Chapter 26

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It was a good 20 minute drive before Lester's truck pulled up to a relatively small house, having three boys and their parents in such a petit house made no sense, it looked to be a two or three bedroom house.

We left our cars behind Bo's garage so they were out of sight if anyone decided to turn up.

Everyone had hopped out of the truck and as i was about to climb down i felt myself being lifted up and then placed gently on the floor.

I scowled at a smirking Bo.

"You know i have perfectly good legs" i stated.

"I know princess. But i didn't want you to hurt yourself" he stated cockily.

I rolled my eyes and felt Vincent slip his hand into mine and squeeze it gently.

I smile and he pulls me around the house to the back, i look at him confused until I see a cabin behind it and I understood.

The Sinclair brothers parents were abusive, Bo had scars on his wrists where they would tie him to his highchair when he was a toddler and i know its why Lester was so nervous around people shouting, Vince used to be made to live in his parents basement or in an old shed in the back garden.

It looked like someone had extended it to become a cabin.

Vince dragged me to the door and let go of my hand to unlock it.

I heard a chuckle from behind me to see Bo, i just smiled slightly at him before i was pulled inside my an excited Vince, Bo followed me inside and they both watched my reaction.

It was a lively cabin, it had a fireplace on one wall with a plump and fur rug in front of it, further along i saw a small kitchen with a fridge and sink, i then noticed a spiral wooden staircase towards the back leading to a bedroom.

I looked in awe at the two men, it was such a cute cabin.

"I didn't think you two would make such a cute cabin" i half joked to Bo.

I heard them chuckle again and felt an arm around my shoulders.

"We made it for us to get away from Lester and his dog" Bo chuckled "he rarely showers and is a right slob" Bo then added as i looked at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Also the main house is only two bedrooms" he added and i nodded.

"So where will i sleep? The couch?" I asked seeing as there was only the couch and bedroom and these two boys couldn't fit on the couch together.

They both shook their head and Vince pushed me towards the stairs, i looked at him wide eyed "you two both can't fit on the sofa" i state the obvious.

Bo laughed heartily "oh, darlin' you're adorable".

Vince pushed me again gently as if to say 'go up' and i did, holding my skirt against my figure so as to not flash the boys following me.

I paused at the top and stepped aside, looking around the room, there was a large beanbag in the corner and a Queen bed that was covered in golden orange coloured bedding(like autumn leaves) and a fluffy blanket, there were plush rugs on either side of the bed and a loveseat at the end of the bed as well as a closet and a set of drawers by the window.

"So?" I ask.

"I'll sleep on the bag if it means you'll be more comfortable Darlin'" Bo spoke up, smiling softly at me.

I nod slowly.

"Okay" i say quietly and take a glance at my cell phone.

Seeing it was now 7PM.

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