Chapter 10

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As i walked through the gates to Woodsborough high, i noticed a lot of teens staring at me.

I knew it was because i was new.

That and I was 18, so this is the last year of highschool.

I noticed a familiar group sat by a fountain, but tried to ignore them.

Stu and Billy waved me over, i really didnt want to talk to them after last night.

Just thinking about it made me shiver, the creepy looks, the dark eyes.

I recognised the look in Billy's eyes, it was a darkness i have had before. When i killed.

I nodded at them and walked up to the fountain, sitting as far from the boys as possible, Sidney was sat between Billy's legs and Tatum was being side hugged by Stu.

The cashier friend was the person i sat closest to since i didn't want to be anywhere near them two right now.

"Hey, I'm Randy" the cashier guy said, smiling nervously at me.

"I'm Vivian, il piacere è mio Randy" i spoke softly, shaking his hand 'the pleasure is mine'.

He looked confused "Italian?" He guessed and i responded by nodding.

He beamed "i don't know what you said but nice to meet you" i glanced at the boys quickly, they were glaring at Randy.

"So, Randy, you work at the Blockbusters. So what's your favorite genre?" I asked quietly.

"Oh, most definitely Horror!" I quirked my eyebrow.

"Whats your favourite scary movie?" I tilted my head as he got more excited.

"Oh, thats a hard one! Probably Nightmare on Elm Street" i nod slowly.

"What is your favourite genre now Vivi?" Stu's voice held a tinge of amusement.

"Horror and fantasy. It hasn't changed" i replied quickly and looked towards the parking lot, hoping to see some familiar faces.

"And what's your favourite horror movie?" Billy enquired.

"Same as before William" i replied, using his full name without realising.

"William? That's your full name man, she must not like you!" Randy laughed and i looked confused at them both.

Billy looked like he could kill Randy, Stu punched his shoulder and laughed "nah Viv sometimes uses our full names when she spaces out".

Billy looked at me, but his face softened "yeah sorry Billy" was all i said before looking away.

"Viv!" I stood up and walked to the owner of the voice.

Kirai ran up to me and hugged me.

"You okay Viv? You look kind of pale" Vlad asked , he walked to the fountain while me and Kirai held back and walked slowly.

"So what happened yesterday?" I explained everything apart from the kisses and looks "You get anything good?" "Yeah, I got some new underwear, jeans, shorts, tops, jackets, and shoes. Not all are black" we finally reached the fountain again.

I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders and glanced at the owner to see Stu "so you are coming to my party on Saturday, right Viv?" I looked at him in questioning.

"Why are you asking Viv, you know she hates socialising Stu" Vlad replies from behind him.

Stu looked at me and gave me his puppy dog eyes, i rolled mine.

"How many people will there be, Stuey?" I asked loud enough for only him to hear.

"It's just a house party round mine, you can just drink out the back if you don't wanna dance with people" he replied softly "please!" He gave the puppy eyes again and i caved, nodding.

He cheered and twirled me around suddenly, causing me to blush.

I punched his shoulder when he was done.

He walked back over to a pouting Tatum.

"We need to get our schedules and stuff from the office, talk later guys" Vlad spoke up and grabbed my wrist dragging me towards the school doors, Kirai following behind closely.

He let go as we walked in and out of sight of the fountain.

"Viv, what was that?" Vlad softly spoke to me with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't know Vlad, they were your best friends you should know more than me" I stared down the hallway, watching students as they ran around.

"I- yeah i guess that's true, i know a few of the guys had a crush when we were 12, but now i have no idea" he sighs and runs his fingers through his hair, making Kirai grab his hand before he could pull at it.

She then pulled him towards the Office with me trailing behind, looking around at the signs and the door plates, memorising.

We had 6 months left of this year, the last Month being a 3 week exam time and the last week, our 'goodbyes week'.

I knew what I wanted to study after high school. I wanted to become a Psychiatric nurse-the one where you go and help people who are mentally unstable in asylums.

I wanted to help people, not physically but mentally.

I snapped out of my thoughts as i bumped into Vlad, Kirai knocked on the Office door, before a woman's voice called us in.

"Hey, we start today, we need the schedules?" Vlad spoke up to the bored woman.


"Vladimir Aluna, Vivian Aluna and Kirai Winters" Vlad squeezed both our hands before going to grab the 3 pieces of paper.

"Mr Aluna and Miss Winters, you will need to take after school classes to catch up, according to your previous school records, your Average scores were C's and D's" she spoke up.

She then held out another two pieces of paper to him.

"Miss Aluna however, seems to not need the help, perhaps she could help you both achieve at least a B. The Principal is very concerned since your aspirations are quite high" she finished and closed the little window to her cubicle.

I raised my eyebrows at the rude receptionist and looked at my brother, he looked angry, Kirai didnt look too happy either.

We all turned and left the office "what a bitch" i stated and Kirai hummed in agreement. Vlad looked like he was going to kill the floor he was staring at. "Vlad, i'm pretty sure the floor did nothing wrong this time" i chuckled and he smiled lightly at my joke.

"This is going to be a long six months, isnt it V?" Kirai spoke up, i hummed in response and grabbed our schedules from Vlad's balled fist before he could scrunch up the pieces anymore.

Looking over them i noticed we all only had 1 class in common, PE, last period.

"Vlad, Kirai your classes are all together" i stated handing their schedules to the individuals "I will see you only in the last period and at lunch, what numbers are your lockers?" I questioned, forgetting to check.

"143 and.. 145" Kirai spoke, pausing to check Vlad's papers.

"Mine is 212" i sigh in annoyance, they really wanted to separate us.

I walked them to their lockers and agreed to meet them at the fountain at lunch.

I then walked down the hall to my locker just to see a familiar red sweater and a brown mop of hair.



Darkness Among Us{SlashersxOC}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang