01. A Sanctuary

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rewritten (12.12.23)

The pink plastic inflatable kiddy pool bobbed up and down on the waves, sea water spraying all over the four teenage boys sprawled around inside it.  in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by nothing but open ocean and blue skies the boys were Hungover and incredibly dehydrated, all they could do was sleep and argue. "This was a stupid idea" Tom groaned as he retched, being violently sick off the edge of the inflatable kiddy pool for the third time in the last hour. He groaned in pain and discomfort, slumping against the Plastic edge of the pool. "All I want right now is a Pain killer and a glass of water"

"Yeah, no shit." Bill muttered, glaring at his foolish Twin brother. he was in a horrible mood and he was already very irritated at his Twin brother for getting them to where they were now. "If it weren't for you and your dumbass, we would never be here in the first place!"

"I'm sorry!! You know what I'm like when I've had one too many beers!" Tom whined, clutching onto the the Pink Plastic of the Ducky-patterned Inflatable pool in desperation. He dropped his head onto the hot plastic, groaning in discomfort. "How was I supposed to know that we would drift off?"

"You fucking idiot" Georg mumbled, covering his face from the sun with his arms. It was around Midday, and the sun was at its highest point, it's cruel warmth shining down on the boys like a relentless burning flame. The Plastic material of the inflatable pool warmed up fast under the constant sunlight and left their skin red and sore. The four boys lay side by side, a sleeping Gustav laying across their laps as he slept restlessly, tossing and turning in discomfort.

"I can't Believe this. Where the fuck even are we?" Bill hissed in annoyance, covering his eyes from the sun as he looked around, desperately searching for a sign of land or a nearby boat. they were drifting along in a Inflatable kiddy pool in the open ocean out in the middle of nowhere with no way of finding our way to land or calling for help, and with no food or water. The situation frustrated him so much that he wanted to cry. he was scared, angry and tired. he wanted to go home. he wanted to be on land.

Hours seemed to pass, the sun growing lower and lower in the sky as they drifted along mindlessly, guided by the waves. There was still no sign of land or any boats in the distance, just miles upon miles of water. Bill sighed, letting his head fall onto Georg's shoulder as he drifted to sleep.

"Land Ho! Motherfucking Land Ho!"

"Tom, This better not be a joke" Bill muttered, his eyebrows furrowing. He lifted his head off of Georg's shoulder, his whole body aching from sleeping in such an awkward position. He squinted his eyes, staring out into the distance. his heart dropped to his stomach. surely enough, there was an island ahead! He couldn't believe it! he was so happy and relieved he could have cried. They would finally be able to find water and food, and maybe even help! "I can't fucking believe it!" Georg gasped, holding a hand over his face as he squinted his eyes to see. "It doesn't look like its inhabited.. maybe it's a desert island?"

"Who cares? I'd rather be on Mars than on this inflatable kiddy pool" Gustav scoffed, crawling towards the other end of the kiddy pool to get a better look at the island ahead.

The journey towards the island was painfully slow, the kiddy pool drifting slowly across the waves as they neared the lagoon, The waves crashing over the barrier reef ahead. "Once we cross the barrier, we're going to have to swim" Georg warned them as he took note of the barrier reef. the force of the waves would send them flying out of the kiddy pool, and there was no way of telling the depth of the lagoon just yet. 

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