Jasper was right. Rosalie had nothing else to throw in Serafina's face. She was perfect, at least to and for her. But she was mad that Sera kept secrets. This was usually how she showed her she was angry. It was like a code to Sera that she was mad. Although she would always forgive her quickly, they would still discuss the issue in depth at a later time. Rosalie stopped her hand from being limp and grabbed Sera's hand back in acknowledgment.

Serafina sighed in relief. She knew she was in trouble for the secret bet, but at least her mate was willing to forgive her now, "I'll be on standby if need be. I'll leave no evidence if he kills her. And I'll also be sure to time it when we all have alibis."

"I don't think it will be necessary. I think Edward will be able to control himself. We should have faith in his willpower," Carlisle said.

"We should try to be supportive! This might be his mate," Esme added excitedly.

"She's human," Rosalie scoffed.

"And we keep saying maybe," Emmett said, "Isn't that weird? Shouldn't it be a for sure thing?"

"Perhaps it's a 'maybe' because she's human? The bond isn't able to shine through like it would should they both be vampires?" Jasper surmised.

"That has to be it!" Alice said gratefully.

"There are rules for a reason," Rosalie argued, "If she finds out what we are, that's breaking the rule. What if she tells people? They'll come with their pitchforks and torches to smoke out the monsters. But that's nothing. Because what can a human do to us? No, what will happen is the Volturi will come for us. Maybe they'll forgive us, but they will not forgive Sera. This is bad!" Rosalie was furious. They were treating this too lightly.

Serafina felt bad. She knew Rosalie was worried about herself. She herself wasn't that worried about their situation. She didn't think the human would be a problem. Chief Swan was right. She was socially awkward. She didn't think she actually had friends aside from the superficial ones she could occasionally be seen with around school. She didn't think she told them much of anything, though.

"Maybe we should just kill her?" Emmett hesitatingly asked the room.

"It is the safest option. If you don't feel comfortable, I could take care of it. Or Serafina," Jasper offered.

"No! You'll see! I'm right!" Alice interrupted.

"Let's wait and see," Carlisle finalized everything with that statement. He dismissed the group while he and Esme sat in the living room to continue discussing things.

Rosalie pulled Serafina to their tree house to review what she had managed to get everyone to forget in the meeting. The bet. She wanted to know how long they had been keeping the secret. Serafina answered all of her questions. Rosalie found she couldn't be mad because Alice had minimalized the possible outcomes and swore her to secrecy. Alice was in trouble, though. Rosalie would punish her later.

The teens went to school like normal. They were curious about the new girl but didn't make it too obvious when eyeing her. But they couldn't help themselves when seeing her in the cafeteria, looking at their family. They couldn't help gossiping about her as she had done about them before.

"She looks more relieved that he's not here. She doesn't look like she misses him or anything," Serafina said.

"But she still looks! She obviously feels something for him, too!" Alice said.

"I do feel a bit of relief but a slight tinge of longing and confusion," Jasper commented.

"I hate her," Rosalie glared at her tray, "but I hate Edward too." She added.

"You hate most people and things," Emmett muttered.

"I also hate Edward," Serafina smirked. She had said it so happily, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. The others couldn't help their giggling at her comment. This was how most of their days passed, the group judging and gossiping about the human that may get them all killed.

That Sunday morning, Alice suddenly froze in the middle of the living room. Jasper felt her happiness and commented as much so the other family members quickly showed up in the living room to hear what she had seen.

"He's coming back soon!" she said happily.

Esme clasped her hands together over her heart and smiled in relief. She expressed her happiness to the others and quickly sped off to call Carlisle to tell him the good news. Emmett offered a high-five to Jasper, who only complied out of pity. But Alice happily gave him a high-five, too. Rosalie and Serafina both stood with blank faces at the news.

"You know you missed him! Don't even lie! Jazz?" Alice turned to Jasper.

"There was a bit of happiness. But now I sense annoyance, anticipation, and a bit of malicious joy," Jasper said suspiciously while looking at the two women.

At the news of malicious joy, they all simultaneously looked at Serafina. Rosalie included as she smiled lovingly at her mean-spirited mate. The corner of Serafina's mouth quirked up, but she quickly hid it.

"Be nice," Esme warned from upstairs before continuing her discussion with Carlisle over the phone.

Only a few hours later, Edward was home. They all greeted him in their different ways, an excited hug from Esme and Alice. Esme then left the room to notify Carlisle. Then the boys did those strange male hugs, where they didn't want to appear as though they were hugging, so they gripped their arms between themselves like a barrier. Serafina remembered suddenly that it might have been called a 'bro hug'. Rosalie was next, and she gave him a quick hug and shoved him away immediately after. Serafina whispered, 'afraid of a teenage girl' under her breath, only loud enough for those in the room to hear as she approached. They all giggled at Edward's frown at her words. And when she hugged him, she whispered 'bitch' in his ear at that same volume just before she pulled away. She thought she was slick about it, but then she saw Edward's glare quickly turn into a mocking smile. Serafina frowned at his reaction. But he promptly looked past her shoulder behind Serafina's back. Serafina paled; if possible, she tried to run but felt that grip on her ear.

She hunched as she leaned toward the hand that was pulling her backward. She turned and saw her mother with that face that let her know she was in trouble. "What punishment do you want? We can wash your mouth out with soap, or you can help me for a week as my assistant for work. No pay." Esme reprimanded.

Serafina regretted what she said immediately. Not calling him a bitch. She meant that. She regretted not waiting until the next day when they were either on their way to school or at school already. She chose the soap to get it over with, much to the joy of the others who snickered at her for her choice. Esme wasn't serious about that option. Serafina knew. Esme narrowed her eyes at her and sent her to her room as a punishment. Serafina shrugged as she went upstairs to her room. She glanced over at Rosalie, giving her a wink and grin.

Rosalie understood and was about to follow when a hand grabbed hers and pulled her back, "As punishment, I think no Rosalie tonight." Esme smiled. Serafina's face dropped as Rosalie shrugged exaggeratedly to her girlfriend.

Serafina groaned loudly, "Amá no."

"Upstairs!" Esme continued.

"Damn, Ma got you good!" Emmett laughed. He always loved when someone else was being punished instead of him. The others chuckled with him while trying not to let Serafina know.

Serafina stomped her way upstairs, "Shut up, Emmett!" she yelled.

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