21. Seashell

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(I put some finding nemo ambience music for you guys bc you are all my faves <3)

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(I put some finding nemo ambience music for you guys bc you are all my faves <3)

The Boat bobbed up and down gently on the clear waters of the lagoon, cruising slowly through the waters as You and Bill lay peacefully on the boat. The sun was shining in the clear blue skies, not a cloud in sight. The breeze was soft and smelled like sea salt, The atmosphere calming. You dipped your hand in the cool water, watching as it rippled at your touch. Bill's gaze lingered over you, watching your every movement with admiration. The gentle breeze blowing through your hair, the content smile on your lips and the flutter of your lashes as you blinked. You looked like a scene straight out of a romance movie. 

You slowly turned your head to look at him, a amused grin on your face as you noticed how captivated he looked. "What are you staring at so much?" You laughed, cocking your head to the side. He shook his head slowly, lovesick gaze never leaving yours. "You" he replied, grinning as he took notice of the evident blush on your face and your flustered smile. He began to laugh, making fun of your reddened face. "Oh stop it!" You yelled, but you were laughing. Bill only laughed louder. You rolled your eyes playfully, standing up and throwing an old starfish you had found on the floor of the boat at him before diving into the water. 

"Hey! wait up Y/N!" he shouted, pulling off his shorts and diving in after you. (no he ISN'T naked he has his handy dandy boxers) the water was cool and rather refreshing after laying in the warmth of the sun for so long. Bill's eyes fluttered open, looking around him in wonder. He had never seen such a beautiful untouched reef in his life. Colourful corals and boulders covered in sea life, Schools of fish swimming about everywhere. The water was crystal clear and the sand on the sea floor littered with shells and starfish.

His eyes scanned the area for you, finding you swimming after a turtle, who was surprisingly speedy compared to the tortoises bill had seen in his life. His heart laughed for him since he couldn't do so without swallowing water and dying <3 He quickly swam after you, moving through the water with fluid movements. His swimming had greatly improved since he had found himself stranded on the island.

You gave up on chasing the speedy turtle and watched as it swam away, turning to look at Bill with a smile. You let yourself float up to the surface, taking a breath. Bill followed close behind, gasping for air. "I've never seen a reef so colourful and beautiful before!" He exclaimed, pulling you into his arms. "And you were chasing a literal sea turtle- this is so fun!"

"Come on then! You have so much more to see" You grinned, slipping out of his grip and diving down. Bill chuckled to himself, taking a deep breath before diving after you.

He followed you over to a large Boulder covered in Corals, where you stopped, pointing at a real life Sea Anemone. He had only ever seen one of them in finding Nemo, and he was very excited. He almost melted in excitement as the tiny little clownfish swam out of their reef home as if summoned by your presence, the smallest clownfish swimming up to your hand and swimming in between your fingers. Bill watched in awe, surprised by the unexpected interaction. You waved as the Little clownfish swam off with its family, gesturing to Bill to follow you with a nod of your head swimming off in the opposite direction. He followed closely behind, looking at all the beautiful corals and sea life in the reef.

He followed you as you swam between the Corals and the Boulders, diving further down into small caves and swimming through little arches, swimming amongst the schools of colourful tropical fish, swimming up for air before diving back down again. You swam down to the seafloor, brushing apart the sand to pick up a little sea urchin, holding it carefully in the palm of your hand as you showed it to Bill, being careful of its spines. 

The two of you swam over the seafloor, picking up and petting the friendly sea animals that lived on the seafloor. You picked up shells and other small trinkets that caught your eye, tucking them into the small pouch you had sown onto your shorts. 

The two of you explored the reef together, making sure not to stray too far from the boat as you swam along hand in hand. Bill loved swimming in the lagoon with you more than anything, exploring with you was always special, not only because you were there with him, but because he saw things that no ordinary person would see in their daily life. He scanned the seafloor for something special to give to you whilst you swam a few feet away, playing with a little Seahorse, a wide smile on your face as it curled its little tail around your finger, its little fins flapping happily. 

He saw a colourful glint in the sand, pushing it out of the way to reveal a Beautiful purple shell, almost bigger than the palm of his hand. He dusted all the sand off of it, admiring his find proudly. he was sure you would love it. He swam over to you, gently tapping your shoulder. You turned to look at him, letting the little sea horse swim back to his Seagrass home on the boulder. You gave him a questioning look. He smiled, slipping the beautiful purple shell from behind his back and placing it into your palm. Your eyes widened with Joy, the smile on your lips growing wider. You tucked the shell in your almost overflowing pouch of shells and lurched into Bill's arms, taking his hand and lifting it to your lips to kiss it. 

Bill flushed shyly, wrapping his arms around you. He felt proud of himself for finding such a beautiful shell for his beautiful girl. The two of you floated back up to the surface, still hugging each other close. 


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