38. Different.

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"The famous Kaulitz twins and their Band mates, Georg Listing and Gustav Schäfer, were recently rescued from a desert island in the middle of the Indian Ocean by a Team of Volcanic Scientists investigating a nearby eruption. They spent a year stranded on the island with ____ L/N, a man who went missing 20 years ago from a Plane crash, and his mystery daughter Y/N L/N. They are all Safe and in Good Health, adjusting back to normal life in Germany-"

You switched the channels on the 'TV', switching it to some Animated kids cartoon. You lay on your tummy on the comfortable hotel bed, dressed in a very comfortable silky Pajama set Bill had gifted you. You were waiting Patiently for Bill, who had left you at the Hotel whilst he went to a photoshoot with the band.

You had been thrown into a completely new life, so different from your idyllic island life. You were introduced to so many new things, and it was all so scary and overwhelming, but Bill was there for you every second of the way, teaching you and guiding you.

You slowly adjusted to life in the outside world, and to Bill's complicated life of fame. He was often busy with interviews, photoshoots, meet and greets and shows, having not a lot of time to spend with you. Him and the Boys went on tour to Perform their brand new Album and resume the tour they had just started only a year ago before they went missing, pronounced dead few months later. All their fans, friends and family were shocked yet overjoyed at their return.

With every interview, the only thing anyone ever wanted to know was the story. The Boys told the story of how they came to find the island, how they met you and how they spent their days on the island, and all the good and scary experiences. Tom often cracked some dirty Joke about you and Bill, always something to do with sex, which always annoyed Bill to no end. "Bill isn't a Virgin anymore!" He had said, making the crowd laugh.

Soon, the entire world knew your love story, and they were going crazy.

You made a few appearances in interviews and at events, wanting to spend as much time with Bill as possible since he was so busy. You even begged Pa to let you go on Tour with the Boys whilst he stayed with long lost family and friends, all so that you could be with Bill for more than an hour or so, but he had even less time to spend with you.

You spent your days in hotel rooms, waiting for Bill's return every single day. You attended every concert, always their to support him and congratulate him at the end of every show. He still managed to fit some time into his schedule to spend with you, watching movies and cuddling you. He still made time to get intimate with you, often late in the night after concerts or early in the morning before he left for the day, but in the end, he always had to leave you.

You no longer spent your days playing out in the Jungle, chasing eachother across the beaches and going for swims in the reef, or spending your afternoons on the boat in the lagoon. You no longer spent time together in the Hibiscus Garden, picking flowers or laying in the warm grass together. You no longer snuck out to the Moon pool to swim in its waters and make love beneath the willow tree, hidden from sight.

You missed everything about your island. The tropical warmth of the sun, the beautiful jungle and the colourful reef, the beauty of Nature and its gifts. You missed the treehouse, and the fruits and food you were used to, Your room and your bed, your jewelry and all your special treasures, your makeshift clothes and the memories of your Ma.

You missed your island home, but most of all, you missed Bill.

He still hadn't returned in the late hours of the night, still out performing. You could feel how exhausted he was from everything. You could tell he missed spending time with you, and maybe even a small part of him missed the island. Your lives had changed drastically. Once you arrived in Germany and finally reached Legal age, you got officially married, signing papers that officialized your Marriage. You looked at the gold wedding band on your finger right beside the one Bill had made for you out of Vine. You knew you should feel happy, but you didn't. You were so homesick and sad, and you missed your husband.

He was so busy he barely noticed the small things anymore. He never noticed how you would wake up in the early hours of the morning and be violently sick into the toilet, or that you hadn't asked him for Any sanitary products, a clear sign that you had been missing your periods.

You turned off the TV, having lost interest in the screen long ago. You curled onto your side, alone in the dark of the room. You slipped out of bed, making your way over to the large window. You looked over all the tall buildings and the overwhelming city lights, gazing up at the sky in search of the Moon and stars. Bill was right. You couldn't really see the stars in the outside world. You felt your heart sink, missing home more than ever.

You dragged yourself back into Bed, curling yourself up into a ball under the crisp white sheets that were cold on your skin, providing no warmth to your body. You missed your own bed, and going to sleep and waking up in the special room your Ma had made for you.

You couldn't hold it back anymore, a sob escaping your lips as tears spilled over from your eyes, running down your cheeks. You cried softly, your heart aching. You didn't lift your head off of the tear stained pillow as you heard the door creak open, light flooding the room for a short moment before it closed again.

"My love? Are you asleep?"

You gave no response, clenching your eyes shut as more tears ran down your face, biting down hard on your bottom lip. "Y/N?" Bill's soft soothing voice cut through the thick silence once more. He could tell something was wrong. He could feel your pain.

He made his way over to you, feeling a stab to his heart as he saw your tear stained face. "Oh Y/N, what's wrong? What happened?" A glint of sadness and concern in his eyes. He cupped your cheek with his slender hand, wiping away your tears with his thumb.

"I want to go home" you whispered, another wave of tears spilling from your eyes. You had tried hard, so terribly hard to move on from your past life and adjust to this new, scary change over the last few months, but you couldn't handle it any longer. "I want to go home to the island to be with you! Like we promised in our wedding vows"

Bill watched you with a sad expression, his heart shattering as he realized in just how much distress you were in, how much heartache you must have gone through in the last few weeks.

And then, he got an idea.

𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐃 ☀︎ 𝐁. 𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙Where stories live. Discover now