Beginning of Hellions War!

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As the demons of Moonlight Kingdom we're ready to fight they had hurt banging and loud noises outside of the castle. Iceymoon couldn't wait anymore and yells, "Charge! Kill them before they kill us!" They all yell at Jason, Clover and Violet open the door and run after their enemy! Violet run after them as she sees Shifters and Assassins attacking every Emerald Twitches they see and notices Raven appears with dragons breathing how fire at the enemies. Taven looks up as he sees enemies from all around and starts to tell everyone to fire at them. Raven flies down and grabs Taven's arm dragging him up to the sky with her. He growls and tries to get loose from her grip. She glares and says, "I'll kill you for all the pain you've caused me! I'll use your soul as a bottle filler for my collection!" Taven growls as he tries to swing and stab her with knife. Raven glares as she punches him and tackles him through the air. Jason stops as he knocks down an Emerald Twitches and sees Raven and Tavan falling down from the sky. He dodges an attack and swings his sword at Winston. Winston blocks his swing and growls as he says, "I know you have Mavis! Where is she?" Jason growls and looks at him saying, "Not here! You think we would let them free. You'll have to kill me to save her." Winston glares and growls as he swings his weapon at Jason. Behind Winston was Violet and Jasmine and they both pulled out knives and runs behind Winston and stab him in the shoulder and chest. Winston gasps and falls down. Jason watches him fall and looks up seeing Violet and Jasmine smiling. He smiles seeing them and walks over to them and says, "Tag team? How bout that flame throw we practiced?" Violet nods and Jasmine smiles hearing him ask. They look up as a few dragons few in. Violet uses her power to make violet flames come out as Jasmine and Jason use their flame power and shouts the flames into the sky. The flames end up going after the dragons and a few enemies on the dragons. One of them jumped off and grab their blade, it was Muzik along with Lee following him. They didn't see anything above them but there was Hansol and Leo fall flying to get them. Harley looks up as she had knocked an enemy and sees Hansol. Hansol smirks as he lets go of Leo and lands on the roof of the castle and jumps up to tackle Muzik. Muzik gets tackled and glares as tries to stab Hansol. Harley uses her power to help Leo. Leo smiles and grabs Lee's arm as he floats down. Lee looks up and begins to fight him. They both punch and kick each other block their attacks with their blades. Leo stares at Lee and seen his eyes were turned to a different color and he says softly, "Has something changed brother?" Lee looks at him and glares as he asks, "What are you talking about? Nothing changed unless it's my hatred." Leo smiles and knocks him down and puts the blade by his throat. He says harshly, "I was asking if you were controlled because no brother of mine would punch me or kick me in this stage of mind." Lee's eyes turn back to normal and he grabs the blade that's by his throat and says softly, "No brother of mine would kill me for no reason. Leo?!" Leo's eyes widen as he drops the sword and helps him up, "Lee, I'm so sorry." They hear a roaring sound as they seen a demonic dragon and demonic beast attacking each other. Harley looks up and asks, "Is that one of the shifters?" Jason, Jasmine and Violet stop their attacks and see the dragon and beast battling. Jason yells, "It's Raven and Taven! Everyone take cover!" Most of the enemies were down and everyone else was running to take cover. Jason starts running as he picks up Xus and heads to a ditch to hide. Violet backs up as she watches Raven and gets grabbed by Lily and Golden as they start running to hide. Iceymoon grabs Petunia and runs into the dungeons as Harley and Hansol follows behind them.

Raven roars as she ends up biting Taven and throwing him from the sky and his beast form disappears as he lands on the ground hard. She forms back to her demon form and jumps down landing by him. She says softly as she grabs her soul blade, "Any last words?" Taven seen blurs and groans as he seen Raven holding her blade and notices most of his guards or assassins were wounded or unconscious from the battle. He looks at Raven and says, "We'll be back..." She glares and cuts his neck as his soul leaves his body and goes into the blade. She says softly, "That what I thought you bastard!" Tina seen what happens and stands up stumbling and yells, "You don't touch him you bitch!" Raven looks up and runs tackling her down and smirks saying, "He started this war and you, his wife, his queen, is lonely cus he's dead! I have him soul now." Tina growls and says softly, "You sick fuck! You killed him. Why didn't you let him live?" Raven growls and presses the blade to her neck as she says, "He would of killed the rest of my family! He can't be released anymore. If you want him back then surrender. If not, you can die right here with half of your guards! Surrender or die here like Taven did. If you don't want to die then surrender!" Tina groans and says softly, "I surrender! I surrender." Raven let's go of her and gets up and yells, "Grab you soldiers and leave now!" Tina glares and yells, "Let's go!" Most of the Emerald Twitches were able to get up and follow her back and head back to the Emerald's club. They felt defeated and lost their leader so they had to follow Tina now.

