17. Danger

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You stood knee-deep in the pool, washing the dishes from last night's meal and breakfast in the water, Tom 'helping you' by sitting on the rock, the basket for carrying the dishes on his lap as he sat back luxuriously, feasting on a Banana all whi...

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You stood knee-deep in the pool, washing the dishes from last night's meal and breakfast in the water, Tom 'helping you' by sitting on the rock, the basket for carrying the dishes on his lap as he sat back luxuriously, feasting on a Banana all whilst 'resting his eyes'. You glanced over at Bill, who was bathing by the waterfall, washing himself with a handkerchief and a sponge. Tom peeked at you with one eye, smirking as he caught you eyeing his twin brother. a Blush forming on your cheeks as your gaze lingered on his torso. Tom splashed you, catching your attention. You jumped, turning your attention back to the Boy who grinned at you, waggling his eyebrows in a teasing manner. "You were staring at Bill! Y/N's in loveeeeee" he teased, trying to wind you up on purpose. "Of course I am, I'm his lover and his soulmate, he said so" You declared triumphantly. "Oh, so you're his girlfriend" Tom raised his eyebrows, grinning deviously. "We should make a surprise for him!"

"A surprise?" You repeated, glancing at the Boy. Tom nodded, a smug look on his face. "Girlfriends usually surprise their boyfriends" he informed you, lowering his voice so Bill wouldn't hear the conversation. "How??" You asked. Tom had known Bill way longer than you did, and he seemed to know all about Girlfriends and Boyfriends, unlike you. So, you were sure he would know just how to help you 'Surprise' Bill. "With a sexy outfit of course, like lingerie, or maybe no clotheses at all! and you wait for him on his bed" 

"I don't think I can find 'Lingerie' on the island, Tom" You remarked, eyeing the boy carefully to make sure he wasn't playing tricks on you, but he looked genuine, even though he was using all his self control not to burst out laughing, not that you noticed. "What even is 'Lingerie'?" You frowned, Tom shaking his head in disbelief. "It doesn't matter! look, I'll help you make a sexy surprise for Bill" He offered, a sly grin on his face. You nodded hesitantly, Tom grinning like a maniac. 


Tom turned his back to you to give you privacy as you put on the makeshift Lingerie outfit he had made. "Does it look good? Does it look Sexy?" You asked, stepping out from behind the bush to show Tom the outfit. He showed you a thumbs up sign, a amused look on his face. You peered down at the skimpy little outfit, feeling a bit hesitant about the whole ordeal. Tom and cut some Fabric and used some string to create something that somewhat resembled a Triangle top Bikini, paired with one of your pairs of shorts that he had butchered with scissors, turning them into what he called a 'Thong' but it really looked like a very Skimpy Nappy when you put it on. "Okay, Let's surprise Bill then" You said, walking off only for tom to grab you by the wrist and pull you back. "We're far from done, Y/N! you still need your makeover!"

"Boys like girls with perfect bodies, gorgeous hair and lots of Make up," Tom told you as he sat you down on a rock, dipping his fingers in a bowl of crushed red berries that he spread all over your lips to make 'lipstick' which made you look more like you had just drank someone's blood like a Vampire. "Really?" You frowned, feeling slightly insecure. Bill had never complained about any of that, he said you were beautiful and perfect the way you were. You sat there patiently as Tom spread his makeshift make up onto your cheeks and eyelids, making you look like an absolute mess. he took a step back and bit his lip, inspecting your face with an unsure look in his eyes. "Gosh, it doesn't look at all like make up. How do girls even do this?" he muttered under his breath, clenching his teeth as he realized just how messy and silly you looked. "What's wrong?" You asked, frowning with concern. "NOTHING, Nothing!" Tom insisted. "You look amazing, Bill's gonna love this!"


