Where I left my lover

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   Not proof read, will correct it shortly but enjoy

Mila POV

After hearing the commotion. I jumped of the nurses bed and headed straight to the door. She tried to stop me but she had seen how nervous I was about the situation happening outside.

As I opened the door I seen Charles walking to Ferrari. This was a good thing I couldn't handle his rage right now. I turn my head to the side to see my father and best friend talking.

"I think Mila could be..." I hear Lando begin to say. I can't handle this right now, I can't let him finish that sentence. I ran straight into his arms. My arms wrapped tightly around his waist.

He stops talking. Slowly I feel his hands once again on my body. Oh the way they burned into my skin. His touch was becoming addicting, his scent filled my nose. He was becoming addicting. I could stay like this with him forever. It's where I felt the most safe.

Once I realised how long I held on to the boy. I had took a step back, I seen my father walking away. This hurt so much, to see him leaving. It's the way he must've felt when I left.

At least I hoped.

My thoughts got interrupted by Lando asking me if 'I was ok?'. I just nod a thin smile on my lips.

He examines my face and see that the wound has stopped bleeding, a nasty shade of purple and red now growing from the spot. His eyes sadden at the sight.

"I promise I'm ok Lan, thank you so much for helping me again." This was becoming too much of a common occurrence. I must be such a burden to this boy.

My eyes began to water at this thought. My lip trembling. I try to hide my face from him but nothing worked. He slowly took my chin in his hands and turned my face to look at him.

"Bella I would never let anything bad ever happen to you. Please tell me what's wrong. I hate to see you sad." The brits words struck me hard. The tears escaped my eyes as they looked directly into his.

"I'm so sorry Lan, for everything. You're always there to pick up my pieces when everything around me falls apart. We've only known each other for a week and yet I'm your biggest burden." He pulls me back into a hug.

He was my safe place.

"Im just so sorry that my friendships comes with such a heavy price. I understand if you don't want to be friends with me anymore. It's all, it's all just too much and I get that." I plead to him my sobs now filling his chest. My tears soaking his fireproofs.

God why does this feel like I'm trying to push away the best thing I have.

He gently strokes my hair, avoiding the gash that now resides on the front of my face. "Bella, please listen to me when I say this. You will never, ever be a burden to me. Your friendship has brought so much light and warmth into my life and that's just in one week." He pauses.

"Imagine what a lifetime would bring, the joy you hold is magnetic. Your presence alone outweighs any negatives that follow. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't stay away from you..." he says truthfully placing a kiss on the top of my head.

I pull away. Drying my eyes, looking at the wet stain now embedded on his chest. I look up catching his blue eyes staring right at me. "Thank you." Is all I managed to say. Those words were enough. His look of worry and sadness was replaced with a bright smile and pink cheeks.

We understood each other on such a deep level.

His words made me realise that no matter what, we would always be drawn to each other. Like a moth to a flame. Our story's were destined to be intertwined. We just had to figure out how.

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