44. A Happy Birthday

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"Uncle Tom!" Lilli squealed, running down the beach towards Tom, who dropped all his things to the sand, crouching down and opening his arms, a wide grin on his face as Lilli hurried over to him, practically flying into his arms

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"Uncle Tom!" Lilli squealed, running down the beach towards Tom, who dropped all his things to the sand, crouching down and opening his arms, a wide grin on his face as Lilli hurried over to him, practically flying into his arms. "Well if it isn't my favourite Little Girl in the Universe!" he grinned, cupping Lilli's face in both his hands and squishing her cheeks, causing her to laugh. "Hey Uncle Tom!" Tommie yelled, hurrying over towards him. Tom sat Lilli down on his knee, reaching out to Tommie with open arms. "Hey there my little man!" Tom chuckled, ruffling Tommie's hair fondly as he hugged his nephew close, his niece sat on his leg as she clung to his arm, smiling up at him. You and Bill stepped through the line of trees, Bill's arm wrapped around your waist and hugging you close to him as you walked down the sands towards the Children and Tom. 

Tom set down the Twins for a brief moment, walking over to Bill and enveloping him in a hug, patting his back. "God, as crazy as it sounds, I actually missed you Bill!" he sighed, stepping back and grinning at his twin brother. Tom stepped towards you, greeting you with a Hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Looking Gorgeous as always, Y/N" he grinned flirtatiously, joking around as usual. You rolled your eyes playfully, shoving his shoulder. He was fully dressed in his 'Summer Vacation Gear' as he called it. Swim trunks, Button up shirt and a pair of cool sunglasses, his hair tied back in it's usual Man bun. Tom always joked that his favourite part about coming to visit was that he got to spend three days on a luxury yacht to get to you all, but you knew that his real favourite part was seeing you all. 

"Uncle Tom, where's our Birthday presents?" Tommie asked, tugging on his uncles arm as he looked up at him, smiling cheekily. The Twins were both impatient to open their Presents. "Oh, Georg is carrying them along with the rest of my bags," Tom smiled, pointing over at Georg who was wading through the shallows towards you, a very heavy looking load of Bags balancing precariously on his shoulders and on his arms. Gustav followed close behind him, carrying his own bags, unlike some people. "Georg! Gustav!" Lilli called, running excitedly down the sands towards them. Georg Laughed, dropping the plethora of bags he had been carrying, catching Lilli and lifting her up, spinning her around as she squealed. He brought her back down to his level so that they were face to face. "Ah-ah. where's my Hello kiss?" he tilted his head to one side. Lilli giggled, leaning forward to kiss his cheek. Georg smiled fondly, carefully setting Lilli back down on the sand. "You've grown so much little Mermaid!" Gustav laughed, ruffling her hair and pinching her cheek. Lilli smiled sheepishly, trying to hide how secretly pleased she was by the compliment. She felt very grown up already. Gustav lifted her off the ground, teasing her and pretending to lose his grip on her and throw her into the water, laughing in amusement as she screamed, scrambling down to the ground. 

Tommie stepped away from Georg once he finished greeting him, Gustav crouching down to his level. "Have I grown too? do I have big muscles and a handsome face yet?" Tommie asked, a hopeful glint in his eyes. Gustav tried his best to hold back his laughter, grinning instead. he nodded, ruffling Tommie's hair. "Oh yes you have! You're looking very Muscular and handsome already," he assured the young boy, he wiped the smile off his face, pretending to look distraught. "What is it? what's wrong?" Tommie asked, frowning in concern as he noticed the look of distress on Gustav's face, falling for it easily. "You aren't too old for the special Gustav Piggyback rides, are you?" Gustav asked, maintaining the false expression of hurt. Tommie shook his head rapidly. "Of course not! I want a Piggyback ride now!" He declared. Gustav's false frown melted into a wide grin, Tommie quickly clambering onto his back. "This way, Horsie!" Tommie ordered, pointing towards the Jungle. 

Gustav laughed, following his orders and trudging up the sand towards the forest, Georg following soon after with Lilli perched on his shoulders, holding her securely so she wouldn't lose balance or fall down. "Oh, Tom, carry the bags, will you?" Georg yelled over his shoulder as You and Bill walked with them, glancing back at Tom with amused expression's on your face as you saw him groan in frustration, staring down at the Pile of bags and wondering how he'd get them all to the treehouse. 


