Chapter 9

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"Hey V? Me, Stu and Billy will walk ya home, okay cutie?" Danny cheerfully called out to me from the arcade game they were playing.

Hannibal received a call after lunch saying he was needed at the office he was interning at, he was training to be a psychiatrist. He had apologised several times and gave all the bags to Danny to carry.

Patrick had a 'meeting' to go to and wrote down his address and phone number on his business card, so i had two numbers to call him on, business and home number. In case i needed him it was his words.

He also left his present for his girlfriend in my bags with Billy and Stu.

So here we are in an arcade, the three men acting like they were 13 again.

They were bickering over something and i finally decided to leave my endless thoughts and see what was happening.

They were whispering about a plan or something.

Stu looked sad and stood up, freezing as he noticed me closer than before.

Danny and Billy looked confused and spun around to face me.

"So what plan is this then" i curiously asked, playing with a strand of my hair.

Stu looked around nervously and Billy and Danny exchanged dark glances.

"you guys are still giving each other the lust filled glances? Damn just kiss already" i decided to make a joke since they all looked too serious, i chuckled at my own joke of course.

Danny chuckled nervously and i pretended not to notice it and Stu laughed whole heartedly. I froze in awe of it for a second before shaking my head. Billy was smirking at Stu who smirked back.

I realised then the look they were giving each other wasn't a 'bro' look but more of a 'lover' look.

I cleared my throat and they both blinked away the crazy in love looks.

"Should we leave before we get locked in?" I chuckle hesitantly.

They all agree and we walk out of there.

I went to grab my bags but they pulled them away from my grasp, i looked at them all confused. But they shrugged and walked out of the mall with me following close behind.

It was now dark outside and therefore colder and i rubbed my arms to warm up.

"So am i not allowed to take my purchases home?" I imply pointing to my bags, i didn't realise Danny had gone behind me til i felt his breath on the back of my neck.

"Danny, what're you doing?" I roll my eyes at him but freeze as i feel something cold at my lower back "what.." He shushed me, then i felt the cold thing lift my top up slightly and rub in circles.

Billy and Stu were watching with their heads tilted, like this was normal and entertaining behaviour.

I started to feel scared of these men, it must have shown.

Billy and Stu were at my front so i couldn't really move much.

"Are you gonna hurt me?" i whispered, my heart racing.

Billy walked closer to me and as he did i furrowed my eyebrows.

He lowered his face closer to me and i leaned back a little, uncomfortable as his breath fanned my face.

"So, so tempting" he breathed out next to my ear, licking hid lips but then backed up, his eyes were almost black, he stepped away smirking at my flustered face, Stu stepped up to me next and instead of saying anything kissed and licked my cheek, making me scrunch my nose in disgust.

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