I cant save us my atlantis

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The car ride to my garage was silent. I could hear Seb asking me questions but my mind and body were frozen trying to process everything that just happened. I don't blame Charles for hitting me, I could see why he did I'm the cheating wife how went with his close friend. I deserved it really. I was the one who begged lando to crawl into my sheets. Imagine if he found out the whole truth, what would he had done? Would I go back to him after everything? Yes.

I can picture the look on each of their faces, the moment apart of them all broke. Seeing their friend be so violent to someone he loved. If I ever get the chance I need to tell them he didn't mean it. That he did love me, that he's never hurt me before... maybe lying is the best way, then I can have my love back in my arms. He survived 10 years by lying why did all the truth have to come out now.

Landos word we're etched in to my brain 'I love you.' A part of me wanted to run into his arms and tell him how much I loved him too. This is all my fault for falling in love with two people because as much as I love Charles, lando always had a piece of my heart. It would skip every time he entered a room or was close to me. I deserve everything that's coming my way.

I could feel the breeze of the passager door opening, Seb's gentle hands pulling me out of the car to help me. The last time I had seen Seb I was 10 years old, he came to see me race with my father. He was the kindest soul I had ever crossed paths with, he would teach me about the world outside of racing, he made me appreciate the little things and the beauty within everything.

"Is this it Mila?" He says pointing at the red door.

I just nod.

As he turns on the light switch I see my beautiful car in the centre of the room.

"A Ferrari ?" Seb asked confused his hands tracing over the car, looking at every detail. "Is it yours? How? I mean these cars are like gold dust, how did you get one?" His eyes beaming at the beautiful car in front of him.

"It was a gift." These were the first words I had spoken since bumping into him into the streets. I could see his body jolt at the sound of my voice, my unexpected reply.

"May I ask who from? "

"My husband..." I answer almost in a whisper.

"Your husband!" I could almost hear him choke as he replied.

"Is this who has done this to your beautiful face, who is it Mila? Who did all of this?"

"I can't tell you Seb, unless you promise me not to hate him after..."

"So I know him?"

"Yes, you mentored him..."

"Charles? Charles did this to you?! That explains Monaco and the Ferrari but why? Why would he hit you? Mila that's not like him. "

"I know it's not Seb, I kissed Lando and he just got angry it wasn't his fault. If anything it was mine I should never have kissed his friend."

"And this is how you've been close to your father? Why haven't you told him? Mila he was just telling me how he thought he found you! Does Charles know? That boy was so smitten by you when you were just a girl... as was lando..."

"No, No. No one knows only lando, he figured it out recently, but no one can know Seb. My mother signed an agreement that I can't reveal who I truly am and as far as father is aware I said some awful things to him recently to keep him away."

"Oh Mila" Seb says running to hug me. I just break down in tears. I feel his hand, gently stroke my hair as I stay in his embrace. "I can't believe you've been through all of this alone... and your mother is she near? I can help you get away from her."

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