"Blossom is a ginger, though," Serafina said while holding the dress to Rosalie's body. Rosalie struck a pose as she winked at Serafina.

"I have a solution for that!" Alice said. She turned around and opened a drawer in her closet. She pulled out a box and showed her, "boo-yah!" she said excitedly.

The two eyed the hair dye suspiciously, "I don't know, I don't want to mess with my hair too much," Rosalie said while playing with her hair subconsciously.

"And I don't think the kids say boo-yah anymore," Serafina muttered, accepting the box from Alice and holding it for her and Rosalie to read.

The two were reading the box as Alice explained, "I saw this on the television! It's a very highly talked about hair dye. Temporary. It'll wash out within a month. It's not going to damage your hair," she hesitated as she thought for a moment, "Wait, wouldn't your hair heal anyways?" she asked with her hands on her hips as she eyed the two women.

"So?" they grinned, already knowing it would. They didn't have a problem with hair dye. It didn't damage their hair and would wash out eventually. They already knew. The two secretly dyed Kate's hair as a test when they stayed with the Denali. They snuck it in her shampoo and conditioner. Just enough to color the hair but not enough to be detectable by scent. It was also a better quality hair dye, so even that little bit was enough to dye her hair a honey brown and didn't wash out for several months. But her hair was just as healthy, shiny, and beautiful while dyed, and after, it reverted to her usual blond. So they knew it would be fine. Kate was furious but forgave them when her hair returned to normal.

"We're just trying to see if it's at least a believable red," Rosalie grinned.

"What do you mean a believable red? Everyone knows you're blond! No one would think you're a natural redhead!" Alice scoffed. The two women only laughed. But they agreed to the group costume. Rosalie decided to dye her hair a week before Halloween to ensure the correct color. Alice already had a wig ready to go. They suspected Carlisle would probably be working on Halloween, so they figured they would ask Esme to be their Professor. Costume details buttoned up. They continued about their month of October.

Esme gathered everyone in the living room as a family the second week of October. Her excitement was evident. They didn't know why. She might have been more excited than Emmett or Alice. They didn't know what to make of it. But they were eager to find out. Even Carlisle was there for this news. So, it had to be significant.

"I was going grocery shopping," she began.

Emmett immediately stood, "You want us to run the groceries to the next town over as donations?" he asked, stretching as though it would make a difference.

Edward elbowed him, "Shut up, that's not it. Do you think she'd be this excited just to donate to the needy?" he asked.

"Yes," Alice nodded.

"Well, yeah. But that's not it this time," Edward hushed her. He then looked at his mother, allowing Esme to continue.

"We are going to run them over to donate later, yes," she smiled at Emmett, "But I also saw this!" she pulled a handful of fliers from behind her back and began to pass them out to the family, "Look! This town of Forks has a small Halloween festival every year in the park, and they have costume contests! Single and group! Things like the most scary, most cute, most sexy, things like that! Let's do a family costume!" she said excitedly.

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