48. Family

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The rays of the Morning sun shone through the thin veil curtains of your bedroom, the tropical birds singing as the jungle awakened all around you

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The rays of the Morning sun shone through the thin veil curtains of your bedroom, the tropical birds singing as the jungle awakened all around you. You could hear the distant crash of the waves and the gentle blow of the Morning breeze. You turned onto your side to look at Bill, who's arm was wrapped around your waist. You admired his sleeping face, how beautiful he looked as he slept peacefully. You reached forward, your fingers gently grazing the side of his face. His eyes blinked open, a smile growing on his face as his eyes met with yours. "Morning Beautiful," he murmured sleepily, brushing your hair behind your ear, his hands travelling down to your Baby bump, a smile on his face. "How's Baby?" he asked softly, his eyes meeting yours. Suddenly, he felt a sudden movement as the Baby kicked. Bill laughed "Baby's in quite the active mood for a early Sunday morning-"

Bill quietened down at the sounds of the Twins making their way down the tree, giving the Baby bump a quick kiss before you quickly hid it from sight with your Shawl and the tangled sheets so that the Twins wouldn't notice. Lilli and Tommie popped their heads through the thin Veil curtains at the door, smiling sleepily as Lilli yawned, Tommie copying her actions. "Good morning little Island Twins" Bill grinned. "Can we come and cuddle with you and Mama?" Tommie asked, raking a hand through his messy bedhead of hair as he yawned again. "Of course" You smiled as You and Bill both made space for the Twins to join you in bed.

Lilli and Tommie grinned from ear to ear, running towards the bed excitedly. Lilli lay down next to you, her little arms wrapping around your body as she made herself comfortable on the bed. Tommie lay at her side, Bill wrapping an arm around him and ruffling his hair playfully. Every Sunday morning, Lilli and Tommie would join you in bed to Cuddle before going out to play for the day. "Love you Mama and Papa" Lilli murmured, her eyes fluttering shut as she snuggled against you.


The twins laughed and squealed with delight as they played and splashed in the Moon pool, the gentle crash of the waterfall barely audible as their noises of joy echoed around the Cove. "Mama, look at us!" Tommie yelled, the twins trying to catch your attention. You looked over at the twins. Tommie was carrying Lilli on his shoulders, and he was very proud of how strong he was, hoping that you would be impressed. "Wow!" you exclaimed, smiling at the Twins as they laughed together, Lilli squealing as she lost balance and fell into the Pool with a splash, Tommie roaring with laughter. You shook your head in amusement, turning your attention back to the sheets you were washing, wringing out the water and slapping the bundle of fabric onto the rock to get rid of all the water before putting the damp fabric into the basket, ready to hang up in the sun to dry. Bill was out on the rocks, catching Seafood for Dinner later that night.

Once you finished all the washing, you picked up the basket full of damp clothing and balanced it on your hip calling to the Twins that you were going home to hang up the washing. "We wanna help Mama!" Lilli called, accidentally swallowing some water as she hurriedly swam towards the shore, Tommie following close behind.

The sun was shining brightly, it was the perfect day to hang out the washing. Tommie and Lilli assisted you in the task, Handing you the freshly washed things as you hung the sheets, fabrics and clothing on the Tree branches. Lilli and Tommie got bored of helping after five minutes, running around the Garden with a large sheet that they held above their heads, squealing loudly. You laughed, not surprised that they had gotten bored and decided to cause Trouble. Eventually, the Twins got bored of playing with the sheet, and brought it back to you, going over to their swings to play on them. Of course, you only had the time to hang up one sheet before the Twins started yelling for you to come and push them.

You quickly hung up the last of the sheets, setting the now empty basket down on the swing chair as you made your way towards the Twins, giving them both a push in turn as they began to swing, squealing in delight. You smiled fondly at the two, making your way over to the ladder and up to the tree house. You came back down with a Woven mat, setting it down on the grass not too far away from the Twins and laying down on it, sunbathing. You let your eyes flutter shut, relishing in the feeling of the warmth of the sun on your skin.

Minutes later, the laughter and squealing of the Twins came to an abrupt stop. Silence meant bad news when it came to the Twins. You pulled yourself up onto your elbows, wiping your eyes as your sight adjusted to the bright sunlight. To your relief, the Twins were still there and not up to any mischief, but they were both crouching down infront of one of the Ravenala plants, whispering to each other. You furrowed your eyebrows, Slowly getting up and making your way over to them. Surely enough, the Twins were investigating something. There was loud rustling coming from the bushes, and grunting noises belonging to some kind of animal.

All of a sudden, a little Piglet popped its head out of the bushes, Grunting and squealing. "It's the same little Piglet from last time!" Tommie exclaimed, laughing as the little Piglet ran excited circles around him and Lilli. He reached forward to pet it, the little Piglet squealing as it lay down on its back, kicking it's little legs as it asked to have its stomach rubbed. Lilli and Tommie giggled together, the two of them playing with the little Piglet as they gave it Tummy rubs, the Piglet squealing and squirming with delight. The Mother Pig came out of the bushes, grunting loudly. She too fell onto her back in the grass, kicking her legs up in the air. Tommie laughed, reaching over to give her her own tummy rubs as she grunted in satisfaction.

"Oh mama, please can we keep them!" Lilli pleaded, holding the Sweet little Piglet in her arms and Nuzzling it affectionately. You paused, taking it into consideration. You didn't mind having the Pig and it's baby around. They could Live in the safety of the Garden, and join the family. You nodded, smiling fondly at the Twins excitement as they cheered. "I'm going to name you Babboo!" Lilli told the little Piglet as she lifted it into the air, the Piglet squealing with excitement. "What kind of name is Babboo?" Tommie laughed mockingly as he fed the Mother Pig a handful of grass, patting her on the back. "Don't listen to him my sweet Babboo!" Lilli said to the little Piglet, hugging it close.

"I'm going to name you Georg" Tommie decided as he gave the Mother Pig back scratches. This decision caused you to laugh, already looking forward to seeing Georg's face when he found out that a Pig had been named after him. "You can't name the Mother Pig Georg!" Lilli exclaimed, frowning at her Twin brother. "That's a boy name. and it's Uncle Georg's name too!"

"its either Georg or Planet destroyer" Tommie declared, crossing his arms. Lilli shook her head rapidly. You shook with laughter, actual tears welling in your eyes.


The afternoon was relaxing and peaceful, You and The Twins sitting on a large mat in the warmth of the sun as the Twins played with the Pigs, feeding them and petting them. The Rustling of the Ravenala plants alerted you to Bill's return, the Twins getting up excitedly and running towards Bill, shouting his name. The Pigs followed close behind, snorting and squealing. Bill greeted the Twins with open arms, hugging them both. He looked down at The mother Pig and the Piglet, his eyes wide with surprise. "Who's this then?" he asked the Twins. "This is Babboo!" Lilli announced, lifting the Little Piglet to show Bill. "And This is Georg" Tommie added, giving the Mother Pig and pat on the back as she Grunted, chewing on the hem of Bill's shorts.

Bill burst out laughing, his head tilting back as he roared with laughter. "Wait till your uncle Georg hears about this" The Twins ran around the Garden playing, the Pigs following behind them as they squealed and grunted, joining in the game. Bill made his way over to you, gently setting down his basket of freshly caught seafood on the Mat as he kneeled down onto the Mat, wrapping his arms around you and pressing a loving kiss to your lips, his hand cupping your face. He pulled away, smiling warmly at you before sitting down next to you, pulling you close as you lay your head on his shoulder, the two of you watching the Twins play with the Pigs.

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