Chapter 29

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After another 17 hours of driving we finally arrived in Maryland, Hannibal lives in Baltimore on the very edge next to a large forest, it was so beautiful.

As we pulled up to a very modern house my eyes wandered across the beautiful exterior with many windows, currently with curtains drawn as it was early in the morning.

I sigh as i stretch my back out making it pop after I have been sat still too long.

I sigh and look around at the scenery, it was more green than in Texas, there was also frost in the air as when i breathed out it looked as though a mini cloud was forming.

There was a click towards the house and all heads snapped towards the door.

A brunette haired man, with dark brown eyes, he was very handsome but also had a pained expression and false smile on his face.

"Who's that?" Bo asked me.

"Will" i said quickly before walking towards him, seeing a gun being held at his side.

His eyes narrowed as i approached the lightened house and as soon as i was more visible i paused, allowing him to look me over, and i noticed his expression and smile change slightly

"And you must be Will" I say smiling at him.

"You must be the infamous Vivian" he chuckled darkly and i raised an eyebrow at him.

"Will!" I heard a heavy accented voice call, I heard Will exhale heavily and slowly turn around.

Just as he was about to call back i spoke up "Hannibal!" I shouted towards the house with a mischievous smile "sorry Will can i hug you like couple for a second?" I ask him quickly and quietly.

His smile turned into a grin as he saw my mischievous smile and he nodded.

I wrapped am arm around his waist and he wrapped his around my shoulders, then i put my hand on his chest and softened my gaze.

I wanted to see if Hannibal would react in any was differently to his normal calm demeanor.

He walked out and paused, his eyes scanning the darkness, i rested my head on Will's shoulder and he leaned closer to my ear to whisper "you are quite evil, you know".

"Oh i know" i whisper back as i saw Hannibal expression change from curiosity to annoyance, then to anger as he spotted Will hugging me. He hadnt realised it was me yet.

"Will, who is she?" He growled at.

Will smirked at Hannibal "you don't recognise her Hannibal?" He asked innocently.

He walked close and then noticed my hair colour, looking into my eyes i saw his relief, which quickly turned to confusion as he looked between us both.

"You two know each other?" He made himself relax.

"Nope, just met, but what i thought was true Hanni" i smirked at him and laughed "Thanks Will, you're a cool guy" i saw as i pull away from him patting his chest.

I went to walk past him and he grabbed my arm pulling me towards him, and wrapping his arm around my waist.

I raised my eyebrow at him curiously and glanced at Will confused.

All i saw was a smile on Will's face, weird, does he not love Hannibal like Hannibal does him?

I felt Hannibal lower his head into the crook of my neck and he smelled me causing me to tense.

He always did this but i still found it peculiar.

"Hanni, you good?" I ask him.

He hummed then said "you finally lost your V card huh?" My head snapped to him and i raised my eyebrow at him.

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