42. The Children

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"Papa! Papa, come push me on the swing!"

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"Papa! Papa, come push me on the swing!"

"What's the magic word?" Bill put his hands on his hips, raising his eyebrows as he he waited for Lilli to practice using her manners. She grinned sheepishly, batting her eyes innocently. "Please Papa?" She asked politely. Bill smiled in satisfaction, walking around the swing and giving it a gentle push, the swing chair rocking slowly as Lilli grinned happily, returning to making her flower crown.

"That's a beautiful flower crown, Lilli" Bill smiled, sitting down on the swing chair next to Lilli, watching as she added the finishing touches to her flower crown. "Thank you! It's a gift for Mama. Do you think she'll like it?" She asked, looking up at Bill, waiting expectantly for an answer. He nodded quickly. "Of course she will! I think she'll love it" he reassured the eight year old girl, who smiled widely, setting the finish flower crown on her lap.

"I made a gift for you too, Papa" she pulled something out from behind her back, revealing a Chain of Pink and Yellow Frangipani flowers. "It's a necklace! Do you like it Papa?"

"I love it so much, it's perfect! Thank you Lilli" he grinned, touched by the small gesture. He took the flower chain from Lilli, putting it on around his neck and admiring it. She smiled proudly, her small hand taking Bill's.

"Let's go surprise Mama," she pulled him along, hiding the flower crown behind her back.

Bill helped her up the ladder, Lilli giggling in excitement as she caught sight of you inside, sitting at the dining table as you sorted through all the shells Lilli and Tommie had collected yesterday, choosing some to keep as special treasures in their room. Lilli hid the flower crown behind her, running into the room. "Mama!" She squealed, running towards you.

"Lilli!" You greeted her with open arms, the young eight year old flying into your arms. You hugged her close, kissing the top of her head. "Oh? What's this?" You gasped, Lilli giggling as she brandished the beautiful flower crown.

"It's a gift for you Mama! Do you like it? Do you?" She giggled, getting comfortable in your lap as she wrapped her little arms around you. "It's the most beautiful flower crown I've ever seen! I feel like a Princess" You whispered, placing the flower crown on your head, suddenly attacking Lilli with tickles as she squealed and squirmed in your lap, clinging to you for dear life.

Tommie came running into the room, holding a large fish in his hands. "Look at what I caught!" He yelled, the excitement clear in his voice. "Wow Tommie! What a nice catch. We'll be having that for dinner tonight!" Bill ruffled Tommie's hair, the young boy smiling triumphantly as he showed off his catch. Lilli looked up at you, tugging on your arm. "Mama, can I help you cook the fish?" She asked, a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Yes, but you must promise you'll be a good girl and be careful of the fire," You said, Lilli nodding obediently.  

"Lilli! Let's go swimming!" Tommie begged, grabbing onto his twin sister and shaking her by the shoulders. The two giggling children got up, running out of the room and practically jumping down the ladder in their haste to get to the beach.

Bill chuckled, taking your hand and pulling you up from the ground, wrapping an arm around your waist as the two of you walked onto the Balcony, watching from above as the Children ran across the garden and out into the jungle, their laughter echoing all around. "They're growing up so fast... I can't believe they're turning nine next week" you shook your head in disbelief, still unable to comprehend how fast they were growing up. Bill smiled, pressing a kiss to the top of your head as he hugged you close. "I invited the Guys and Pa over for the twins birthday" he informed you, his thumb drawing circles on your waist. You smiled warmly, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

The two of you walked through the jungle, making your way to the beach to join the children. "What do you think Tom's going to gift Lilli and Tommie this year?" You looked up at Bill, watching as he rolled his eyes and scoffed. "He better not get them something stupid- can you believe he got them both Swiss army knives on their third birthday?" You laughed, feeling amusement fill your body as you remembered the Twins third birthday, and how horrified Bill had been when he had seen what Tom had gifted the toddlers. "Atleast Gustav and Georg are sensible with their Birthday gifts" Bill muttered, but he was smiling anyway.

"Mama! Papa!"

Lilli came running up the sand towards you, still drenched in water from her swim. Tommie followed close behind her, huffing and puffing as he tried to catch his breath. Lilli was the first born, and the most bold and headstrong. Tommie always followed and trusted in her, yet still as confident and brave as his Headstrong sister.

"Look Mama, I chose a special Pink shell for you," Lilli said excitedly, running up to you as you crouched down to her level, smiling brightly as she ran into your arms. "Thank you Lilli, it's lovely" You exclaimed, holding out your hand so that she could place the small pink shell in your palm. You traced the details of the pretty pink shell, Lilli practically bouncing with excitement. Meanwhile, Tommie stood at Bill's side, telling him all about what he had seen out on the reef.

"We went to visit the Clownfish family, and they say Hello to you and Papa," Tommie grinned, hugging your side. You wrapped your arms around your son, pressing a kiss to his forehead as you ruffled his messy head of hair. "I like your flower crown Mama, it's pretty" Tommie complimented, his small curious fingers reaching up to touch the Colourful flowers.

"I made it, I'm a flower crown expert, and- Papa, you're still wearing my necklace!" Lilli cheered, running up to Bill, who lifted her right off the ground, spinning her around as she squealed, clinging on to him. "Of course I am, My little mermaid" he smiled, bouncing Lilli on his Hips.

"Mama, can go swim at the Moon pool?" Tommie asked, tugging on your arm as he sat in your lap. "Of course we can" you stood up, setting Tommie down on the sand and taking his little hand.

"Yay! I want to see the Moon Magic. And we can play mermaids!" Lilli cheered, tugging on Bill's hand and dragging him after her as she marched over to you, taking your free hand and leading all of you back into the jungle.

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