Chapter 11

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"Hey Norman!" I called out making him jump.

"H-hey V, sorry d-didn't see you there" he smiled at me gently, normal was always gentle and angelic.

He made me feel uneasy, no one is that pure.

"Your locker here?" I asked him as he hadn't opened any of them, he nodded and pointed to 215 "three from mine" i smiled at him softly and opened my locker, only grabbing two pens and a small(ish) notepad, putting them into my skirt pocket.

"Well see you around Norm" i spoke quickly and started walking to my first period, English Literature.

As i walked i heard fast approaching footsteps and moved to the side, seeing a bunch of teenagers wearing a ghost mask, i just rolled my eyes, it was a week until halloween.

As i walked i heard "why would they do that?" I spotted Sydney and Tatum looking annoyed and I just rolled my eyes, i saw Stu leaning against the lockers a few feet behind them, he spotted me and waved, i waved back shyly and turned the corner, i saw the door and walked in.

I was the first one, there were no seating charts so i sat at the back in the corner by the window. I grabbed a pen and my notepad out.

I had a really good memory, i would only jot down bullet points of what we learn or essential pieces of information.

Even though i was homeschooled a lot, i still managed to become a straight A student.

I didn't even revise for tests i just remembered it all. The one subject i sometimes struggled with is math.

As i sat in my thoughts, i felt a tap on my shoulder, glancing up and soon regretting it i saw Billy.

"Hey Billy..." I trailed off.

"Hey Viv, mind if i check your schedule, i know Stu's and Randy's so i can see who has what with you" he holds his hand out for the piece of paper and i hesitantly pass it him, he brushes his fingers with mine and i pull my hand back and look out the window. Not realising he was staring.

"So V, looks like we all have PE at the end of the day, i am in your math and this class, Stu is also in your math, Randy is in your sciences" i nod and hold my hand out for my schedule.

He lowered it to my hand and pulled it away again before i could grab it, i looked up confused at him.

"Your locker is next to mine and Stu's, damn" he smirks at me then and places the paper in my awaiting hand.

"Nice..." I say awkwardly.

Why me?

He sits down in the chair next to mine, since we have two chairs and a table, for a partner project probably.

I sigh and glance at him out of the corner of my eye.

"I like your outfit, Vivian was it?" A red head walks over in front of our table.

"Thanks and ye, my name is Vivian" i saw her glance at Billy lustfully.

"Cool, hey Billy why'd you move from my table?" She asked him licking her lips then pouting.

Ahh, she was one of those popular sluts.

I laughed with my hand over my mouth so she couldn't hear me.

"Because i'd rather sit with Viv" he stated bluntly and i flinched.

She glared at me then faked a smile "oh, i see. Is she your new fling?" She then turned back to him.

"No, she is my future wifey, Hannah" he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.

Her face got red in anger and she threw me a dirty look before stomping over toward the other side of the classroom.

Darkness Among Us{SlashersxOC}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora