[63] 2nd point of my bucket list

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During the long journey I asked what was Hazuki's and Kaya's bucket list for this zombie apocalypse.

Hazuki, who had been sitting quietly in the back seat, blinked in surprise at my question. After a moment of thought, she leaned forward, her elbows resting on the backrest of Cassidy's seat. The low hum of the Endeavor's engine and the fading strains of Cassidy's rock and roll mixtape formed a somber backdrop to our conversation.

"I'd like to find my family." Hazuki finally said, her voice soft but firm. "When the outbreak happened, I was studying abroad. My family was in Japan. I don't know if they made it... if they're alive." She paused, the vulnerability in her eyes replaced by a flicker of hope. "But if there's even the slightest chance that they survived, I want to find them."

I saw her glance shift to the locket she always wore, a small, gold piece that contained a family photograph. It seemed like a monumental task, and under normal circumstances, nearly impossible. But this was an apocalypse - the rules were different now.

Kaya, who had been staring silently out the window, turned her attention to us. There was a thoughtful look on her face, her eyes narrowed in deep contemplation. It was clear that my question had stirred something within her.

"Bucket list, huh?" Kaya finally spoke, her voice was low, almost a whisper. "Before all this... I wanted to see the world. Go beyond the reservation, experience things that my ancestors never could. The zombie apocalypse hasn't changed that."

A distant look appeared in her eyes, as if she was gazing beyond the desolate lands we were traversing, to a world full of life and opportunities. "I want to see the ruins of great cities, touch the stones of ancient monuments, and understand what the world once was. I want to experience the cultures that are still thriving amidst the chaos, feel the resilience of the human spirit."

A wistful smile crossed Kaya's lips, her eyes sparkling with an adventurous spirit. "I want to remember the world that was, and experience the world that is," she concluded, looking back out the window, her gaze as resolute as ever.

Hazuki then asks what my bucket list for this zombie apocalypse is, I reply:

"My bucket list in a zombie apocalypse: 1. Stay alive 2. Build a harem, not a joke now 3. Don't trust the government 4. Kick zombie ass also kick human ass if they violate the NAP."

A low chuckle reverberated through the interior of the Endeavor at my rather humorous list. Even Kaya, who usually maintained her stoic demeanor, cracked a small smile at my declaration.

"Building a harem, huh?" Hazuki teased, leaning back into her seat with a smirk. "Well, you're already halfway there, aren't you?" Her eyes gleamed with mischief as she gestured towards Cassidy, Kaya, Ms. Yan, and herself. I could see a hint of red creeping up to Kaya's cheeks, a rare reaction from the usually unfazed sniper.

"I'd be cautious about that last point though," she continued, her tone shifting to something a bit more serious. "When the world's gone to hell, humans can become just as dangerous, if not more, than the walking dead."

Cassidy, who had been focused on driving, chimed in, "He's not wrong about the government part, though. Learned that one the hard way when this whole thing started. Every man for himself, as they say."

"Well, as long as the harem includes good company, books, and the occasional hot shower, I don't mind," she spoke up again, a gentle smile on her face. There was a twinkle in her eyes, a rare gem of mirth and tranquility in the desolation of our reality. She was the quiet, steady presence in our group, an oasis of calm amidst the chaos.

Hazuki had always been introverted, even before the apocalypse. She preferred the quiet company of a good book over the raucousness of large gatherings. Now, her quiet demeanor served as a balm to the harsh realities of our survival. Even in the face of danger, she exuded an air of tranquility, a stark contrast to the turbulence of the world outside.

"Well, we already got the good company, we will get you the books and hot shower soon." I said with a casual voice.

"So...Who's part of your harem right now?" Kaya asked.

"Just Cassidy for now." I answered. "There's always a free spot u know." I winked at her.

Kaya looked at me, her eyes slightly widened in surprise before a thin smile spread across her face. She leaned back in her seat, her arms crossed and a thoughtful expression on her face. "Hmm... I'll think about it," she finally said, chuckling a bit as she met my gaze.

A snort of laughter came from Cassidy at the front. "Good luck, Chang," she drawled, her grin obvious even without looking. "Your charm doesn't work on everyone."

I rolled my eyes at her words but couldn't help the grin that spread across my face. "We'll see about that."

Q: What will your bucket list be in a zombie apocalypse world?

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