Chapter 33 - Corpse

Start from the beginning

       Rose was taking cover behind a stack of wood and gestured for his people to move up once more. They had the upper hand in the fight and he wanted to keep it that way. This power balance however caused the remaining Red Dogs to know when their time was up. Out of the 10 that were present, only 5 were left. Including Tripp.

       The biker tsked to himself and ordered a retreat. They had four of the Satellite members already. That was $4,000. They can come back for the rest later.

"Keep on them! Don't let them get away!" Rose commanded as some of his soldiers went after the bikers.

       Rose got up himself and marched over to where he last saw Tripp. His rifle was raised as he rounded the truck but a quick blast into his arm sent him knocked back. He felt an intense sting but ignored it and quickly grabbed Tripp's arms and sent a flying fist into the back of the biker's elbow.

       A satisfying crack filled the air. The biker screamed in pain.

       As Rose incapacitated the Red Dog, Drake breathed heavily as he lowered his gun and put his sights back down on the nurse. He leaned her against the porch and watched as her head dropped as drops of blood fell onto her jacket.

"She alright?" Cheng asked and looked at the nurse carefully. They weren't there to see her come back to life before. They weren't sure what to expect.

"It's just like Wes said. She's fi-" Drake muttered but was stopped as a fist came barely into his face.

"YOU FUCKER-" Kelly yelled in rage and tackled Drake to the ground.

       Furious tears filled his eyes as he attacked Drake for letting (Y/N). Encouraging it even.

"I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" He gripped the collar of Drake's shirt and sent another punch toward him that the sergeant blocked with his arm. "Get the fuck off me!"

        Cheng came to her teammate's aid and wrenched her arms around Kelly's neck and yanked him back. He fought back against her but she tightened her grip as she held him in a sleeper hold.

"Calm down. Calm down." She spoke as Kelly struggled to breathe.

       He pounded his fist against her arms but began to feel lightheaded as his face went pale from lack of oxygen.

"That's it..." Cheng whispered and lowered Kelly to the ground once he was unconscious. She got him off of Drake who was developing a bruise on his cheek and the cut in his lip starting to bleed.

      Drake groaned at the soreness he felt on his face. He had to give it to Kelly. He knew how to punch.

       But that didn't matter. He steadily got back to his feet and looked down at the unconscious man before settling his eyes back onto (Y/N).

       She wasn't breathing nor was her heart beating when he moved to feel her pulse. It was starting to worry him.

"Let me go!" An aggravated voice yelled.

       Both Cheng and Drake looked over to see Rose dragging the Red Dog over to them. The captain kept the biker's arms held behind him and forced him to walk with his injured leg.

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