7장 || Fragile Dreams

Start from the beginning

Gazing at the rice paper windows nearby, I felt a familiar sting in my eyes. Chiding myself, I whispered, "You can't let the past pull tears from you every time." I was about to rise when an unexpected sound diverted my attention.

I found my fingers instinctively caressing the locket, even as Lady Jinsun, made her way towards me. The shimmer of her attire caught the dim palace light, making her seem almost ethereal.

"Neeria," she began, the silkiness of her voice belied by the sternness in her eyes. "I find myself in need of your assistance."

Taken aback, I responded, "Lady Jinsun, how may I serve you?"

She paused for a moment, looking around as if ensuring no one was within earshot. "It appears that most of the attendants are preoccupied at the moment. I would not have disturbed you during your brief rest, but it seems the circumstances demand it." She leaned in closer, lowering her voice. "The Crown Prince desires tea in his quarters. It's of utmost importance that it be delivered promptly and without any mishap. Can I entrust this task to you?"

I was tempted to suggest she appoint me as the official tea bearer, given how often I seemed to be the chosen one. The pattern felt almost deliberate. Nevertheless, her genuine demeanor melted any rising irritation, prompting a smile from me.

With a slight bow, I replied, "Of course, my lady. It will be done."

Lady Jinsun's gaze softened a touch, a small smile forming on her lips. "Thank you, Neeria. I knew I could count on you."

As I made my way to the prince's quarters ...the unmistakable figure of Lady Minyoung caught my eye. I saw her afar, engaged in a whispered conversation with an unfamiliar courtier. Memories of past encounters prompted me to quickly avert my gaze and focus on my journey.

Upon entering the prince's quarters, the grandeur of the room was always a sight to behold, yet the expected presence of attendants or guards was oddly missing. The room was bathed in a serene silence, broken only by the soft rustling of scrolls and papers.

I gently placed the tea set on the intricately carved table in the library, the steam from the brew dancing upwards, catching the afternoon light.

Curiosity began as I found myself wandering around, fingers tracing the spines of well-worn books, wondering what tales or knowledge might have captivated the Crown Prince's interest.

However, before I could delve deeper into my thought, the distant, muffled sound of approaching footsteps and raised voices reached my ears.

Panic and instinct took over; I swiftly hid behind one of the tall wooden bookshelves, hoping to remain unnoticed.

The arguments grew louder, the urgency in the voices unmistakable. Suddenly, a strong grip encircled my arm. These weren't just any arms; they were sinewy and warm, their strength evident yet oddly comforting. The hands pulled me firmly yet gently into a deeper shadow, pressing my back against a firm chest. I could feel the steady rhythm of a heartbeat against me.

Before I could react, his other hand swiftly rose to cover my mouth, muffling any inadvertent sound I might make. I looked up, eyes wide with surprise and alarm, to meet a gaze that held caution. Those eyes, deep and intense, held mine for a fleeting moment, his fingers gesturing over his lips in a silent plea for silence.

From behind the shelves, the muffled conversation continued, the voices unfamiliar and hushed, making them hard to discern.

"Where is he?" asked one voice, sounding slightly impatient.

"He was out in the garden walking," the other replied, with an evident edge of nervousness. "You shouldn't be here. If anyone sees you speaking to me—"

Veil of the Dusken Rose - #ambw  (18+)Where stories live. Discover now