Fell so deeply into it, it was all so innocent - Mila POV

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This chapter is nearly 4500 words long, I've not had Tim to proof read but have been working on hard on getting this out for you guys enjoy... the next two chapters will feature Landos POV of this all and Charles too.

3 Days Later...

I'm back in Monaco, Charles is by my side. As soon as the GP was over we had decided to fly straight back, it was the only opportunity we had to be a couple without the limelight. After the incident on Saturday, Charles never left my side.

At the hotel and at the track he always made me his number one priority. From the McLaren security, the news about Alex and the way Lando had treated me, he knew I hadn't of had the best experiences. I think that's why he suggested we fly back to our home as soon as his duties were done. I was so thankful for his efforts.

So here we are in Monaco, laying on the couch and watching Cars. Since being back Charles has been my knight in shinning armour, he has given the me an official tour of the apartment and Monaco. Showing me all of his favourite spots of the principality, his boat and introduced me to some of his friend. They were all so lovely.

Tonight I was meeting Charles family for the first time, we were heading to pascales at 7pm for dinner. Charles had told me that they were all so excited to meet me, I asked Charles to tell them the truth of our relationship and how it all started. I wanted to be as natural and as truthful as I could be to my in-laws. At first he was shocked at my request and but then he was very grateful that I asked. Once he had thought it over he knew it was the right call, it meant that he didn't have to keep up an act or lie more to his family.

"Mila" Charles softley spoke.

"hmm hmm" I replied not wanting to take my eyes of the movie.

"Is everything ok? You seemed a bit zoned out." He asks shifting his body weight from under me to now face me.

"sorry I must've got lost in my thoughts, i'm getting nervous about meeting your family." I say making eye contact with the beautiful man before me.

He places a kiss on my lips. "They're going to love you, I promise you. you're the first girl ive ever introduced to them. They know you're special." He says smiling his face just inches away from mine. I stare into his eyes for a moment before kissing him, he deepens the kiss, shifting his body weight even more so now that he was on top of me. it was moments like this when I felt myself falling even more for Charles. It was when we were the most vulnerable, this is when we both felt in control, no Ferrari, no contract just us, just two souls intertwining.

I flip Charles under me wanting to take control, he giggles at my attempt but helps me understanding my need for him. Things slowly start to intensify, kisses deepening and clothes being removed. Suddenly there's a knock at the door, as neither of us was expecting anyone we both looked at each other confused. We resume kissing thinking that the person outside must've mistaken our door for our neighbour.

A second knock. I tell Charles I will go to the door, my clothes were easy to put on and with not knowing who it was I wanted to keep him and his privacy safe. I crack the door open to see two people standing there, a boy and a girl.

"Hello" I say shyly confused at who the two people were before me.

Our building was heavily guarded, due to its residences so they must've been cleared by security.

"Hey, we are so sorry for knocking." The girl says a strong British accent.

"Our friend is moving across the hall in a few days, and we're making a video decorating and getting hi... their apartment ready. We were just wondering if you had an extension lead we could borrow. Ria had bought one but she brought a UK one..." the guy standing next to her now says, also boasting a strong British accent.

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