Chapter 2

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Vivian sighs and gestures towards the large group of boys "guess we should be introduced?" She looked at Tiff hoping she would shake her head and drag her away but instead she nodded and grabbed Vivian's hand dragging her towards the large group of boys.

Vivian took a big breath before the introductions began.

Tiff tried to get their attention "guys, guys...GUYS!!" finally she yelled and it made all the boys glare at Tiff "Thank you, now i know you are all fangirling over her brother there" Tiff paused and smirked at Vivian and she chuckled lightly "but this is his twin sister, Vivian. Now introduce yourselves...ONE AT A TIME".

Tiff squeezed her hand and let it go.

Vivian looked nervously at all the faces until a smartly dressed, tall dark haired boy stepped forward and held his hand out as though to shake "hello, my name is Hannibal, Hannibal Lecter, i'm one of the oldest in this chaotic group".

"Hi Hannibal, can i old are you?" Vivian blushed and looked at the handsome teen.

"I am 14, soon 15". Vivian took his hand and went to shake it but instead he kissed the back of her hand which made her widen her eyes in surprise "is my pleasure sweet Vivian" Vivian frowned and then glared at her brother who looked away acting innocent, he had told them something.

The next boy to step up was a lot younger, and had curly light brown eyes and looked much too innocent and angelic "h-hey, I'm Norman and ye i'm 10" he refused to look at my face and instead stared at his shoes like they were the most interesting thing in the whole wide world.

"Yeah, nice to meet you Norman, i am a year older" i said awkwardly and glanced at Tiff.

Three boys stepped up to her next, one wore a beige sweater and was a blonde, he had a really goofy smile, another one wore a black t-shirt and a leather jacket with his hands in his pockets, he looked bored and had brown hair and dark eyes which looked anywhere but at her.

The third boy who looked slightly older had short cropped brown, nearly black hair with dark chocolate brown eyes, he was one of the boys who kept staring at her making her nervous, he wore all black with black combat boots.

"Yo cutie, I'm Stu" the goofy blonde boy spoke up "this here is my bestie Billy and the creeper always watching everything behind us is Danny" Danny and Billy rolled their eyes in sync and i chuckled at the sight, they were all very silly.

"Umm nice to meet you three, p-please don't call me pet names, i do not know you like that Stu" i requested blushing like an idiot.

"My bad cu-Vivian" Stu chuckled just as awkwardly and then they both(Stu and Billy) were pulled away by Danny.

Next up were Michael and Jason, who always wore masks, for different reasons. They were very close. Michael and Jason hated to talk so they both just said their names and walked to the back of the group, ignoring my attempted response.

Then another group of 2 came to the front, one hid behind his long hair, who was called Vincent, he refused to talk, too embarrassed to do so and was thinner than his brother.

Then there was Bo, he was also tall like his brother Vincent, but he was built wider, he just glared at me after saying his name. He was intimidating to say the least.

He stomped over to the swings pulling Vincent with him. Getting as far from me as possible.

Next was a dark haired teenager who claimed to be Tiff's future husband, to which Tiff denies and slaps the back of his head. His name was Charles, he preferred Chucky.

After they were all introduced, Vlad walked behind his sister and leaned his head on top of hers, it always annoyed her because she was shorter. He ended up with an elbow to his ribs and his newfound friends laughed at his suffering.

"Hey guys!" A new boy called out walking quickly towards the large group, he was dressed smartly, not in a full suit but with a sweater and suit pants with shiny polished black shoes, his face was handsome with dark hair and gorgeous brown eyes, similar to Danny.

"Hey Patrick" Hannibal called out.

"Heyo Patty" Stu yelled towards the boy, earning an eyebrow raise and Vivian to cover her overly sensitive ears.

Patrick glanced over at the new faces, mainly the girl analysing her face before giving Hannibal a confused look as in 'who are these two'.

"Patrick, meet Miss Vivian and Vladimir" Hannibal sighed and Vivian frowned, he said Miss to her and called Vladimir casually. Meaning she wasn't a friend yet.

"Nice to meet you Vladimir, may i call you Vlad?" He smiled fakely at her brother and glanced at her, gorging her reaction to which she just looked at the very interesting ground.

"Of course Patrick, and what nickname may i call you" Vladimir smiled back just as fake, clearly disliking the new boy.

Vivian rolled her eyes and couldn't help the next sentence to come spewing out of her mouth "instead of flirting just kiss already boys" both of them glared daggers at her but her joke made a lot of the boys laugh.

*and who is the comedian?" Patrick looked towards Hannibal as though Vivian couldn't talk.

"The girl and comedian as you so call name is Vivian" Vivian then spun on her heel, grabbed the backpack and walked away, mildly annoyed and also exhausted from too many people.

"Vlad i'm heading to the mall, you can stay here with your new group, i'll get what we need" Vivian called over her shoulder while still walking.

She heard fast footsteps and looked to her side to see Billy, Stu and Danny now syncing their footsteps with her and she paused.

"What is happening?" Raising her eyebrows at the three.

"We are tagging along, may as well since we all were supposed to go" Billy muttered.

"And we all are Silly Billy" Stu jumped to the side of Billy and wrapped his arm round his friends shoulder, V looked further back to see the rest all in their separate groups chatting away but all going to the same destination, Patrick glaring at me and Hannibal clearly trying to calm him.

"Right...looks like I'm not gonna get any freedom today" V sighed and continued in front of them all with Tiff and Chucky to the left and the goofy trio on the right.


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