[118] Promise

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The fire crackled in front of us as I turned to Hazuki, a cheeky grin spreading across my face. "Hazuki, do you remember what you said a while back?" I began. "About joining my harem if two conditions were met?"

Hazuki blinked, looking somewhat taken aback by my sudden question. She crossed her arms and tilted her head, trying to recall the conversation. "Ah... Yes, something about reading a book and a hot bath, wasn't it?" she replied, her lips curving into a smirk.

I nodded, unable to keep the amusement out of my voice. "That's right. And you know, we've been reading quite a lot lately, haven't we?" I paused, waiting for her response. She raised an eyebrow, nodding in agreement. "We have, haven't we?" she said, her expression indicating that she was beginning to understand where I was heading with this.

"And today," I continued, taking a step closer to Hazuki. I pointed in the direction of the newly installed water pump. "We finally have the means to give you that hot bath you were looking forward to. So, Hazuki," I looked at her, my eyes twinkling with playful challenge. "I believe I've fulfilled both parts of my promise."

A surprised gasp left her lips, quickly replaced by a soft chuckle. She eyed me for a moment before sighing and shaking her head. "Well, senpai, it seems you have indeed," she admitted, her tone filled with a playful resignation. "I suppose a promise is a promise."

With that, the rest of us broke into laughter, Kaya and Cassidy teasing Hazuki about her soon-to-be status as part of my harem. Yan-Hua was grinning broadly, clearly entertained by the exchange. The night was filled with laughter and jokes, adding to the warmth and camaraderie that was already present.

As the night wore on, Hazuki looked at me and raised her cup. "To fulfilling promises," she said, a glint in her eye. I raised my own in response, echoing her sentiment. "To fulfilling promises," I repeated, a grin on my face.

Hazuki then went to take a bath, I then heard her crying in the bath.

"Hey, senpai," Hazuki's voice was soft as she called me from the bathroom door. She was wrapped up in a fluffy robe, and her cheeks were wet with tears. As I approached her, concern lined my face.

"Hazuki, what's wrong?" I asked, gently placing my hands on her shoulders. She looked up at me, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions.

"It's... It's been so long since I had a hot bath," she confessed, her voice wavering. Her eyes were red, and fresh tears were threatening to spill over.

I was silent for a moment, digesting her words. In a world where we had to fight for survival every day, the simplest of pleasures became luxuries. I gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze, trying to provide some measure of comfort.

"It's okay, Hazuki," I said softly. "I'm glad we could give you this. You deserve it."

She sniffled, giving me a weak smile. "Thank you, senpai," she whispered. Her gratitude was sincere, and it tugged at my heartstrings.

Her arms then wrapped around my waist, pulling me into a tight hug. I returned the embrace, resting my chin on top of her head. We stood there for a moment, just holding each other, as if time had stopped just for us.

"Thank you, senpai," she murmured again, her voice barely above a whisper. "For everything."

I felt my heart swell at her words. "You're welcome, Hazuki," I said, my voice just as soft. "And thank you too. For being here with us."

As we pulled away, Hazuki wiped her eyes, a small laugh escaping her lips. "I can't believe I'm crying over a hot bath," she said, her voice full of wonder.

I chuckled at that, giving her a teasing grin. "Well, it's the little things that matter the most, right?" I asked, and she nodded in agreement.

Hazuki looked into my eyes, her own reflecting a newfound resolve. She seemed different, stronger yet somehow more vulnerable at the same time. "Alright," she began, her voice barely a whisper yet carrying a weight of sincerity. "Just like I promised..."

Before I could say anything, she closed the gap between us, pressing her lips against mine in a sweet, tender kiss. It was a moment of pure tranquility amidst the chaos that surrounded us. A moment where time seemed to stand still.

Breaking away, she met my gaze again, a soft blush painting her cheeks. "I will be part of your harem," she said, her tone teasing yet solemn. A spark ignited in her eyes, a promise of shared tomorrows and a life intertwined with mine.

A chuckle left my lips, a sense of warmth spreading through me at her words. I raked a hand through my hair, grinning at her. "Well, welcome to the harem, Hazuki," I said, my tone light yet equally sincere.

She smiled back at me, her eyes crinkling at the corners in a way that told me she was genuinely happy. "Thank you, senpai," she said, her voice filled with a mix of gratitude and affection. "I'm looking forward to it."

I opened my arms, pulling her into another embrace. "So am I, Hazuki," I whispered into her ear, feeling her relax into my arms. "So am I."

Then, like a small spectacle, a snowflake drifted into our view from the semi-open window. It danced in the frigid air before it landed onto the wooden table around which we were gathered. The room fell into a hush as we all watched the solitary snowflake melt away.

"Snow," Yan-Hua breathed out, her tone carrying a hint of wonder. "It's been a while since I last saw it."

Hazuki's eyes sparkled with unshed tears. "It's beautiful," she murmured, the sight seemingly holding a deeper meaning for her.

Kaya, always the stoic one, grunted in agreement, her arms crossed over her chest. Cassidy, on the other hand, looked at the snowflake with a curious expression. "It's just frozen water, guys," she said, a touch of humor in her tone.

"Maybe," I responded, my gaze still fixed on the snowflake. "But it's also a reminder of nature's beauty amidst this chaos."

They all turned to look at me, and I felt a warmth spread through me at the sight of their smiles. It was in moments like these, in the shared quiet and peace, that our bond strengthened.

"Here's to us," I raised my glass, "and to the first snowfall of the season."

They raised their glasses in return, and as we clinked our glasses together, our laughter rang out once more, echoing throughout the room, as if echoing our shared sentiment. Despite the grim world outside, we had each other, and that was enough.

Q: If you could have one book during a zombie apocalypse what would it be?

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