I dont know how to feel

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Lando had seen my message but didn't reply. I seen the three dots appear on my screen multiple times last night, but noting ever followed.

It was our last day in Saudi Arabia, before we had to fly out again. Charles was heading to Australia, whilst I was going to Monaco. To my luck his flight was early, making him leave my hotel room at around 8am. We didn't really speak when we got back, he went straight to sleep. Making me feel really low after the day we had.

I had no idea if Lando was still here, but I got ready anyway. I left my face bare, wearing a classic white racer neck with a pair of grey joggers. I was flying later today I wanted to remain comfy.


I was sure he wasn't going to come as I was about to unlace my converse, a knock appeared filling the silence. I open the door to see a quiet lando. His face pale, eyes dark and sunken. Not even a smile on his face. His usual light, dimming every second.

I just hug him. That magnet pulling me towards him again. I wrap my arms tightly around his torso. Hoping he will do the same.

It takes a few seconds, but he snakes his arms around my waist. Resting his head in the crook of my neck. "I'm sorry." I whisper now playing with the loose curls on his head.

He looks at me confused, before pulling me into my room. My body feeling cold as I'm no longer in his arms. "You have nothing to apologise for. It's me who should be sorry."

Whilst Lando handed the incident wrong, he saved me from an unknown situation. I couldn't be mad at him. Not ever. It seems like everytime something goes wrong he saves me. I feel those same butterflies again...

"I was just so scared that he was going to hurt you. I panicked" he continued. "No lando, please don't be sorry. You helped me in a situation in which I had no control." He finally makes eye contact with me.

"Whilst you may have handled it wrong, you helped me. So Lando I'm grateful. " His eyes began to scan my arms, his face twitching at the sight. Whilst Charles didn't mean too he left his hands engraved. A slight purple in their place.

"Lando, I'm okay. He apologised. It wasn't his fault." I say placing my hands over the small bruises. He scoffs at my statement. "Lando, please... can we just forget it. His lip looks way worse." I say winking trying to release the tension now consuming the room.

He laughs, it worked. "I promise he's never hurt me before, and he had promised never to do it again." Whilst this felt like a lie, it helped bring Landos light back. That infectious light that brings so much joy to anyone near him.

"Let's get breakfast shall we ?" He says guiding me out of the room. The lando I adore so much finally returning to me. We discussed many things, our plans before the next race, Things to do and see in Australia. He too like Charles was heading straight there. He had to do some more testing today, but would fly late this evening.

He gave me a lift to the airport, before shooting off to the track once again. He promised to reply to me when he could, and that he'd be waiting for me in Australia. My heart and my mind started jumping over the thought.


Monaco 🇲🇨

Whilst I was away in Saudi Arabia, my mother had packed all my belongings and shipped them to Charles house. Once I had landed a member of Ferrari informed me that I was here to 'settle in to my new home.' They drove me to his house and handed me a set of keys. This is the location in which I bumped into him and lando those months ago...

What was I made for ?..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن