Chapter 18

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It had been two months since everything went down at the Macher house.

Everything had returned to normal. The trio had been given leniency on their exams and all got grades based off their overall work throughout their high school years, Vivian got all A's, Stu got a mix between B's and C's and Billy got all B's.

Vivian lived in the Macher household for a month before returning to her home to pack.

She was going to train in Muerto County, Texas for 3 years to do her core training to become a psychiatrist. She had to travel elsewhere afterwards and train for 3 more years after that if she wanted to become a psychiatrist.
But she was happy she had completed her 2 years of general training already. She would be able to do the job she had aspired to be in the last 6 years.

Vivian's POV

When I told all the boys this however, they were not happy. It would mean I would be leaving them again.

Hannibal had already moved away, he had been studying for 6 years, he had already completed his psychiatry courses. They allowed him to take two at a time, he had been training to be a Forensic psychiatrist. He had also told me he would train to become a surgeon now.

Danny went to Florida to be a journalist/reporter.

Patrick moved to New York and is now an Investment Banking executive and business owner.

Bo opened up a Gas Station/Garage and works as a mechanic also in Ambrose, Louisiana.

Vincent Took up Art, more specifically Wax sculpting, Bo also helped his brother every now and then.

Lester just claimed to be 'roadkill cleanup' for people in Ambrose. I have no idea what he meant when he said that.

Norman went back to help his mother run her motel in Fairvale, California.

Michael had gone to find his sister in Haddonfield, Illinois.

And i heard from Danny that Tiff and Chucky were living with a young man named Brahms Heelshire In England, somewhere in the countryside. They had told me he was around 22 now.

As for Stu and Billy, they didn't know what to do. I had suggested going into movies, directing. Stu loved the idea, however Billy wasn't sure.

I shook my head, breaking away from my thoughts.

I decided to finish packing the last box, admittedly there were only 12 boxes in total. The furniture was going to be sold with the house. There wasn't much for me to come back to so why keep a house here?

I heard a knock at the door and went downstairs with the last box i put it down to answer the door.

Billy and Stu stood in my doorway.

"Hey you two" i spoke first.

"Hey Viv, can we talk?" Stu was the first to talk between the boys, i opened the door wider and they looked around before lounging onto the sofa.

I closed the door and walked in front of them "you want a drink?" They both shook their heads no "okay so what's with you two?" I sat down on the coffee table facing them.

"We want to go with you..."

"...Even if we have to follow you" Stu finished Billy's sentence.

I sigh "i haven't even bought a place yet, and tell me have either of you thought about what you want to study?" I question them, taking my time to look between them.

"I want to go into directing" Stu spoke up.

I then looked at Billy "I just want to stay with you both" he looked down trying to hide his blush, he was cute when he wasn't throwing a tantrum...

"And what of your family Stu? And your dad, Billy?" I continued questioning them.

"They don't mind as long as me and you two visit once in a while or call them" Stu shrugged.

I looked towards Billy "my dad kicked me out V" he spoke extra softly "told me i should 'get on with my life' now that i am 18" his eyes were darker than usual.

I stood up and sat on the arm of the sofa and side hugged Billy, he leaned into it.

"Alright, you can come with me, but i have to move again in 3 years to Baltimore, it's where my last course is based" they both nodded in agreement.

I grabbed my laptop and turned it on "what are you doing?" Stu questioned peeking over my shoulder.

"I am setting you up for classes Stu. And you Billy, will either study or work" i stated matter of factly.

I heard a sigh from Billy and saw Stu's shoulders shaking "you got told!" Stu burst out laughing at his lover.

Oh did i mention Stu and Billy started dating more openly?

They had asked me to join them but i had told them i wasn't ready. Flirtatious comments and odd kisses and hugs were enough for me.

Anything more intimate i shied away from.

I wanted my first time to be shared with another person's first.

But of course, what man is a virgin at 18 anymore?

The boys left with my boxes in a truck they borrowed, they were going to go pack their stuff up also to add to mine.

I decided to go for one last walk around Woodsboro.

I visited the mall, where i bought Stu a camera from the electronics store. I decided to buy Billy some new clothes and a metal comb engraved with his initials. I also bought a box of black metal bracelets, i bought 15.

I was going to engrave initials into them all and send them out for Christmas. Christmas was in a month.

And studies would start in February.

I proceeded to walk around Woodsboro, i went into the book store, bought two romance books, some comics and magazines, as well as some more action packed books for the boys.

I went to Blockbuster and felt a small pang of guilt and loss, Randy.

I left again after a while of browsing, not wanting to rent anything.

I went to a DVD store instead and bought all the horror DVD's i could get my hands on. Knowing Stu would pack his DVD player.

I bought some lollipops or as they're often called Suckers and then went back to my old house to wait for the boys.

Not long after i got back did they arrive, Stu was driving and Billy hopped out and grabbed the bags much to my disliking.

He saw two sealed bags and furrowed his eyebrows as me.

I took them both from him with a small smile and climbed into the front seat, he placed the rest in the back and closed the truck up. Running round to the door i climbed in and shut it.

"To Texas!" Stu shouted which made me and Billy laugh.

To Texas indeed.


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