The Arrival at Devil's Gate

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The golden bus stops at the sign of 'Welcome to Devils Gate' and spikes appearing near the sign. Icy gets up from their seat and looks at the sign saying softly, "Well we are here but the gates like a mile away or whatever." Yoma gets up and looks up as she asks, "Icy, what's that right there? Is that a monster?" Icy looks over at what Yoma points to and eyes widen saying, "That's a hell beast. Why is it out here?" Jewell stands up and glares softly as he speaks, "Let's not make any moves on that. Let's go find the Soul Guards. We need to do what we came here for. Icy you'll be behind me and Yoma you stay behind them." Yoma nods as Jewell using his powers to open the doors. Icy nods and follows behind him and grabs Yoma's arm gently dragging her along. The royal guards start walking towards the Devil's Gate and hoping a fight would start. Jewell looks up as he notices figures appearing and stops pulling his swords out. Icy watches him and grabs Yoma and pulls their sword out and says softly to Yoma, "Stay close and pull out your sword." Yoma nods as she pulls her sword out and looks at the side of them. Jewell watches as the figures appear and one of them stops and just laughs. Another one who appears was Lily. The other soul guard laughing was Golden. Another Demon appear and it was Violet. She smiles and waves saying, "Why are royal guards for Sapphire out here. Weapons down, I won't hurt you unless you're looking for a fight." Jewell sighs and puts his sword away and signals Icy and Yoma to put their weapons away. He bows and says softly, "Forgive us. Sapphire sent us to get information about the lost key we are missing. She thought one of your kind stole it." Icy and Yoma puts their swords up and look at Violet. Violet raises an eyebrow and asks Jewell, "Stole a key? Wait the powerful nature key? You think one of us has it?" Jewell nods and replies, "Yes. We are just here for the information then we will go." Golden stops laughing and glares as he looks at them, "Just information? Why can't we kill them? They appeared without any warning." Lily grabs his arm and glares, "You know Winston is friendly with these royal guards. He would kill you if we attacked them." Violet says harshly, "Quiet you two! Yes we will give you information but I think you should talk to our leader guard." Icy looks up at Violet asking her, "Who's the leader guard here?" A figure appears with red flames on his head and a upside down cross scar on his face and the figure spoke, "I am. The name is Jason. Jewell, nice to see you again. Hehe how's your sister and your new partner. It's been awhile since we talked." Jewell looks up and eyes widen, and he replies, "Everything is fine. How did you know about my partner?" Jason smirks and chuckles softly, "Well Sapphire wouldn't send her two guards in training without a bodyguard. Anyway, Icy please to meet you. I heard you guys have information to ask. So let's get to the conversation and skip the introductions." Icy nods and says in a tone, "Alright Jason, we are looking for the other powerful key from the angels. It's one of the elf keys. The elf who lives in Zeotha and we were informed the key is missing. Have you seen it?" Jason looks at Icy and replies back, "So you're missing a key? Do you think someone took it from Kragon? Cus if so, you're asking for Jasmine and the other soul guards. But who said it would be here?" Icy says harshly, "Sapphire. She had said our key is missing and that the last time they had it, one of your demons or Raven had appeared and killed her mother and must of took the key." Jason's eyes widen and he asks the question, "Rav Raven's mother was an angel?" Icy nods and says softly, "Have you guys seen a demon with the key?" Jason looks at Icy and replies in a quiet tone, "I haven't seen any demon with a key but if we find a key, I'll notify Jewell for ya." Jewell looks at him and asks, "You demons aren't on the same side as your family members?" Jason looks at him and replies, "Not all of us. Iceymoon, is a King of the Devil's Gate and the little town Moonlight City. Raven is Queen of Kragon and the Soulsand City. Our families have had issues ever since the war ended. Winston even gave up his crown to be with a vampire. So yeah, we aren't on everyone's side here." Jewell nods and looks at him, "That's interesting. I didn't think she was in charge of Kragon. So if it came to war what would you guys be doing?" Jason sighs softly as he replies, "Hiding with Iceymoon. His town is safer than Raven's. So if it happens I be fighting with you guys or hiding. I don't know what it will come to." Jewell nods and looks at Icy, "You think we got enough information?" Icy nods, "Yes, I think so. I appreciate the information from you and well would be here any longer than we need to be. We'll be heading back to Zeotha now."

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