Bill returned from his bath, putting down the basket of dishes you and Tom had forgotten at the pool. "Tom? Y/N?" he called, sighing in annoyance when he saw no sign of either of you. You stepped out from the bushes, Tom still hiding there to watch the drama go down, trying to hold back his laughter. "Bill," You said, trying to make your voice all husky and sexy like Tom had told you to, failing Miserably. "Do I look sexy?" You posed, fluttering your eyelashes and sticking out your chest just like Tom had instructed you to. Bill's eyes widened, his hand flying up to his mouth. Your eyebrows furrowed, Tom's plan wasn't working at all! Tom burst out laughing, his loud obnoxious laughter echoing around the jungle as he rolled about laughing, giving himself away. 

You burned with embarrassment, your face turning crimson. "Y/N, love, have you seen yourself?" Bill asked gently, a sympathetic look on his face. You turned to look down at the Bowl of water on the ground beneath you, your reflection in the water showing you just how pathetic you looked. Tom's laughter grew louder, the Pitying look on Bill's face driving you mad. Humiliated, you shoved Tom to the ground, his laughter immediately stopping as he fell down with a grunt. "Tom! Why the fuck would you embarrass her like that?" Bill yelled. Burning with anger and Humiliation, you took off running, not wanting Tom and Bill to see the tears in your eyes. "Y/N! wait!" You ran deep into the forest away from the camp, ignoring Bill's calls of your name. 

A sob left your lips, tears spilling from your eyes. You were so embarrassed and  especially angry at Tom, and even more embarassed that you were crying. You ran until you couldn't anymore, collapsing at the foot of a tall tree. You hugged your knees to your chest, crying all the make-up off your face. 

At the sound of a unusual ominous growl, You slowly lifted your head up, your blood going cold as you spotted the Creature infront of you.

A Black Panther stood a few feet away from you, it's eyes cold and predatory, growls reverberated in it's chest as it slowly moved towards you, ready to pounce at any given moment. Fear filled your body, your eyes wide with terror as you stared at the creature moving towards you. You didn't dare move a muscle, knowing that the smallest movement would cost you your life. You would never be able to outrun it, and you had no weapons to defend yourself. 

In the distance, you could faintly hear Bill and Tom's calls of your name, but you knew they would never reach you in time. You trembled with fear, your back pressing against the tree as you sat there tense, staring at the predatory creature as it moved closer and closer, until it was only inches away from your body. 

You cried out in fear, closing your eyes and waiting for it to pounce on you and rip you to shreds, but it never did. 

A loud yell caught your attention, also startling the Panther as it looked around in confusion. You froze in shock as Georg leapt down from the tree above, landing on the Panther with calculated Precision. The Creature began to yowl and screech, thrashing about Madly as Georg tackled it, hugging it so tightly there was no way of him losing his grip on the creature. He drew his hunting knife, lifting it in the air before bringing it down on the Wild animal, stabbing it repeatedly in it's gut. The Creature fought back, thrashing wildly, eventually managing to flip over so it was on top of Georg. 

Georg yelled out in pain as the Panther clawed at his chest, struggling as he continued to wrestle the wild animal. he reached for his hunting knife, stabbing the Panther in the side of it's head as it yowled in pain, thrashing momentarily before finally giving way, collapsing onto Georg with a whine as it took it's last breath, going limp. 

You stared at Georg with wide eyes, still frozen from the fear and shock. Your lip quivered, tears spilling from your eyes. You had almost died, but you hadn't, because Georg had risked his life to save you. 

Georg groaned, using all the strength left in his body to push the Heavy Animal off of him, the Dead creature rolling onto the ground beside him. He hissed in pain, pushing himself up onto his elbows. You watched as he got up, still trembling in shock. He limped over to you, crouching down infront of you. "It's okay, your safe now" he whispered, wiping your tears. He pulled out the shirt he had tucked in the waistline of his shorts, wrapping it around you. 

"Y/N! oh my god, what happened?" Bill came running towards you, falling onto his knees at your side. he pulled you into his arms, hugging you tightly as you cried silently into his shoulder, holding onto him. You had been so scared. Tom stood a few feet away, staring down at the dead panther, his eyes wide as he realized what could have happened to you if Georg hadn't been there to save you, and it all would have been his fault.

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