Meanwhile as all the demons, shifters assassins and angels healing or checking over everyone the leaders of each kingdom were talking to Iceymoon. Hansol sighs, "If it wasn't for Raven we wouldn't of had a good victory." Raven looks at him, "A victory? No, only the thing we fear that Hellions War has already begun. We could be stuck with more enemies than allies." Iceymoon sighs and says softly, "If Taven, Zee or Draja are brought back to life, we are so dead. We can't even bring back the crystal angels that defeated them. We only have Sapphire and you Raven. I don't think we'll be safe anymore and that's scary." They hear a voice from the doorway, "May I make a suggestion?" Hansol looks over and his eyes widen seeing his mother. Sapphire walks into the room and walks over to them and says, "We call upon on help like the Ultimate Crystal Hybrids. The Insanity Kingdom. We can call upon your family and my family. I believe we can do it together. We can send a message to those kingdoms yes we may be desperate but you think if Tina wants to get Taven back, she might unlock other souls to get a monster. I believe we can win this war. We'll have to keep a low profile since they started this. It's our only option." Petunia stands with Moonie and looks at him as she says, "I think we should give that a chance. I mean, we fought and most of their soldiers were wounded or some are dead now. We could use extra help besides asking for your family. Moonie, let us help out and finish this war." Harley looks at her father and says softly, "Please father? We need you to agree with us to carry this on." Iceymoon nods and says, "Alright! Let those kingdoms know and let everyone else know we need backup for this war. I'll create a plan to destroy Emerald Twitches for good." Raven nods and says softly, "I'll help you out with plans. I don't plan on leaving til our kingdoms are covered with security."
Iceymoon and looks at Sapphire and says, "Please write letters to every kingdom you said and please send additional ones to our allies. I need everyone to know what's going on." Sapphire nods and says, "I will start those and of course I'll send them out right away." She walks out of the room as Hansol bows and follows behind to help her out. Harley smiles as she bows back and watches them walk out of the room. Raven crosses arms and says softly, "So what's the first plan since most of our allies are here?"
Iceymoon looks at her and says, "Keep a low profile for now but contact our family and just say there's a threat going on and we may not have time for training soldiers. We are going to need help with new soldiers." Jason and Violet walks in the room and he says, "We heard soldiers and help." Jasmine follows behind them and nods. Raven looks up and says, "Yes. I forgot how cute you three were when you worked together. They could train new soldiers." Iceymoon looks at them and nods saying, "That be a good idea. Bring the rest of your soldiers and I'll get in contact with Dash and Oxae. We'll need all the help we can get. Excuse us." He walks with Harley and Petunia so they could contact others about what's happening.

Violet gulps and looks up asking, "We are working together now? This war is awful. I hope no one comes back to life." Raven nods and says softly, "me too. But what can we do? I hope it doesn't come to separating our families again. I really didn't want to leave this place or be queen of Kragon. Or have Taven and his puppets be my servants. Hopefully we can put our kingdoms together and work together defeat them." Jason nods and says, "What did you do with Taven's soul? Did you give it back to Tina?" Raven looks at him, "Haha! Not really although she wanted it back so I gave her a soul necklace and it has Taven, Zee and Draja in one. The real souls are in my blades. I gave her half of the real souls. She won't know the difference if she asks what those are." Jason laughs and says jokingly, "So you gave her fake souls." Raven nods, "Yes I did. But I don't think she knows how powerful I am." Jason nods and laughs a bit. Violet nods and sighs as she says, "I hope we get more allies. We may come with an army and they won't." Jasmine nods and looks up as she sees Morpheus appear. He bows and ask, "Is Moonie anywhere?" Raven says, "He's contacting allied and family about this situation." Morpheus nods and smiles, "thanks." He walks away from the room.

Sapphire had picked a room in the castle to write the letters and she then would give them to Hansol as he uses his teleportation power to send letters to the right kingdoms and even sending letters to the Shadow Hybrids and Kazeldorf Kingdom. They hope theses letters will let them know how this war could affect anyone and were begging for help at this point. They didn't even know what Tina was going to be doing if it comes to the point of bringing back the souls or getting those real souls just to bring Taven back. She would be wanting to kill all the demons and being back her husband. Even the Emerald Twitches who were hurt or turn into dolls were taken back to their kingdom and had properly heal them and everything. Everyone did not now that this war will change everything and it could change relationships, friendships or even enemies. No one was going to wait to see if it got worst cus they wanted all this over and believe they will defeat the evil to save this world......

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