The Twins squealed in surprise as they saw the two swings behind the Tree house, running towards them at lightning speed. They each claimed their own swing, clambering onto them as clamoring to be pushed. Bill laughed, walking over to Lilli and giving her a steady push, the swing flying forward. She squealed in excitement, holding tightly onto the sturdy rope as she swung back and forth across the garden, going so high that "she could almost touch the treetops". "My turn Papa, My turn! I want to go really high too!" Tommie yelled, practically bouncing up and down on his swing. Bill chuckled at his eagerness, gathering all his strength and giving him a strong push. Tommie cheered, his body leaning back as he held onto the rope securely, swinging fast and high, just like he had wanted. 

"You guys have really good gift ideas," Tom commented, nudging you and Bill. You smiled, thanking him. "Not as good as mine, though" he added. Bill rolled his eyes teasingly, elbowing his Twin. "You're just jealous that the Twins don't want to play with the gifts you get them! I mean, you did gift them Matching mugs with dirty phrases on them and bottle openers with their initials on them for their last Birthday. I think you can remember how that ended" Bill reminded him, Georg, Gustav and you unable to hold back your laughter as you all thought back to that disastrous Birthday party. Tom scoffed, rolling his eyes, but he was smiling anyway. 

"This is the best birthday gift ever!" Tommie whooped, swinging past you at full speed. "Thank you Mama and Papa!" Lilli yelled, squealing and giggling as she and Tommie swung together. You knew it would be hours before you managed to get them off of those swings. 


The Twins sat close together, watching the burning birthday candles on their Cake with wide eyes. "Go on Twins, make a wish!" You whispered, kissing both their foreheads. They smiled up at you, glancing at each other before turning their full attention back to the cake, the two of them taking deep breaths before puffing out the candles. Everyone cheered and clapped, the Twins grinning from ear to ear as their presents were handed to them. "Here, open mine first" Tom urged, handing Lilli and Tommie a gift each, the presents wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper for some reason. Bill gave Tom a questioning look, an amused smile forming on his face. "I ran out of proper wrapping paper, okay?" Tom hissed. 

Tommie unwrapped his gift, revealing a box set of Cars. "Cool! I can play 'Car race' with these!" Tommie yelled, holding up his birthday gift triumphantly. Lilli unwrapped her own Present, revealing an identical set of cars but in her favourite colours. "Yay! we can play Car race Magical Mermaid Shark apocalypse together!" Lilli exclaimed, hugging the box set of cars to her chest. Tom smiled satisfactorily, giving Bill a triumphant look. for once he had been very clever with his Birthday gift decisions, and the Twins were very happy. "Thank you, Tom, for deciding to be sensible with the Birthday gifts this year," Bill said in disbelief, pleasantly surprised by the success of Tom's gifts. 

"Oh but that's not all!" Tom said, pulling out two much smaller presents from his bag, handing them to the excited twins. Tommie unwrapped his first, pulling out a fish shaped lighter. He ignited the flame, watching it with wide eyes. "Cool!" he exclaimed. Bill was quick to snatch the dangerous hazard away from him, snatching away Lilli's unopened present that he already knew was going to be an identical lighter. "Tom! what were you thinking? what are two eight year old's going to do with lighters?" Bill hissed, his mouth agape in shock. Tom shrugged nonchalantly. "Having a lighter with you is always very practical" Tom protested, but Bill sighed, shaking his head. "Whatever. What do you say, Children?" Bill turned to the Twins, who smiled widely. "Thank you uncle Tom" They said Obediently. 

The rest of the Children's gifts were much more safe and child-friendly. Lilli got a sweet little Tea set from Georg to play Tea party, and a set of brand new dresses for her Rag doll from Gustav. For Tommie, Georg gifted him his very own fishing Rod, and from Gustav, a special bag filled with all the fishing Gear Tommie would need, fishing lures and all sorts. The Twins soon returned to their swings, their laughter and squeals of joy echoing around the home as you sat on the Balcony with Bill and the others, eating from the gorgeous spread of seafood and the platter of fresh fruit you had set for everyone to eat, all of you watching as the Children had the time of their lives. 

"I think this has been a very successful Birthday" Bill commented, smiling fondly at the sound of the Children's Fun and enjoyment, an arm wrapped around you. 

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