Im everything they said I would be - Mila's POV

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I could see Lando and Charles talking as they collected Charles bags, neither of them taking their eyes off of me. I knew I didn't have to worry about what they were saying as I knew Lando, wouldn't tell him, but even though that gave me peace of mind the anguish in which I could see on Charles face made my stomach churn.

I have done this to him, in just 5 minutes the eyes that once looked at me full of love were now full of pain and uncertainty. The boys were silent as they entered the car, Lando got into the drivers seat and to my surprise Charles joined me in the back, leaving the seat up front vacant. After how I acted I thought he would've chosen to sit there with Lando but no he still chose me...

As Lando started the car, Charles shifted closer to me our arms now touching. He delicately placed his hand on my thigh and his head on my shoulder. At first I didn't move, not wanting to disturb him, but as soon as his eyes closed I rested my body on his, leaning in to his warm touch. The one that I have craved since the moment he left my side. Words could not describe how much I loved this boy, before I knew it tears were escaping my eyes, I tried to gently wipe them away to not alert either of the men in the car, however they didn't go unnoticed.

"Bella, What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Lando says in a whisper his eyes switching between me and the road.

"Nothing Lando, I'm fine, I'm just happy my boys home." I say a sob now escaping me. My sudden movement and cries now waking Charles.

"Mini, mon amour... Why do you cry?" His tired voice questions me.

"Im not, please go back to sleep my love you must be exhausted."

"Mila" I hear Lando say in stern voice. Me and Charles both look at him in confusion.

"La..." but before I get to finish, Lando speaks up again.

"Mila you can't hide this time. Just be honest with him..." Landos words made Charles avert his gaze from him to myself. I knew he was right, I just don't know what to do anymore.

"Cheri, please don't hide your feelings from me. Whatever you feel I am here for you even if you tell me you don't love me anymore, I will be here." Charles words cut deeper than a knife, if only that was the reason I was crying.

"Mon Ange, I love you more than I love myself. Im just scared of losing you... I know how I acted back there and it wasn't right and it wasn't fair on you, I'm crying because I'm ashamed of myself and I'm crying because I've realised how much I don't deserve you."

I feel the car stop suddenly. My body jotting with the abrupt motion. Lando's face looks shocked, as does Charles. He's stopped at the side of the mountain, the view of nice below us.

"You guys have 5 minutes before I get scared of the dark, please talk and please don't have sex in my car." Lando says before leaving and heading to the bench in front of us. The headlights shining on him.

"Mila Bella Leclerc, if there's one thing that you are its perfect, and more specially perfect for me. Couples have their ups and downs, and if this a down I want to help you get back up, I promise you now there will never be anyone else for me no matter what it'll always be you."

I was taken back by his words, my mind eased at his words and he gave me hope that we are going to be ok. I couldn't gather the right words to say to him, I communicate the only way I know how to in this moment. I cup his face and feel his stubble as I brush my fingers along his jaw. I place a delicate kiss on his lips, I've missed this... I've missed him.

"I love you Cha, Forever and Always I will love you."

Now without responding, he pulls my face back to his and deepens the kiss, I feel his tongue part my lips, begging for entry and I let him. I feel his body push against mine, craving me, wanting to feel every inch of my body. It was just me and him in this moment, no one else, just pure passion and love. So we thought, we got so consumed within the taste of each other we forgot about Lando who was just sat on the bench a meter in front of us.

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