11. Unbearable pain.

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Bill used every ounce of energy and will he had left in his body to lift you back up into his arms, limping towards the colourful glow of the lights of the Moon pool as you lay in his arms

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Bill used every ounce of energy and will he had left in his body to lift you back up into his arms, limping towards the colourful glow of the lights of the Moon pool as you lay in his arms. He was determined to do whatever he could to save you. he couldn't lose you, it would destroy him. He loved you, so so deeply. You were sacred to him, so special, he would do anything for you. Driven by his Love and determination, he forced his legs to carry his body and yours to the Moon pool, with every step, he felt like collapsing to the ground, but he carried on no matter what. he would never give up on you. 

He staggered down the hill, his legs giving way beneath him as he tumbled into the water, still holding you in his arms. He waded further into the water, your body floating as he kept his arms wrapped around you, staring down at your face. His heart shattered at the sight. He couldn't see the sparkle of your eyes anymore, nothing but pools of darkness through your Half lidded eyes as you stared up at him, unable to speak.

"Y/N" he whispered, his voice cracking. "I don't know what to do, how can I save you?" But you didn't reply, unable to do anything but stare at him. His eyes glossed over with tears, pulling you closer to him as he inhaled your sweet feminine scent that brought him so much comfort. "Please don't leave me" his voice wobbled as he struggled to hold back his tears. He wished he had never brought you to the north of the Island. None of this would have happened if you had just stayed home like you had insisted. You wouldn't have been dying in his arms If he hadn't insisted on going out on an adventure.

Overcome with Guilt, he let out a sob, running his fingers through your soft hair to try to bring him comfort. He held you close, so close that if he wanted to pull you closer you'd have to go through his skin, but your loving arms didn't wrap around him. Your body was completely numb, your arms and legs limp and unable to move.

"I'm sorry Y/N" he cries, his heart aching so much he wanted to stab himself. He would never be able to recover from losing you, ever. He wished and wished and wished that it was all just a bad dream, that you weren't dying after all! He would open his eyes and you would be perfectly fine, a happy smile on your face. You would hug him tightly and kiss him with your sweet lips.

But when he pulled away from you, you simply stared up at him through those half lidded eyes, a singular tear rolling down your cheek.

That felt like a killing blow to him. You were so numb, in so much excruciating pain that you couldn't move or speak, you could only watch, feel and listen. Your only way of showing emotion was to cry, and so you did. Tears rolling down your cheeks as you stared up at Bill. There was nothing worse. You were dying a slow painful death, and you had to watch your lover go through it. 

He bit on his lip, trying his best not to scream from all the agony and pain he was feeling, the rage he had at the universe for taking you away from him.

He held you close, hiding your face in his neck as he swam over to the waterfall, covering and protecting your head as he passed under the waterfall, where there was a hollowed out cave in the rock face. He placed your body on the flat surface of rock as he crawled onto the rock, pulling your unmoving body into his arms.

He gazed down at your face, kissing away your tears as he stroked the side of your face, Tears streaming down his own face as he held you in his arms.

He could only think of you. Everything about you, all the things he would never see again. He thought back to every moment you had shared, every touch, every kiss. He thought back to that night you had shown him the Moon pool, that night the two of you had swam together and slept peacefully beneath the willow tree, and he let the tears fall, dripping down onto your skin like raindrops as he cried.

"Bill" you croaked, your voice barely a whisper as you tried as hard as you could to move your lips. He cried harder, his body wracking with sobs as he cradled you in his arms. If he could, he would take all the pain away, he would make you all better, so that the two of you could be together and live happily ever after, but life is no fairy tale story.

He leaned down to kiss your lips, but they were cold and salty with tears. He caressed your cheek, kissing every inch of your face as he wiped away your tears.

You shivered and shook with Cold and excruciating pain. Bill enveloped you in his arms, trying to warm you up with his body. "Stay with me Y/N, stay with me my angel" he repeated over and over again like a prayer, rocking back and forth on himself as he held you against his chest, supporting your back with his hand.

He pulled back to look at you, but your eyes had fallen shut, one lone tear running down your cheek. Bill's eyes widened, his heart bursting into a million little pieces, so scared he thought he was going to be sick. Were you dead?

"No, no, no, no. Please, please, open your eyes" he sobbed, shaking your body. But your eyes didn't open, you didn't move an inch, your body limp in his arms. "You can't go, I need you Y/N. You can't leave me" he felt so much pain, he couldn't every cry. He refused to believe it. You couldn't be dead! His Y/N couldn't be dead. You were his soulmate, his first love. You were going to be together forever.

He shook violently, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to even form words. He shook his head wildly, his heart throbbing in pain. 

He lay back on the rocks, pulling your body close to him as he wrapped his arms around your limp body, encasing you in a protective bubble. He lay his head on top of yours, your soft silky hair tickling his cheek as he stared off into the distance, the colouful glow of the moon pool blurring in his sight as silent tears flowed out of his eyes. His eyes eventually fluttered shut as he drifted off to sleep.

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