Ultimate Crystal Hybrids have Guests!

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As they all sit down for tea and snacks to discuss something, Rae's and Lexi's counterparts appear as they were going to join them for the discussion. Jason smiles and waves as he says, "It's a pleasure to meet you all, let's discuss further details about the army and plans to take down the Emerald Twitches." Lex nods as he sits and says, "Yes we have a plan. I'm Lex, one of the guards and this is Rei and our sisters, Ember and Lavender. They are Loki's and Venom's counterparts. We are counterparts of Rae and Lexi." Jason nods as he says, "Nice to meet you." Violet smiles and says, "It's good to see you guys again. Even you Tatiana. How's the wolves doing?" Tatiana smiles and says softly, "They doing well and it's great to see you again Violet. Even you, Lily and Golden. How are you two doing?" Lily smiles and says, "We are good. Glad to be here." Rae smiles and says softly, "Good. So uh Lex, what did you and Rei come up with for the plan?" Lex smiles and says, "Well Rei and I were thinking about the hybrids form or the fusion together. Then we thought about most of the guards being able to do that. Also Rei was thinking of alliance with Sapphire and Iceymoon." Rei nods as he starts to explain, "Well, think about it. If they have an army, we could join them and battle with them. We definitely could win this victory and we wouldn't be in hiding anymore." Lexi looks at the keepers and asks, "What do you think about this?" Jason replies with, "I think it's great but hiding? What's that about?" Rae looks at him and sighs as she explains, "Hunters have looked for our kind for years. Even hunter hybrids have looked for us and we've been living in this isolated kingdom in Crystal lake because we feel like our kind is a threat to society."

Jason nods as Violet says softly, "I think our society is mostly the mortals and hybrids. But if you guys want to live in a society, I think the demon kingdoms are better for your family. No one can reach you or get to you if they have to go through Devil's Gate keepers and Soulsand Gate. We are the strongest within our cities." Lexi raised an eyebrow and asks, "Cities? You guys have multiple?" Violet nods, "Yes. Moonlight City, Skull City, Kragon Dynasty, Circle Nine and The biggest one where mostly our demons live is Jackelatern. That town is safer besides the Prisons near Moonlight and Skull City." Lily looks at Violet and says softly, "But we never bring up that town because Golden was almost banned from the Mayor because he almost blew up the fountains." Rae looks at them and asks, "Who's the mayor there? Is it some politician or some fancy king." Lily looks at Rae and says, "The Mayor is Tracie. But the Queen and King of it Insanity and Sanity. So Queen Sunshine and King Sorrow. We don't know why those are their names but we never really talk about that city but in times like theses, we have to ask for their help besides your kingdom. Rae nods and as she listens to them. Toya sighs and asks a question, "So what do we do about us if we are to watch the children while you guys help win this battle." Rae looks up and says, "Well we were told we could have you guys, the kids and Tatiana stay in the assassins sleeping corners so that way you will be safe and you won't have to be in the bunker. They want what's best for us." Jason smiles as he asks, "You have kids? How old are they?" Rae looks up and smiles as she replies, "Lexi and I both have one. Lilith is 18 and Zukol is 16. Lilith is Lexi's daughter and Zukol is my son. They are wonderful teens at this age." Jason smiles and says softly, "Yeah. I wish I had a child. Your hybrid kids do get their powers at 18 or 20?" Lexi says, "Mostly 18, Lilith got her powers but she's not ready for the fighting experience." Jason nods. Ember starts speaking as she adds a few things to the plan, "Also Lex and Rei were thinking about having some assassins join the army so we have enough soldiers with the alliance. Also I was thinking we be able to use our forms to fight." Lexi nods and says, "Yes that's allowed. We will agree to this alliance if your King is fine with this." Jason nods and says softly, "He will be accepted this. I'll let him know and I'll bring up to him about your plan. We will discuss the safety of your kingdom and family. So you had mentioned kids and your husbands. But also a friend who knows most of my keepers. What do you want them to do if you are not here? Cus I could have some guards here to watch the palace. I'll have to notify my guards around if you all need major protection over this place." Lexi looks at him and says, "I don't know if we want a bunch of guards here. It could scare our husbands or kids. But a few guards would be fine. Maybe a few we know besides new ones." Jason nods and says with a kind tone, "I'll make sure we have a few guards for you and yes I'll get guards you will know. Trust me, I am not letting you guys get scared with new guards. I wouldn't do that to you. But anyways, besides that, would you like the kids to ever learn combat?" Rae gulps and says softly, "Maybe but we would buy when they are a little bit older."

The keepers nod then stand up as they look at Rae and Lexi. Jason says softly, "We must go and let our king know about the alliance. We thank you for your time and appreciate the welcome." Lexi stood up and says as Rae gets up, "We thank you for stopping by. Please let us know what their plan is. He can contact us at anytime." Jason nods and says softly, "We'll let him know. I'm sure he'll be happy to hear from you." Rae nods and says softly, "Yeah. Thanks for letting us know. I hope your travel back will be safe." They all nod and starts walking out of the out of the living room and towards the entrance of the palace to leave. Lexi and Rae follow them and wave once the keepers hop on to their dragon. Violet waves and pets the dragon as she says, "Let's go! Keepers Awooo!" Lexi and Rae howl as they leave. Toya and Keigo just laugh as they hear them howling.

Jason just chuckles as they start flying into the air and howls starts. Zukol and Lilith run over to the balcony of the palace and waves as they howl a little bit. Soon after the keepers disappear, Lexi and Rae giggle as they walk back into the palace and sit down on the couch. Lex and Rei sit on the opposite side of them and were thinking. Rei sips some tea as he looks at them and says, "So will our plan work?" Lexi nods as she leans on Rae, as Toya and Keigo sit down with the girls. Rae says softly, "Hopefully, he'll accept our alliance. But I'm surprised they want us to help them fight." Rei nods and says, "I thinks it's the whole thing of, they need help and theses so called Emerald Twitches, they will get karma." Lex nods and says with a evil grin, "They will learn who they are messing with." Rei nods and sips his tea as Lexi nods.

Meanwhile as with the keepers heading back into Moonlight City, they notice a few things off. Violet looks around and gulps as she asks, "You think we have enemies here or is Moonie in the works of a demon army?" Jason scans around as he glances up at the city as he says, "It could be that or we could be going through that random cold blizzard again. It's freaky how we get those damn blizzards every five years." Lily yells as she sees a few figures standing over by the castle entrance, "Look over there! I've never seen certain figures wear robes like us and stand there. You think it's who we think it is!?" Jason looks down and glares as his eyes turn to a fire red as he says, "Let's hope they aren't intruders cus of they are, I'm killing every single one of them with no mercy! I bet Iceymoon would do the same if he didn't see those figures there. Snowflake! Land us down near the castle we need a closer look without being seen!" The keepers will soon realize it could be friends or certain enemies disguised as such. The dragon lands down by the gardens of the castle. They all jump down and crouch down behind a bush looking around to see if they can see anything. The shock of their discovery would be a surprise to others......

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