[41] Crossing paths

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The morning sun was just beginning to peak over the horizon, casting long shadows over the decaying remains of Salt Lake City. I climbed down from the Endeavor, the cool metal of the vehicle's exterior pressing against my hand. My boots crunched on the broken glass and debris littering the street as I made my way towards the supermarket.

Cassidy shot me a last look from the driver's seat, her sapphire eyes burning with determination, as she revved the engine. Then, with a roar, they sped off, leaving me standing alone in the silent city. I watched as the truck disappeared around the corner, the cloud of dust it kicked up slowly settling in its wake.

Around me, the city lay dormant. The occasional gust of wind rattled loose shutters and sent debris skittering across the pavement. I felt a familiar twinge of unease, the quietness of the city seeming almost more unnerving than the threat of zombies. But I shook off the feeling, focusing on the task at hand.

I started making my way towards the supermarket, carefully weaving through the abandoned cars and other wreckage. The building was only a few blocks away, but with every step, my heart pounded harder in my chest.

Suddenly, the relative silence was shattered by the sound of gunfire, followed closely by the deep rumble of the Endeavor's engine. I quickened my pace, my heart hammering in my chest. The plan was in motion.

A chorus of monstrous groans echoed through the streets, the horrifying symphony of the undead. The raiders' shouts joined the cacophony as they tried to combat the incoming horde. I could only hope that Cassidy, Ms. Yan, and Andy were safe and en route with their zombie parade.

I reached the edge of the supermarket parking lot, crouching behind a dilapidated car. The raiders were scrambling, firing at the oncoming horde of zombies. The chaos was a perfect distraction, and I took a deep breath before darting towards the entrance of the supermarket.


The moment I stepped into the cavernous expanse of the supermarket, a chill ran down my spine. An ominous silence hung heavy in the air, the only sound being the crunch of broken glass under my boots. I clicked on my flashlight, its weak beam barely piercing the black veil that hung over the store.

The journey through the aisles felt like a surreal nightmare. The empty shelves, the overturned carts, and the long shadows all around painted a picture of utter desolation. It was as if time had stopped, only to leave behind a hollow shell of what was once a bustling hub of human life.

As I moved deeper into the heart of the supermarket, the silence was replaced by a soft buzzing of the store's barely functioning emergency lighting. It cast an eerie glow that flickered and danced off the empty shelves and glossy floor tiles.

Upon reaching the pharmaceutical section, I began rummaging through the scattered medicines and health supplies. The meager pickings reflected the desperate times. Yet, I had a task to complete. I pulled off bottles and packs from the shelves, examining them in the pale light before stuffing them into my backpack.

Suddenly, the soft hum of the emergency lights was shattered by the sound of footsteps echoing in the distance. I froze, my hand hovering over a packet of pills. Each footfall felt like a pound on my chest, threatening to shake loose my racing heart. It was the first real sign of another living being inside the supermarket.

With my flashlight gripped tightly in my hand, I moved toward the sound, careful to tread softly amidst the debris. The beam of my flashlight cut through the darkness, illuminating the long aisle leading to the back of the supermarket.

Then I saw her.

A young woman, standing alone at the end of the aisle. Her long, white hair cascaded down her shoulders, shimmering under the beam of my flashlight. Her pale skin seemed to glow against the stark contrast of her dark surroundings. She wore white nurse clothes, their once pristine color stained and faded with time.

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