08. Nightmare

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Bill came up towards the line of trees, an odd throbbing silence taking over the jungle. All he could hear was your sweet humming voice, calling him to you. He stopped in his steps, hiding behind a tree as his eyes searched the area for you.

Surely enough, there you were, in that very Grove where you had danced together mere days ago. You hummed softly, your sweet voice the only sound in the deathly silence of the jungle. Bill stood frozen still, entranced. He watched as you danced amongst the flowers, twirling and spinning as your Beautiful Laughter echoed around. You wore a gorgeous flower crown of multicolored hibiscus flowers that you must have taken ages to make, balancing on the crown of your head as you twirled around, your long silky hair flying around you.  (IF YOU COULDNT TELL ALREADY THIS IS A DREAAAAM)

Bills gaze scanned down your body, his eyes widening as he realized you wore nothing on your Sublime form. His face reddened, his heart racing as his eyes lingered on the curves of your breasts, not daring to let his gaze venture any lower. He felt a powerful longing to approach you, to hold you in his arms and kiss you passionately right there and then, but he couldn't move. He just stood there, as if frozen in time. So he just watched, lost in a trance as he admired you twirl around the Grove, daydreaming and laughing like a Ethereal Being in an enchanted forest or something.

But then, Bill's blood ran cold. Right there behind you, was some unknown man, with a dark, evil look in his eyes. He had no idea who the man was or where he was coming from, but he was enraged at the thought of the Scary Man seeing you in such a vulnerable state.

All of a sudden, you let out a blood curdling scream of pure terror. "Y/N!!" Bill yelled, trying to run towards you to rescue you, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move! His eyes filled with tears at the sound of your screams, a boiling rage bubbling up inside him as he watched the Man grab ahold of you, his dirty hands on your gentle, bare skin.

He called out to you, screaming as loud as his lungs would allow, but you couldn't hear him. You couldn't see him. You cried out in desperation, squirming as you tried to wiggle out of the man's grip. You wept out Bill's name, tears streaming down your face.

Bill could only watch helplessly as the Man lifted you right off your feet, dragging you into the jungle and away from Bill as all he could hear were you screams of agony, and your cries for him to save you.

Bill shot awake, gasping loudly. He sat up in bed, his breathing rapid and unstable as he tried to calm down, pressing a hand to his chest to feel his beating heart. Once he caught his breath, he gulped, thinking about his awful nightmare.

Without a second thought, Bill was immediately out of bed as he made the descent down the tree to your room, to make sure you were Safe and still there.

He quietly crept into the room, whispering your name.

"Bill?" You said softly, moaning sleepily as you rubbed your eyes. "Are you okay?"

"I had a nightmare," Bill admitted, looking a bit embarrassed. You smiled sympathetically, beckoning him over.

"You can stay in here with me if you'd like" you suggested, patting the spot on your bed beside you. You didn't need to ask twice, Bill immediately rushed over. "I'll just put something on-" you said, covering your bare body with one of the sheets as you got up to find something to wear. "No, it's okay, I don't mind. Unless your not comfortable?" Bill babbled, a blush evident on his face. You shook your head slowly, a soft smile on your face.

You moved over a little bit, making some space for Bill in your bed as you hid yourself under the covers. He slid in beside you, his cheeks tinted red as he made himself comfortable beside you. He could feel the warmth of your body and the soft, bare skin of your leg brushing against his.

"Can I... Can I hold you?" Bill whispered, having summed up all the courage in his body to even speak to you. You nodded, your heart fluttering. He wrapped an arm around you, placing his hand on the small of your back as he pulled you closer to him. He could feel the plush of your breasts through the sheets as he pressed you against his chest, holding you close to his beating heart.

You blushed, your heart doing somersaults inside your chest at the close proximity. You could feel a strange feeling between your legs and in your stomach, as if you were excited or nervous. Bill stared down into your eyes, unable to look away from you. Your heart was hammering so loud in your chest, your breathing heavy as you could feel the strength of the tension between you.

Bill's gaze lingered on your lips, looking up into your eyes as if asking you for permission. You blinked, feeling butterflies in your stomach as he leaned down closer and closer towards you, your lips inches apart as his nose brushed against yours.

You let your eyes flutter shut, waiting for the contact. Moments later, his lips sunk down onto yours. He shut his eyes in bliss, his arms holding you close to him as he kissed you tenderly. You were fizzing up like fireworks inside, that spot between your legs throbbing with excitement. His lips were so soft and sweet on yours, you wished it would last forever.

Bill pulled apart for air, his cheeks red as he looked into your eyes before glancing away shyly. You were practically bubbling up with excitement and happiness at what had just happened, snuggling up to him as you smiled to yourself.

His lips stretched out into a smile, so happy about the kiss. He leaned down to kiss you once more on the lips before pulling you close to him as you cuddled together, eventually Falling asleep in his arms.

Bill gently rubbed your bare back with one hand, the other hand running through your hair as he let his eyes fall shut, feeling content and comforted by your presence.

He slept peacefully that night, no longer plagued by nightmares, he only dreamed of you, happy dreams that made his heart warm.

(Rushed and low key shitty but I had to give you guys an update 🥲)

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