakfast, sipping coffee or washing themselves up clean for the day. There was a knock on Iceymoon's door and a cheerful voice which was clover, "Oh dear brother, I brought you some breakfast and some coffee to start the morning. Moonie?" Iceymoon woke up and sniffles as he heard his sister. He replies, "I'm awake. Come in." Clover nods as she walks in with a tray and places it on the bed and says softly, "Good morning brother did you sleep well?" She pauses and notices the crystal ball then him wiping tears. She didn't ask but knew something was bothering so she sits down on the edge of the bed and asks, "Do you want any tea or go for a fly on Moonstone later?" Iceymoon shakes his head and says softly, "No, it's fine. I had a moment again but this time, she misses us. I heard her cry. I don't wanna make this counsel meeting all about tears. I'll be fine." Clover nods and says softly, "Well everyone won't be here til noon. Oh and a few other guests are arriving early to see you. I can't tell you but I was told it's a surprise." Iceymoon nods and smiles, "Thank you sis. I'll eat then get dressed thank you for this breakfast." Clover nods as she gets up and replies before leaving, "You're welcome. Thanks for telling me. Enjoy your breakfast." She walks out of the room and closes the door and says in a whispers, "I would cry too if I hear someone I love miss me." She sighs and walks to the library room and just sits in a chair. She stares into space as she was think to herself. She was kinda worried about her brother and hated to see him see way but was hoping no one else would ask why he was crying or why he was going through this depression. It's just she was thinking he wouldn't be getting distracted at the counsel meeting later on today.

Violet was walking down the halls with Lily as they were going to head to the court house early to check things over and get everything ready for it. But they had stopped as they heard Morpheus and Lou talking. Lou growls softly as he says, "You think we'll see the Hogwarts shifters again? You think Gena is still a bitch after last time." Morpheus sighs and says softly, "Gena was part of my group before I went to prison. You think Viper, Joy and Tulip would like you calling her that?" Lou sighs and says softly, "Whatever I don't think they would like to see us again. Although, Joy and I got along just fine."
"If you can call that getting along, by flirting and getting into each other pants. The Hollow shifters are normal, Joy is shifter of shadows and ravens. Viper is the shifter of snakes and poisonous creatures. Gena is a shifter of mystical water creatures and squids and Tulip, she's the shifter of mystical yellow creatures and capillaries. I know them all," Morpheus says looking at Lou. Echo and Syn appear in the doorway and smiles. Echo sits down by Lou and looks at Morpheus, "The meeting is happening here soon. Everyone is heading the the court house. Aren't you two boy coming." Lou smirks and says softly, "we will but we were talking about old friends. What are you doing being a flirt?" Echo shifts to an incubus and crawls on Lou and says softly in a male voice, "Only for you. Unless you rather have my girl side."
"Echo, not now princess. You're right we should get to the court house," Morpheus says as he gets up and pulls Echo off Lou. Echo shifts back to her true form and nods as she says, "You can punish me later. Come on Syn let's go." Syn nods and walks with Echo out of the room. Lou gets up and glares at Morpheus as he says, "Since when do you make decision to fuck Echo. She was going for me." Morpheus laughs as they start walking and he says softly, "Who say I fuck her? I use that nickname to get her to follow my orders. You could try if you weren't so naughty with other ladies." Lou chuckles and nods as they. They head to the courthouse as the meeting was going to be starting.

Clover and Iceymoon walks with Oxae, Boo, and Midnight. They had arrived to accompany Iceymoon and see what the counsel meeting was about. They arrive to the courthouse and seen a few familiar faces and bow to them. Sapphire had seen Iceymoon and bows to him. He smiles and waves as he walks into the courthouse. There were a few people already sitting and a few guards standing in their places. Iceymoon sits down in his boss chair as Midnight, Clover, Boo and Oxae sit with him. So fair all the kingdoms he had called were here and he notices the demon shifters and hallow shifters standing by the wall. As the gavel was hit everyone was sitting or standing in the courthouse and the doors were closed. "I here by let us start this meeting! I, Iceymoon have invited you all here because my sister, Raven has been mind controlled by the Evil Twins aka Emeralds Twitches. She had made a few peace treaties to other kingdom and we want to make sure no war happens," Iceymoon says as he starts. Poison raises her hand and asks, "And this was a plan to have everyone you know to join an alliance? I don't even think everyone was on board with this." Jasmine says rudely, "Before you make an assumptions like that take a look around."

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