After a couple of minutes he said, " What are you thinking about?"

I shrugged, " Life..." Way to make a conversation awkward Jessa.

" Hey. I was wondering why you're eating cereal again? Didn't you eat it in the morning? Or did your so called 'hang out friends' not feed you?" Jonah questioned, quoting 'hang out friends' with his fingers.

I laughed, " Yes, I did eat it in the morning and yes, my 'hang out friends' did feed me." I said, repeating his quoting actions. "The cereal thing is quite weird. I guess it's a habit. Usually I have to eat it in the morning and right before I go to sleep. Otherwise my tummy isn't satisfied and I can't go to sleep. Though I doubt that'll happen. Doesn't matter how empty or full my stomach is, cereal shall enter my mouth anyways! "

He chuckled, " Very weird indeed. And why won't you be able to sleep?"

" Oh, because they made me watch Possession. I was literally clinging to Nial- err someone throughout the whole movie. See horror films scare the crap out of me. Actually anything scary haunts me. If it's a short clip I usually end up crying. If it was a movie I have to sleep with someone. It was my parents before but now I'm too old. Last time I watched a scary movie was when I was 11. Ever since, I've been avoiding them. Therefore I have no clue how I'm going to sleep a wink tonight. "

I looked over at Jonah. He didn't say anything for a while. Then he cleared his throat, " You. You're scared of horror films?" I was about to kick him when he said, " Eh? I guess everyone has a phobia. Like me? I hate bugs. I know that guys are suppose to be all macho and everything but that's no exception for bugs. They're so gross. Scaly, fury and ugly. They can crawl, bite and worse of all FLY! That's why I'm going to marry someone who can kill bugs! Or at least save them!"

" Then that crosses me off your list, eh? The best I can do is drop a cup over it or attack it with bug spray from a distance."

" I wouldn't be so sure. There are other qualities that could replace the non-killing bug thing, like how you make a great opponent in basket ball. Though I think I was too slow, this Nial dude seems to already have your heart."

Jonah's last words sent my cheeks burning. I coughed, " First it's Niall and I just like him, that's it. I don't even know if he truly likes me or not."

" What's not to like?"

"Everything." I mumbled.

" Pttf, that's a terrible lie right there. Just give him time, he'll come around. If he doesn't I'll hurt him." 

I chuckled, " You and Killian both say that, but haven't you noticed I'm not afraid of telling him off, even physically if needed. I can take care of myself." 

He sighed, " Well you took out any alpha male confidence I got left. But this is your what? Second crush that you might even date."

My face registered in shock. How the heck did he know that I only liked one other guy besides Niall. Yes, one other guy. Yes, I know I have no life. No need to rub it in. I've been crushing on that boy for years. It wasn't that he was the most popular guy in school that if I asked him out he and his buds would laugh their asses off, just that I didn't have guts to come out. I finally got over him a few months before I moved to London. Once, I was sure that I was over that dude.

Jonah must've noticed the shock on my face because he said, " After You and Megan left, Killian gave us details about your love life. "

I glared at the freshly cut green lawn in front of me. "Last time I tell Killian about my relationship. What a big mouth." I muttered, while crossing my arms. After that Jonah avoided asking things about my personal life and I was grateful for that. A normal conversation, though he knew a lot more than anyone already. Right then I made a conclusion: Jonah seems fine. Besides the point that he thought girls can't play. 

We talked for a while. About what he and the boys did while I was gone. He also mentioned his family. He had a younger sister, his mom had left them when he was 10. After that life was so messed up his dad became an alcoholic so he and his sister, Alana stayed as far as they could from their place. This was his first sleepover in a while, he was excited yet he was worried about Alana. How sad. What a terrible life. I now felt selfish for complaining about being born into a strict Indian family. 

"I'm pretty sure Alana will be just fine." I glanced my phone. Damn, it was almost 2am! Time passes quickly even if you're thinking. How come it doesn't work with school time. Time seems to drag then. "Erm ... It's almost two. Why don't you get some sleep while I attempt at it." 

Jonah mumbled a "Yeah, sleep. See you in the morning."

I spent another fifteen minutes outside. No thinking. Just looking. More like admiring. A sudden burst of wind reminded me that I was only in my bathrobe. I quickly slipped in the kitchen and dumped my bowl in the sink. I went to the washroom first to brush my teeth then I went into my room to grab some Pj's. No Hello Kitty this time. She is cool, in my defense. Nothing wrong with cats, right? I put my clothes on and laid in bed. I went to sleep with happy thoughts. 

At first I thought about Niall, then my first crush, which led to Jonah and his sad life and eventually visuals of the protagonist in Possession haunted me. Even after five years, I haven't overcome Horror films. What kind of hard core hockey player is scared of scary movies? 

After two hours of tossing and turning I knew that I wasn't going to get any shut eye. Horror winning, I got up and stood at the door of Killian's. I could hear soft snoring from inside. Pushing it open and I entered. Killian had a bunk bed. I don't know why, but he wanted one ever since he was eight and didn't give up on his dream until he got it. Maybe he was planning that if he got a bunk bed mom would let people stay over. Seth was sleeping on the top bunk, Killian was on the bottom and Jonah was sprawled across the floor drooling on the floor. I smiled. I quietly walked over to Killian's bed and poked him until he was half awake. 

"Jessa? What do you want?" He asked groggily. 



" 'Cause I want to sleep here." 

" They made you watch a scary movie didn't they?" I nodded sheepishly. Killian moved to give me space. I slipped in, pulling the covers over me. Killian was facing the wall, while I watched Jonah sleep. In a matter of seconds both Killian and I were asleep. I don't know why, I guess I just feel safe with somebody nearby. 


A/N - thoughts about Jonah? Love? Hate?

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