Chapter 32 - Hostage

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"You can't let what one person did speak for the rest!" Wes agreed that it was a mistake to let their guards down around Jonathan, but Jonathan was one person who conned scared people into joining him. "If we turned away everyone we came across, we would've never found (Y/N)."

       Drake knew where he was going with this and scoffed in response.

"And, if I'm being honest. I think she's a good influence on you."

'What..?' Drake paused for a second. The nurse? The infected stubborn woman? The same woman who refers to him as an asshole instead of his own name?

"Now you're fucking with me, Wes." Drake chuckled in immense disbelief.

"I'm being completely serious." The scientist exclaimed. "You've been more... honestly don't know how to say it. But you've just been more attentive to her lately. You aren't as much of an ass as you were before."

       Maybe getting shot in the leg made his best friend slightly delirious? But Drake feels he hasn't changed at all.

"All I'm saying is, we shouldn't just disregard everyone or we wouldn't have (Y/N) who's our best chance at fixing things." Wes returned back to his original point.

"If Satellite doesn't fuck that up too." Drake grunted and looked away. He was starting to see Wes' point but he was too stubborn to admit it.

"You trusted them before." Wes spoke as he watched his friend carefully.

      But instead of replying, the sergeant didn't. His thoughts returned to the nurse's earlier words once more and the memories that followed them.

'What if it was your family?'

        His trust in Satellite is why he didn't have a family to worry about anymore. Not after what he did.

"I trusted them when I shouldn't have..." His stern tone began to drop and replaced by a more distant and quiet one.

       Wes placed a comforting hand on Drake's shoulder. "You did what you thought was right. That's all anyone could do anymore."

       He trusted someone and it cost his family leaving him. It caused the last moments of someone so important to him to be all for nothing in the end. He hasn't been so trusting of others since then.

      While he was right not to allow his team's guard down around every person they meet, it could lead to them missing out on someone so important.

       Like (Y/N).

       He didn't trust her at first. For all he knew, she was just a fiend waiting to pop. But he can admit that he has lowered his guard down around her lately.

      From when she saved his ass back at the gun store, to getting a glimpse into her personal problems, and then finding her breaking down in the forest. 

      He has been less of a jerk to her lately. More than he wanted to admit...

"Where is she, anyway?" Wes looked around for the nurse, wondering why she wasn't glued to his hip right now as his rules suggested.

"We kind of got into it again." Drake turned to see the 'really?' look in Wes' eyes.

      Wes shook his head a tiredly leaned back against the couch. "Dude, you suck with women."


      Both men jumped up at the sounds of gunshots outside. Wes moved his leg too fast and winced at the sore pain that followed. Drake got up and moved to the front windows in a hurry just as Rose came rushing in with Rockman not too far behind. "What was that?"

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