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I'm not sure if I will continue this story, I have no idea what to write at all! I will continue to write other stuff but this one I'm lost on, if you have any ideas to help me continue to write this please message me. It's nice to have you guys comment and tell me your thoughts but honestly this story is not going how I thought it would. I am sad though because this was one of the first stories that I published on wattpad. I'm extremely happy to see how many people have been reading this story. Honestly when I first started writing this story I thought the highest number of views would be 25 but wow 4,000 views is a lot to me. Thank you for reading my story and again I will try to update but don't be surprised if I don't update at all. Thank you for sticking through with me!



Survivial is key (No Longer Being Updated/Incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now