You found the light in me that I couldn't find

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Mila POV

Lando has just left, my apartment now empty, snack wrappers all over the counter. A beautiful mess, something that was once my prison, now my home. I started cleaning, my fingers running over every surface and item. I was taking in everything, Lando was right. Its me and Charles until the very end, we have built a home, a relationship and a family from the souls of two broken people. Whilst Ferrari forced us together we played the hand given to us, and look at how much we had won.

Once I had everything cleaned, I finally checked my phone. The notifications taking over my screen. Countless messages, news articles, Instagram, Twitter all of my social media going crazy. As I scan across I can see the world going crazy over Charles and Alex being spotted together in Italy, clearly arguing in the cobblestoned streets. Photos of them screaming at each other, Alex laying her hands on him. I felt sick. Just them being in each others presence made me so uneasy.

As I clicked on to my instagram, I could see endless comments on my posts, death threats, hate and very little support. Everyone blaming me for the interaction between Alex and Charles. How is it my fault I wasn't even there? Since being with Charles, ive barley used social media, I gave Charles PR manager all my account details so they could keep up with the posts, ive never been one for it. I wish I hadn't clicked on it now, What do I do?

I started replying to comments, explaining that I was in Monaco. As I scan through I see that Charles had posted a story explaining the situation, talking about how he and Alex are just friends, and remain that, how their argument was two drunk friends disagreeing, before posting photos of him and her together... They looked happy. They were out for breakfast, a very romantic breakfast so it seems, the table was full of food wine and coffee. Flowers delicately decorating it as if it was a date. My stomach churned at the thought.

As I checked my messages I could see texts from Arthur, Charles, Ferrari and an Unknown number.

I clicked on Charles first hoping for an explanation.


Mini, I am so sorry.

She started an argument with me, I didn't realise there was paparazzi everywhere.

I hate being here. I wish you were here.

I really need you right now.

Ferrari are forcing us to spend time together, to fight against the articles.

My love I am so so sorry. I love you so much.

I probably won't be home tonight anymore but my surprise still awaits you.

I should never have came here. I should never have left you...

I promise i'll explain everything when I'm home.

15 Missed Calls

Its ok Charles...

I just don't get how everyone is trying to blame me.

it just hurts seeing you two together.

I love and I trust you

Just come home

I skip to the next message, scared if I wait for Charles reply my heart will break. First this girl acts horribly towards me and now she has my husband. In Italy. Enjoying his presence, he should be here... with me... in our home.

What was I made for ?..حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن