Interrogating The Enemy!

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As the Emerald Twitches, the four that was sent were waking up and seeing glowing red eyes and crooked smiles around them they knew they were screwed. They didn't know where they were at but it wasn't good because they heard more growling then ever. Iceymoon tilts his head and asks the question, "Who sent you and why the hell would you attack my shifters and assassins? Was it you're leader or someone else?" Alex sighs and looks at them as he says, "Taven and Tina. Our leaders." Iceymoon glares, "Why? You know you hurt one of my shifters and that's not right! So why did you do it?" Mavis groans as she moves and says, "We were told your assassins were here but we mistakes your shifters for assassins. One of them got in my way so I attacked her." Iceymoon growls and looks at Jason. Jason nods and says harshly, "You four, will be our prisoners and you're little leaders can't do anything about it." Mavis glares and says in a rude tone, "They will win this war they are starting and they have an army starting already. What do you guys have just your family. We will defeat you." Harley uses a power to choke hold her and says, "Don't be so sure missy! We have allies around and if you think other wise, I will break your neck and let your lover or friends watch you die for good. Got it?" She lets go of the choke hold and smiles softly. Mavis coughs and Iris yells, "You demons can't do this to us! We will win!" Iceymoon says growling, "Shut up! We have all the answers we need. Jason, put them in isolation cells. Each of them will need to feel how lonely it feels to have no mates next to them." Jason nods, "Yes sir. Lily, Violet and Golden you heard the King, let's separate the four and put in isolation cells." The three keepers nod and walks over with Jason taking each of the Emerald Twitches. Alex squirms as Violet grabs him and drags him to one of the isolation cell and throws him in and closes the steel door. Lily throws Empress in one cell and yells as she closes the steel door, "Enjoy the darkness!" Mavis and Iris were also thrown in isolation cells and watching the doors close behind them. Mavis bangs on the door and yells, "This isn't right! You demons will pay for this!!!" Jason growls and yells, "Try me witch! We aren't scared!" Iceymoon, Clover, Harley and Xus had went upstairs when they decided to take the Twitches to the isolation cells. The keepers would stay in the dungeon but away from the cells unless they brought food for them or just check if they were alright.

Jason walks down with Harley into the dungeon and enters one of the cages, where their immortal hydra lives. They called him Alkazar and he was the most dangerous hydra of the kingdom. Iceymoon never really used him but had warned the Emerald Twitches if nothing was done about their guards they would be Alkazar's lunch. Jason whistles and hears a growls along with a roar of danger. Jason chuckles and runs out of the cage yelling, "Alkazar! C'mere boy!" Harley watches and was ready to use her power if he got too close. So the chain breaks and Alkazar starts chases Jason. But he wasn't going to hurt him, he seems extremely excited to be out of his cage finally! Jason chuckles as he hears big thuds through the dungeons. Iris heard the thuds but starts getting scared not ready to die. The rest of the Twitches hear the thuds and growling thinking they kept a hydra under the castle. Iris was the only one who begins hallucinating as she sees Irro again. Her eyes widen as she had move towards him and hugs him tightly. But after hearing a growl and yelling she seen the face some demonic being. As she seen it she screams and runs into the steel door knocking herself out. Mavis stop thinking and heard a scream and a thud then another and another until she realizes they could be hallucinating and she can't do it cus her mind wasn't in fear. She kept quiet as she hears Jason yell, "Hey Harley. Grab the chains! We gotta take Alkazar to the killing area. We'll get him ready so the Emerald Twitches can see who's going to be his meal." Harley grabs the chains and yells as she runs to him, "Yes! Alkazar is really hungry, aren't you boy! Hehe." Alkazar does this whole whimper and growls as they lead him to the killing chambers. Mavis was so shocked that she gulps as she heard what they said but sighs saying, "Taven will probably sacrifice Winston if I die. Leader, you better find a way." Well she knows that they will be done if nobody is coming to save them. Which is sad because Taven has said he has their backs but acts selfish when it comes to danger and would do anything to have his guards killed but then again was the type of guy to kill his own kind not his guards.

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