"But Professor..."

"I'm not asking. It will do you good."

The bullies left without complaint. But before they were out the door Nick added.

"And I'll see you in the morning before your first period to chat with you." That didn't seem funny to them anymore, they just left without another word.

The brown boy almost ran off without another word but Nick recognized that scared look as if it was yesterday.

"Miles give me a second. In my office please."

They both moved to sit down and Nick felt strange to be in Coach Sinhg's place when they had had a similar talk so long ago.

"I don't mean to pry Miles, but you didn't seem to be having fun with them."

He didn't say anything, just stared at the floor lost.

"I want you to have the confidence to tell me anything. No one has the right to make you feel bad or bother you for any reason. Neither in my team nor in my class is that kind of treatment allowed."

"Thanks coach...I'm not in trouble?" Nick smiled. He was so shy. The color was returning to his face.

"Of course not, may I know what was going on?."

"I'm not sure. I think they wanted to intimidate me because..." fear, fear in his eyes, fear in his whole being. "I recently started... spending a lot of time with one of their friends."

"I think we all have the right to relate to whomever we want. Your friendship is no one else's business." Nick understood what was happening, he had lived that same story firsthand, and he wanted to be for Miles what Singh was for him.

"I don't think it's our...friendship...that bothers them."

"All the more reason, you have every right to spend time together without anyone bothering you. Your private life is no one's business. Sorry if I'm assuming Miles but we have zero tolerance policies for bullying and it's our duty as a school to protect you."

"Thanks coach...it's not easy being with my boyfriend and playing rugby at the same time." Miles was surprised to say it, and immediately felt embarrassed. "Please don't say anything."

"Of course not. I won't say anything Miles. I'll just tell you a little story and you can go home. Did you see a boy with black curls and blue eyes in the bleachers?"

"The one with the tall one with the funny hair who only wore black and the one holding a book?"


"I've seen him play at the queer center in town. Charlie. It's amazing, he was on Trhuman."

The center was working. Nick almost had to hold back tears because of the pride he had for his friends. The center was a safe space for everyone.

"Him, exactly. Well he and I met the same way you and your boyfriend did, a thousand years ago on the Rugby team. I was captain and I invited him to play because I saw he ran so fast..." Nick hesitated, but he saw so much hope in Miles' face that he couldn't stop. "We've been in love ever since." Miles got excited, and smiled broadly. "I understand that school is hard, and that gossip and guys like those two can make our lives hell. But there are also people who will love us, a lot, and make us feel safe. Look for those people. Take care of each other, it will get better, I swear."

"Thank you very much professor. I had no idea. I feel... much safer now with you here."

"That's my job Miles. Go Home. See you at training. Tell..."

Heart Attack (a HeartStopper story)Where stories live. Discover now