Chapter 14

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"Excuse me Tatum" i spoke as i approached the door.

She didn't move, instead she asked me "what is your problem?"

I looked at her confused.

I had a problem?

"Can you explain to me how i have a problem? Because last time i checked you are the one blocking my path into the house where another drink is calling my name" i stated hazily.

"You think you are sneaky with what you are doing?" I just frowned at her, she made no sense "you are whoring yourself off to your brothers whole group" i laughed then, it was just too funny.

"What's fucking funny bitch?" Tatum sneered.

"Just that you say i'm whoring around but you have fucked more people than me" i continue chuckling.

Harsh but true.

"Fuck off, i know you fucked Stu while he was with me, then that Bo guy there too, i mean you wouldn't make out with someone if you weren't hooking up" she stuck her nose in the air.

"You know nothing Tatum, i'm still a virgin and i only had my first kiss today as well, although it was stolen" i blushed as i thought of both kisses.

"Yeah, right" she scoffed but wandered back into the house.

"Okayyy..." I trailed off and shook my head.

Some people are just too dramatic.

I walked back into the house, going to the kitchen to look for what Stu had given me, i saw the Vodka in the corner tucked away and then went into the fridge for the blueberry juice and grabbed it, pouring it into a new cup as i had left my other one outside.

I drank a bit to taste it and when it tasted the same i put the juice and vodka away, noticing all the beer was gone from the fridge.

I will tell Stu.

I walked into the living room and plopped down next to Randy and Stu, the only space available and leaned towards Stu.

"There's no beer in the fridge anymore" i whispered in his ear, he jumped a bit at my proximity but he nodded at me lazily.

He says something to Tatum and she says "what am i, the beer wench?!" She gets up anyway and heads towards the garage.

I set my focus back on the TV and leaned my head back, feeling an arm i looked to my left to see Stu there grinning at me, i quirked an eyebrow wondering why he was grinning.

After about 20 minutes some teenagers came running inside the house.

"Principal Himbry was found dead, hanging from the goal post" he gushed, a bunch of excited teens got up and rushed out of the door to their cars. Rushing to see it.

"Sick people" i hear muttered.

I shrugged and set my focus back on the movie playing, i heard Randy talking and he paused the movie. I looked at him annoyed.

I looked at my cup noticing only a little bit left, i lifted it to my lips, only to have it taken off me by none other than Stu.

He smirked as i tried to grab it.

I climbed on his lap to grab it and it worked, he froze in shock. I snatched it out of his hand and finished my drink.

Sticking my tongue out at him, my piercing being revealed to him and i stood up laughing at his expression.

One of shock and awe.

I walked out of the living room to get another drink, i made it and as i went to sip it. I heard a scream and a crash. Then silence.

I frowned and walked out the back door to have a look as it sounded like it came from back here.

When i saw nothing i just presumed it was a cat fighting or maybe a raccoon.

I walked back inside and frowned, not seeing Stu or Sidney.

"Where'd everyone go?" I asked Randy after poking him to wake him up.

"I dunno, Billy came by to talk to Sid. They went upstairs to a room to 'talk'" he grumbled miserably.

I knew he had a huge crush on her since i saw him staring at her in admiration, too bad the geek never gets the good girl.

I stretched on the couch and kept sipping my new drink happily.

When i heard a scream from upstairs i got up to check, i saw Sidney running down the stairs covered in blood, she held my hand and pulled me away towards the back door.

I pulled out of her grip and pushed her away, looking at my now blood covered hand in confusion.

She just ran away.

I knew i was too drunk to understand what was happening at that point, i just saw a black blur run past me. I shrugged and went to wash my hands.

I walked to the living room again to see Randy gone. This was all too much for my dazed brain to understand.

I started stumbling and landed on my knees by the lounge chair.

I only had what... 3 drinks? Right?!

How strong was that Vodka.

I leaned my head on the seat and closed my eyes to stop the spinning world.

When i opened my eyes again the world was still again.

I went to stand up my arms supporting me and then i sat on the chair.

I heard the front door slam shut and Sidney's cries.

Then i heard a grunt "Billy!" From her lips, i got up then wandering towards the stairs.

I saw a lot of blood, my eyes were wide as i took in his appearance.

"We need to go get help" he said, going to open the door, only to be stopped by Sidney "Sid give me the gun".

She handed it to him and he opened the door, Randy rushed in.

Billy looked at me then, frowning as though i wasn't supposed to be there.

"Stu's gone mad, he's the killer!" Randy exclaimed.

And that's when it all clicked for me. Stu and Billy, the crazed looks, the secretive glances.

"We all go mad sometimes" Billy snapped me out of my thoughts as he raised and pulled the trigger on Randy.

Sidney gasped and ran towards the back door only to run into Stu. I backed away slowly.

Ghostface. It was both of them. All the murders.

But they are really close to the group.

That would

They all knew.

"Stu, Billy killed Randy!" She cried into his chest.

Stu raised a white box to his mouth "surprise Sidney" she shot her head up wide eyed and started trembling.

She was trapped between them both.

I saw Hannibal walk into the kitchen and i walked back out of his line of sight.

I saw him in the reflection of the window.

I looked back to see Sidney run into the kitchen. Hannibal hid behind the opposite corner.

Waiting for something.


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