With the courage to unlearn all of their hatred?

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Mila POV

It's the day of the ball, I'm so nervous for tonight. For the past week Charles has been deep in his thoughts, there's something going on inside his mind. I'm scared I've done something to push him away. Even with his constant reassurance and attention, I feel as if it is all my fault.

I couldn't help but push myself away from him, I felt awful for it as he hasn't done anything wrong, but my fear that I hurt him consumed me and I did the only thing I knew how. I ran.

I have been spending most of my time in a garage Charles had bought for me. As soon as got back into Monaco, he surprised me with it. His reasoning being just like my room he wanted to give me another space in which I felt free that was just my own and it was perfect. He knew me so well.

Lando had his fiat jolly sent to my new garage, how he found out the location I don't know, we still haven't spoken. My only guess being Charles. The pair of them speaking a lot over the past few days.

I dropped him a text saying that it will be ready to collect at 1pm today. No response. Will he come?

It's now 12:45pm and the car is completely finished. It was finished yesterday, however I had some last minute upgrades to install to make it perfect. The next 15 minutes felt like hours, there wasn't any sign of a single person, let alone Lando.

"Amour" I hear creeping from behind the door.

"Charles?!" I say as he walks closer. I run into his arms. God I'm glad he's here. I've missed him. Due to not fault but my own, I haven't really seen him. Him showing up here now was perfect. I needed to see him. I didn't realise fully how much I missed him until this moment. I couldn't stop kissing him, I never wanted to let him go.

His body synced with mine, neither of us letting the other go. He missed me as much as I did him. I was just so sorry that I let myself do this to us.

"I'm so sorry charles" i say in between kisses.

"What for?" He says pulling away from me, analysing my face.

"For being so distant, I just thought you needed a break from me, so I ran, I ran away everyday to here. " I say welling up as I stare into his beautiful eyes.

"Cheri, the whole reason I got you this place was so that you could escape, whenever you needed too... you haven't been distant. You've just been busy and that's ok. I trust and love you so much."
Charles says, his words healing all the negative thoughts that have consumed me.

"Thank you, I love you too. I finished the car" I say turning my body away from him guiding him to wear the fiat jolly sat.

"God, you are an amazing woman, when I first seen this it was beaten trash. Now it's perfect. He's going to love it." Charles says, brushing his fingers over the bonnet of the car.

"I hope so... he was meant to come and collect it a few minutes ago but he hasn't even replied to my text." I say now looking down, disappointed in Lando. I know we haven't spoken properly in months, but I thought doing him this favour would at least make him acknowledge my existence again.

I begin to cry. I don't know why but all the emotions have just caught up to me at once. Charles noticed immediately and holds me, I bury my head into his chest and he stroked my hair. Planting delicate kisses on the top of my head. "I'm sorry Charles"

"You need to stop apologising mon ange, we're all allowed to feel things." He says, his head resting on mine.

"I know, but to cry in front of you about Lando, it's just not fair. You're my husband" I say crying even more. Feeling guilty that I'm even putting Charles through this.

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