Chapter 16

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After everything that happened, you'd think that you would get left alone to recover in peace.

That was never the case.

Reporters try and sometimes succeed at sneaking into the three injured peoples Hospital Rooms.

Police came in asking the same questions over two weeks to ensure everything was said in order and there were no 'false statements.

'Stu Macher was the first to be released from hospital after being hospitalised due to being stabbed in the side by Neil Prescott, fortunately for the young 18 year old, the knife luckily missed all vital organs.

Billy Loomis, another survivor is unfortunately not as lucky, he suffered a concussion and a bullet wound. He is currently unconscious due to blood loss and is being cared for by a medical team of specialists, they are hoping he wakes up from his coma soon.

The third Victim, a girl by the name Vivian Aluna was apparently the one who saved Billy Loomis' life by being a human Tourniquet, she used her body to hold down the wound and prevented the young man from dying. She suffered from a wound to the shoulder and is still recovering.

Woodsboro, we can recover, stay strong!'

The news ended and i turned off the TV, rolling my eyes.

It's ridiculous, i wasn't allowed to leave the hospital for another two days.

I was completely fine, much like when Stu was discharged from the hospital. But because i am a woman, they want to keep an eye on me.

It could also be because i have no relatives at home to 'care for me'.

A nurse came in to check my vitals, smiled and left again.

I decided to remove all the attachments myself.

All this wasn't necessary at all.

I got up after turning all the equipment off and walked outside, i had already dressed myself in some baggy clothes.

Stu got his mother to drop off a horror tee of his and my black cargo pants. I have no idea why he didn't just grab a top of mine.

Probably because of my shoulder injury.

I sighed and walked towards Billy's room, going mostly unnoticed.

His dad was talking to a doctor further down the hall as i slipped in.

"Hey Billy, hows it going in that mind of yours" i whisper more in a statement since he was in a coma.

"Look this is the second time I've snuck in here. You gotta wake up, i bet Stu is going mad with you in here and him not being allowed to visit" i sigh "look i get to be free in two days. I'll sneak in again before that...just wake up, alright. Stu-I-no, We all miss you, right bye" i get up and turn to leave, before walking to his side and kissing his forehead "wake up soon" i whisper and walk back to my room, grabbing a chocolate bar on the way.

I climb on the hospital bed and close my eyes, falling asleep.

I wake up and glance around, still in the hospital room. I grabbed the cell phone next to me i was given by Stu and checked the time.

It was 4am the next morning and I will get discharged tomorrow.

The cell phone started ringing and i answered it almost immediately "hey doll" i frowned as i didn't recognise the voice.

"Who is this?" I question keeping my voice down out of respect for the other patients.

"You don't recognise my voice dollface?" I frowned harder, it did seem familiar.

"You one of the boys i'm guessing" i sighed as it clicked "Danny"

"Yayy, you remember me, who else do you remember?" He inquired.

"Look, i didn't get a head injury you know, and why don't you visit me in person?" I inquired back.

I heard him chuckle "i would love to but I'm halfway across the country Doll".

"What? Where are you?" I questioned. No one told me he was leaving Woodsboro.

"I'm in Roseville babydoll, in Florida" he said, he was happy.

"Florida? You know Vlad and Kirai are over there?" I ask him.

"Yeah, i know, and babe, don't call me by Danny, i'm Jed Olsen now. I can't let other reporters try and blackmail me ya know" i frowned, i knew he wanted to be a freelance reporter, but the whole fake name threw me off.

"Alright then Mister Olsen" i said jokingly.

"Mister" he laughs lightly "i mean you call me other names if you want dollface, like daddy" i cringed at that but chuckled.

"Not in a million years Jed" i sighed "i'm gonna hang up, just keep in touch yeah?" I ask picking at my nails.

I really needed to get them done again.

"Yeah babydoll, talk later" he called out then hung up.

"Bye.." I muttered to myself.

Apart from Stu visiting me before he left, no one had visited me or Billy, well i know why Billy wasn't allowed visitors, he was in critical condition.

I sigh and get up again to visit Billy.

I opened the door and ran straight into a hard chest, stumbling away but being caught by the owner of said chest.

I look up "thanks.." I stared at the familiar face but frowned, i didn't recall where i had seen it.

He was very tall, quite intimidating, had a scar across his left eye and dirty blonde long(ish hair) almost brown, what stood out was his crystal blue eyes, they were the most familiar.

I frowned at him and he tilted his head at me, he was still holding me by my waist.

"Umm, hello..?" I say, he just stood there.

I stepped away "excuse me, i need to visit my friend" i stepped to the side, he copied me.

My head snapped to his face. Why was he blocking my path and who was he?

Better yet, why was he outside my hospital room at 4am?

I glare at him "Move. Now" i ordered storming up to him, trying to be more intimidating.

He smiled slightly, lifting one corner of his mouth and his eyes sparkling with humour.

He moved to the side and i walked out and down the hall towards Billy's room, i looked through his window.

I gasped and smiled.

He was awake.


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