Everything comes back to you.

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We have finally arrived to the karaoke bar. Me, Kika, Oscar and Max are the last few to enter. As we head into the private room, there's only a few spaces left. Kika takes the one next to Pierre, Oscar takes the one next to Logan and me and max are left with the only option of sitting next to Lando and Luisinha.

"We can go home, if you'd prefer?" Max says in a whisper, hoping no one else heard.

"Don't be silly, he is not ruining this for me." I say taking his hand and then taking the seats next to the couple. Their eyes were burning into me and max, truthfully I felt sorry for the pair. I would rather them be all over each other in front of me, then watch my every move.

Lewis heads up to the stage and tells the group how to enter their songs into the karaoke machine. almost everyone rushes up, trying to get into the que. Me however, I head to the bar. I love singing, but with all these people I couldn't do it. The only person I want to sing for isn't here. He's flown to Italy, with the girl i've been told not to worry about...

"2 shots of tequila please." I say to the bartender. He slides them over, as I get my wallet out to pay, I feel a familiar body stand next to me.

"Put them on my tab" I hear the man say, his British accent as strong as ever.

"I can pay for my own things Lando" I say sternly not even wanting to look at him.

"Mila, please can I talk to you?" he says pleading, his body turned towards me and his arm resting on the bar.

"I have nothing to say." I say now looking at the boy letting him, know, how much I didn't want to be near him.

"Then just listen." He says, without even waiting for my answer he takes one of the tequila shots before me, handing me the other, before taking my hand and leading me away from the group.

My body doesn't retaliate, My heart is telling me to run but for some reason my mind is making me stay. Just as I get pulled the door I see max looking at me, concern written all over his face. All I can do is nod to reassure the boy.

Lando guides me to a beautiful patio, Monaco was dark now. The sun had set, and the only source of light was coming from the buildings around us. The view was beautiful, it over looked the whole of Monaco, you could see the docks, the track and even my apartment. This was my home now and I loved it. I loved it then, and I love it even more now. Whilst I am admiring the beautiful of the principality I completely forget that Lando was the one who dragged me here.

"Mila" he says, I just humm in response, really not having anything to say to the man before me, my friend no longer there. Just a shell of a man I once loved so dearly.

"Bella!" He pleads, this time his voice is soft, unlike any other interaction we've had today. He places his hand on mine earning my full attention.

"Lando." is all I manage to say, afraid if I say anything i'll break in front of the man, who apparently only knows how to hurt me now.

"Bella, please believe me when I say i'm so sorry."

"How am I suppose to believe anything you say lan?"

"Ive missed you calling me that." He says, a flirty tone creeping out.

I just stare at him, disappointed once again. He left me, he was the one who walked away. Yes I am with Charles, and was with Charles but he doesn't even know the full truth. If he had just stayed to listen, we could've been in completely different places right now.

"Sorry, Sorry. Just not a moment goes by when you're not on my mind, Ive just missed this, just me and you. no one else. Just peace in ourselves. Bels, i've done everything to stay away from you, I took a chance with a girl, i've avoided you, god i've even been horrible towards you. I just don't know what to do anymore." His eyes well up, as he's pouring his heart.

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