Someones dies or someone gets hurt

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Lando POV:

There she lay, her brown hair delicately falling over her freckled cheeks. Her lips plump and full of colour, god her beauty was undeniable. I keep looking over the photos she has dotted all over her room, analysing every inch of the old Mila to the one who lay next to me. She has one of here and Toto in France 2012, I remember this day well, Mila and I were just 12 years old, she had won her first race against us boys... Toto he was so proud. He lifted her up on his shoulders as they danced and sung around the paddock, all of us in awe of the father and daughter duo.

Charles was there too he was a few years older than us but even then him and Mila and him were drawn to eachother, their eyes glistened and their cheeks grew red, when each of them looked in the others direction. Toto was weary of this and kept the two apart scared his daughter was at an age to be distracted, to be lead a stray. Charles always has been a handsome man, I could see why he would fear their union. If only they both knew now, Charles had got the girl he had always dreamed off, both as a girl and the woman he met only those months ago and for Toto just maybe if he had let his daughter fall for the monagasque naturally as they both craved, that she would've always felt love and not pain.

I knew Mila had loved me as a boy too. Just like it is now, it was different to the love she held for Charles. I was always who the girl would run too, the one she would tell all of her secrets too, the person who made her feel like she was at home. Maybe that's why we clicked so easily this time around too. We simply picked up where we left off. Some would say that we were soulmates, maybe not in the way of love but our paths were always destined to be together, I believed them and I think she would too.

This time was different though, I fell in love with a stranger. A random girl who bumped into my friend and I, a ghost of a girl I once knew. Where do I go from here? I thought learning the truth would free Mila, instead ive just positioned a target on her back. She truly Charles, I can see it. I can see the smile form on her lips whenever his name is mentioned, the way he cheeks grow rosey by the sound of his voice, the glisten her eyes shone whenever she lays them upon him. They were meant to be, just like us, they were destined, their story was written the moment they met, whilst not in the way either had hoped, they were each others happy ending, there would never be a Charles without Mila and never a Mila without Charles ever again. It was their fate.

It was now morning, I watched as the sun danced on her skin. I hadn't slept at all, I was to scared too, I was scared that if I closed my eyes she wouldn't be in my arms no longer, I couldn't risk it, I had only just got her back. She had only just came back home... I had thought many time about writing a letter saying goodbye and that I had returned to my place but I know she would never forgive me, that id break her heart all over again. I truthfully got way too good at it and it killed me, if I left now, any hope that the 13 year old girl that hides inside her would be lost forever.

A few more hours passed and she finally woke up, her eyes flickered as she adjusted to the sun in her room.

"Good morning Mini" I say, happy that I have her back.

"Bonjour lan, dors bien?" she replies, I have no clue what she's saying, her French accent too strong in the mornings.

"English remember, I still can't understand your French." I say laughing.

"tu m'enerves... You should really learn I mean you literally live in Monaco." she grunts as she shits up from the bed.

"Breakfast?" she asks asks as I continue to laugh at her previous

"Oui s'il vous plait" i reply sarcastically, knowing it will annoy her.

she turns her head and glares at me before cursing in French, it was funny watching her get so annoyed, im just lucky that she grew up speaking English to me that it becomes her second nature after she realises.

she grabs her phone of off the table, before leaving the room.

"Lando" she screams, making me jump out of the bed and rush to the kitchen when I find her standing looking inside the fridge.

"I only have croissants is that ok?" she turns to ask me.

"Of course, I have to sort some urgent things out, it'll the perfect quick breakfast." I reply honestly.

"Oh... I was going to invite you to finally collect your jolly, what so urgent?" she looks confused.

"Luisinha... I have to make it up to her..."

"Of course, she must be wondering where you are... You can take your croissant to go. Go get your girl." Her words were sincere but so full of pain, Me and Lu really had hurt her.

"Bella, I am so sorry I made her lie to you." I say approaching her.

"You didn't Lan, she did that on her own accord, it not you anyway, I seen how she was with Alex, how you were with Alex. I just think it'll be better if me and Lu head our separate ways..." she reaches out to me, placing a reassuring hand on my arm and handing me a brown paper bag.

"I promise I didn't know they were friends..." I stutter.

"Even if you did, you don't owe me anything. She's your girlfriend, and she is just you're girl friends friend. Your opinion on her may change, don't be too harsh too soon. Even though she came between me and Charles I can't hate the girl. Neither should you" Her arm drops back to her side.

"You're too kind you know... She doesn't deserve your kind words, but thank you Mila. thank you for setting me free in more ways than one." I place a kiss on her head before heading towards the door.

"And Bella, I'll pick up the Jolly later tonight." I say winking before shutting the door behind me, heading just a metre away to my own apartment.

The coldness hit me as soon as I walked in, the curtains were drawn so the room was dark. The once warm feeling that was so obvious just next door, not present here. It was crazy to see how much Charles and everything around him had change since Mila, even when Alex would be at the apartment there was no sign of love, just like here it was cold and dark. It really made me question my relationship with Luisa. Did I rush everything? Did I use her? Is she using me? How does she know Alex ? God so many unanswered questions, but I owed it to Mila to let her go. To let her live in a home full of love and to live the life she's managed to build for herself. I owe it to her and the little girl who disappeared those years ago. I owe her everything.

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