Chapter 22

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I woke up in my bed, smelling something being cooked downstairs, i checked the time to see it was 9am, i slept longer than normal.

It's Saturday so it's the only day me, Billy and Stu have a day off and it just so happens we have 5 others to spend the day with as well.

I heard a knock on my door, i checked what I was wearing was mostly decent, Billy's tee and Stu's boxers, i laughed as i had forgotten i had stolen them from the boys.

"Come in" i called, swinging my legs off the bed so i was facing the door.

I saw a messy mop of brown hair before i saw the rest of Danny, he looked like he either hadn't been to sleep or he was just woken up, i didn't know.

"Uhh Thomas says breakfast will be ready in an hour" he walks in a bit more, squinting his eyes to try and see me, i got up and opened the curtains to help him "there you are" he chuckles nervously, his eyes scanning my body.

I turned and caught him staring at me "Danny?" I ask.

His eyes had darkened.

"You might want to wear a bit more babydoll if a guy comes in" i looked down confused the baggy shirt covered my entire upper body apart from my arms and the boxers covered what was needed, it was just my thighs and legs that were showing.

"They're just thighs Danny, you can't tell me you haven't seen any.. Even if mine are a bit bigger than most" i mumbled the last part.

"You forget V, there are a lot of us that are obsessed with y-" he cut himself off but I had heard him.

"What do you mean obsessed with me Danny?!" I walked over to him, pushing the door closed.

"I-I" he stutters awkwardly "i can't tell you V" he sighs and goes to walk out, but i pull him by the collar back and make it so I'm in the way of the door.

"Billy and Stu already let it slip that a few of the group liked me. Now you tell me what you mean by them being 'obsessed' with me" i had my hands on my hips and a frown on my face.

I hadn't even realised the door was open again behind me and the 4 men standing there glaring at Danny.

"I-I can't V" he points behind me "THEY will kill me" i spun around still in the same stance.

Their glares soften as they see me angry "baby calm down alright" Stu tries to calm me down, i grab his wrist and yank him and therefore Billy in the room and slam the door, locking it with Hannibal and Patrick on the other side.

They would try and use their manipulative techniques to calm me down and make me let go of the subject.

I saw Danny run to the window and i pushed him on the bed, locking the window too, i had keys to both.

"No. You lot are gonna explain shit to me. Right now!" I knew i was being mean and i honestly couldn't care.

Billy's eyes were just as dark as Danny's but i didn't even notice at this point.

I grabbed Stu's ear and pulled him to sit on the bed and stood over him.

He was the fastest of the three.

"Start talking!" I yelled causing them all to flinch and me to feel a pang of guilt "please" i added after.

I heard the door rattling and paid it no mind.

Stu suddenly grinned causing my frown to falter.

He grabbed me by my hips and pulled me forward.

I yelped as i fell on top of him.

I then felt my keys get yanked out of my hand "no!" I yell.

Danny unlocks the door and Billy walks behind me.

"I hate you both" i say slapping Stu's chest.

"You could never hate us babygirl" i heard Billy growl from right behind me.

My eyes met with Stu's to see his excitement. I then looked down at the position we were in and rolled my eyes "you willingly got like this with Billy but not me?" Stu raised an eyebrow.

"Different situations Stu" i leaned back so i was leaning more on my knees than on his lap.

"I just want someone to tell me the goddamned truth and explain shit to me" i sigh and run my hand through my hair.

I felt a hand grab my wrist and look up to see Hannibal smirking down at me.

I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me go.

I then felt my other wrist being grabbed and snapped my head to see Patrick lifting it to his lips and kissing my wrist. Causing me to blush.

"Okay you guys can get out unless you're gonna give me answers" i mumbled embarrassed.

Hannibal and Patrick sat on the bed beside where Stu was. I noticed Stu still locking my hips in place and raised an eyebrow at him.

Billy pressed his chest against my back and i felt a hand find its way to my waist, the other started stroking my neck.

"Billy?" I whispered out, slightly scared.

I felt his hand slide up to my chin and tilted my head up to look him in the eyes "this is what we mean by we are obsessed with you, your look, your smell, your taste. Everything" he then bent his head and kissed me roughly which caused me to gasp, he tongue snaking into my mouth.

I was in shock.

"Billy calm down. Don't force her" i heard Hannibal call out.

Billy growled into my lips, if i was being honest this was a major turn on for me.

I decided to play back and i bit his lip hard.

He stumbled back holding his lips and looked at me smirking.

"Damn, i wasn't expecting that baby" he licked the blood of his lips and i smiled sweetly at him, i then felt another hand under my chin and Hannibal licked the blood off my lips and kissed me deeply. I tried to bite his lip but he grazed my bottom lip with his teeth before I could.

"You are ours Mi Amore" he purred into my lips.

I sucked on my bottom lip as he had made it bleed as he closed his eyes regaining control.

I then felt someone roughly grab my hair and pull my head back and then i felt a new persons lips on my mine, i pulled away to catch my breath.

"We will be taking you out soon enough sweetheart" Patrick mumbled in my ear before kissing my neck and pulling away, he turned away.

I was panting, mostly out of shock.

"God your beautiful" Danny said in my ear and licked down my neck, biting lightly at it.

I bit on my lip harder, it felt so good.

I felt hands on my cheeks and felt Stu pull me down to him and we locked lips. He grabbed the back of my neck holding me there until we had to part.

I was as red as a tomato.

I felt an arm wrap around my waist and i was lifted onto my feet and spun around only to be met with yet another pair of lips, this time it was Danny's.

He kissed me softly, not wanting to bruise my lips anymore.

It was interrupted by clapping behind us and as i was swaying there i heard "breakfasts ready".

It was Thomas, he was staring at my lips.

"Mate, go ahead" Billy nudged Thomas forward. He shook his head looking down.

He was embarrassed, he wanted to but not force me.

I walked over to him and pulled his face down to mine, unlatching his mask and kissed him gently. He wrapped his arms round me and kissed me a bit harder.

Then pulled away.

I stepped back then. Surprised with my own actions. I just kissed 6 men.

Shaking my head i walk into my room and lock myself in my bathroom.


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