Chapter 19

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It took us a long time to travel from Woodsboro, California to Texas.

We had to stop at a run down motel to sleep. We all shared a room, it was rather uncomfortable.

It took us 32 hours in total, 24 hours if we just kept driving, but Stu, me and Billy struggled without sleep, we got really grumpy.

When we finally arrived in Muerto County, Texas. We went to a building that had a 'houses for sales' sign on it.

We walked up to the window and only saw 3 properties available.

One was a one bedroom bungalow, we voted that out. I'm not sleeping in the same room as these two.

The next was a two bedroom town house, it shared one bathroom, again we ruled it out. They take longer than me in the shower.

The last house was on the edge of the town, about two miles out, it was a grey coloured two story house, it had 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a seating area, kitchen, laundry room, basement, attic, dining room and an 'art room'.

It was $79k, we all agreed on it.

I made the boys wait outside and went inside to buy the house. All the paperwork was signed and I was told the directions.

I requested to use their phone and they allowed it. I confirmed to my agent to sell my old home, knowing there was already an offer.

I walked outside and held out two spare keys to the boys, they took them and got back into the truck.

We arrived at our new home and started unpacking the truck. They will come collect it tomorrow.

After 6 hours we were too tired to build anymore furniture or unpack anymore.

We all were on the L shaped sofa laying over each other, Billy was sprawled out watching TV, my head was on his knee, his hand and fingers playing with my hair and Stu was laying behind me, asleep.

We all were on the L shaped sofa laying over each other, Billy was sprawled out watching TV, my head was on his knee, his hand and fingers playing with my hair and Stu was laying behind me, asleep

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Timeskip of 2 years

Two years had passed since we had moved out to Texas.

We had fixed the house up fully now, repainted the outside to be white, planted flowers outside, etc.

Billy had gotten a job at a video store in town.

Stu was studying to become a director, his 4th year would be an internship in Baltimore, being an assistant to a big time horror movie director.

I managed to start the course i had come to Texas to and the one i would be moving to Baltimore for.

So i would have to spend 2 years studying and Stu would be working in my last year.

Honestly we all didn't really spend much time at home, since Billy worked the night shift, Stu's courses were in the afternoon, and mine took all day, i tended to go to a cafe after as well so i could start on my assignments and drink some good coffee.

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