26. Help me

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(TW for this chapter: nudity, being watched, getting physically/sexually assaulted (not by any of the members, just Zander being a disgusting evil roach

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(TW for this chapter: nudity, being watched, getting physically/sexually assaulted (not by any of the members, just Zander being a disgusting evil roach. DIE ZANDER DIE)

You run onto the shore, Zander's laughter echoing around the cove as he walked towards you, slowly approaching you on purpose to frighten you. You snatched your clothes and flower crown up from where they lay on the rocks, covering your bare body with them as you stared up at Zander in fear.  "Bill?" You cried, taking a step back. "Bill!" But he didn't come running to you. He was too far away. He couldn't hear you. You knew you would never be able to outrun Zander, whether your legs where aching or not. You yelled for the boys, for your pa. But none of them would hear you, busy on one of their constructions on the beach.

"He can't hear you!" Zander hissed, laughing like a crazy person. "Bill! Bill!" He screamed in a very unaccurate high pitched imitation of you. "You're all mine now, and you can't get away" His smile sent shivers down your spine. You clutched you clothes and flower crown to your chest, trying to climb over the rocks to get away from Zander, who reached you with ease.

He grabbed ahold of your neck as you screamed, pulling you close to his face. "You keep quiet, or else I'll hurt your precious little boyfriened" he threatened, the look in his eyes telling you he was a man of his word. You cried out in fear, trying to escape his grip, but it was no use. He snatched your clothing from you, leaving your body exposed. You squirmed and fought, but all he did was tie your wrists, and wrap fabric around your head so you could not make a sound.

Zander dragged you off, your bound wrists stopping you from doing anything, you couldn't cover your body or even attempt to fight Zander. You felt so scared and shameful that you felt sick. You felt incredibly uncomfortable, wishing there was something, anything to cover your bare body. Zander only left you your flower crown, placing it lopsidedly on your head. Nobody heard your muffled cries for help as you were violently dragged through the jungle by force.

Completely oblivious to what was happening deep in the jungle, Pa and the boys were on the beach, building a swing chair to surprise you, waiting your arrival, eager to show you the surprise. Little did they know you were Meanwhile, Bill was only just leaving the treehouse, some fresh clothes and fruits for you in his arms as he walked towards the moon pool.

Zander held you against him with his iron grip, one arm wrapped around your neck. Your hands flew up to grasp his arm, pulling on it as you squirmed in his grip. He laughed, enjoying watching you struggle. "Poor little Y/N... don't be scared. Bill will arrive at any minute" his tone was fake sweet, a scarily excited grin on his face. "Oh look, there he goes!"

You turned to see, and surely enough Bill was passing by, on his way to the Moon pool. You squirmed and fought Zander, screaming for Bill. But he didn't hear. You slumped down in exhaustion, crying out in despair as Bill went past, oblivious. Zander chuckled, pushing you down onto your knees as his hands gripped your bare shoulder, stroking your bare skin. You burned with disgust and shame, his touch feeling like slime on your skin. You squirmed in discomfort, your eyes welling with tears.

"My brothers are following your little boyfriend right now. When he comes looking for you, he is going to fall right into my trap" Zander murmured, his tone taunting as he ran his hands up and down your arms slowly. You shook your head rapidly, fighting to get out of his grip. Zander laughed at your struggles. "And I am going to make him watch every single thing I do to you" You trembled with fear, only fueling Zanders enjoyment. You were terrified. You couldn't bear to think what things Zander would do to you.

When Bill didn't find you at the Moonpool, only finding a small piece of ripped fabric on the ground, he grew worried. Where could you have gone? You'd never run away or hide from Bill like that. What if you were all alone in the jungle, at risk of being found by Zander? He felt filled with concern, putting down all his things as he went out looking for you.

He checked under every bush and behind every tree, making his way back to the Hibiscus garden, calling your name in the hopes that you would jump out and surprise him, running into his arms. Or that he would find you hiding from him, your giggles giving away your hiding place. But there was no sign of you anywhere.

As he reached the edge of the Hibiscus garden, he noticed a trail of ripped apart flowers leading towards the Garden, finding your flower crown torn apart on the grass. "Y/N?" He called, now very scared and concerned. Zander grinned at the sound of Bill's voice, only holding you down tighter as you squirmed and fought, desperately crying for Bill to be careful, but your yells were muffled.

Bill could only shout in shock as Zanders brothers grabbed onto him, immediately disabling him and holding him up in a position that ruled out all means of defense and fighting. Shit! Bill tugged on his arms, trying to free himself from the brothers. "Get the fuck off of me- let go!" He yelled. "What did you do to Y/N??" But they did not say a word, completely silent as usual. They dragged Bill into the clearing, his eyes widening as he saw you on the ground, all tied up and gagged. Zander flashed his dazzling smile. "Y/N! Let go of her, you-"

"Why hello there, Bill" Zander greeted him, his tone taunting. He ran his hand slowly down your torso, rubbing the curve of your hips as you squirmed in discomfort. This made Bill enraged. That dirty disgusting criminal was touching you, making you uncomfortable and scaring you. He tried to fight his way out of the brothers grip, but it was no use. Your eyes met Bill's, tears running down your face. Bill's heart shattered, the sight of you only encouraging him more.

"Little Y/N is perfectly fine and safe, dont you worry" Zander continued, his dirty hands running up and down your side, making your stomach clench. You felt like you were going to be sick. Bill shook with rage, yelling in frustration as he tried to pull himself off of the Brother's to come to your rescue. He wanted to kill that Zander. Destroy him for ever having the intentions of scaring you and hurting you, for watching you and invading your privacy. For taking you away and tying you up, and touching your body that way. "She's having so much fun with me"

You stared at Bill, your eyes desperate and crying for help. Zander ran his hand up your torso at a tauntingly slow pace on purpose, teasing Bill and assaulting you. His hand grabbed one of your breasts, groping it aggressively  as you jolted in pain, trying to pull away from his grip. Bill yelled in rage. "Don't touch her! Get your filthy hands off of her!" He yelled, trying to hard to free himself to get to you.

"Oh, I'm sorry Bill. I'm just simply enjoying this too much" Zander smiled 'apologetically', smiling cruelly down at you as he groped your body.

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