29. Run.

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(Im sorry in advance for adding more drama <3 At least it isn't Zander Drama)

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(Im sorry in advance for adding more drama <3 At least it isn't Zander Drama)

Bill hopped off the boat, dragging it up the shallows and onto the sands of the small island. Bill had decided to take you with him to another one of the neighbouring islands, it was much smaller and about an Hour's boat trip out from your island home. Once the boat was safely hauled up onto the sands, Bill came to your aid, insisting on lifting you down from the boat and carrying you up the beach even though you were perfectly capable of doing so yourself. You laughed, pointing this out as he carefully set you down on the sand. Bill simply grinned, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder as he walked up the beach towards the jungle, laughing. "Bill! Put me down!" You squealed, your body swaying with his every movement, the world all around you Upside down.

"Oh Wow! This place has really pretty flowers," you observed, noticing the bushes of colourful flowers in the surroundings, despite the fact that you were hanging upside down from Bill's shoulders. "Exactly. Perfect place to make flower crowns!" Bill said in a sing-song voice, grinning at you over his shoulder. "Okay so put me down so I can make you a gift!" You craned your head to look up at him, but Bill had a mischievous look on his face. "Too bad I'm not putting you down" he shrugged his shoulders, a smug smile on his face.

"Bill! I wanna get down!" You whined, slumping against his back and letting your body hang limply, groaning in frustration. Bill chuckled in amusement, putting you back down on the ground with ease. You gripped onto his arms, steadying yourself as you rolled your eyes playfully at the laughing boy. "My head is spinning and aching! it's your fault!" You groaned, playfully shoving Bill, who stopped laughing, a amused smile on his face. Hanging upside down wasn't always fun. "Im sorry Love" Bill fluttered his eyelashes innocently, pouting. You spluttered with laughter at his method of asking for forgiveness. Bill's act didn't hold up long, the boy burst out laughing. He walked over to a bush, picking the prettiest flower. 

He brushed your hair behind your ear, placing the beautiful flower perfectly. "Forgive me?" he tilted his head to one side, a hopeful smile on his face. "Yes, I forgive you" you murmured, a smile forming on your face as you reached up to feel the delicate petals of the flower on your fingertips. "This once," you added. This time it was Bill's turn to roll his eyes playfully. 

You picked and collected all the flowers that caught your eyes, returning to the beach to find a nice place to sit. Bill found a nice Tree on the beach not too far from the boat, the perfect place to relax and eat the food you had packed before you set off on the journey back home. Bill sat down beneath the shade of the tree, sitting you in between his legs as you lay against his chest, threading the flowers you had picked into crowns and flower chains, the two of you snacking on all the fruits you had brought along meanwhile. 

Bill placed his finished flower crown on your head, a combination of pink and white frangipani flowers. "Mm, they smell lovely" you commented, threading the final Hibiscus onto your flower chain. You turned around to look at Bill with a wide smile, putting the Flower chain on him as a necklace. He smiled, looking down and admiring the flower chain. He opened his mouth to speak, looking up, but he didn't say a word, his eyes widening. an expression that filled you with immediate unease and concern on his face. "Bill?" You whispered, leaning forward and cupping his cheek. He was staring into the distance, worry and concern clear in his eyes. 

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