She looked at the time to see it was midnight, meaning she had been asleep for three hours already.

She looked beside her to see Paws sound asleep on his pillow beside her and caressed his fur.

"Hello, Paws."

Paws' tail wagged, but he never opened his eyes, making her chuckle.


Xhenia moved to go back to sleep, but her bladder reminded her why she was awake. She got out of bed and went to the restroom. Before she relieved herself, she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and frowned. I look like hell.

Her hair was messy, she had bags under her eyes, and she looked a little pale. This made her question whether she was getting sick or not.

Dismissing the thought, she relieved herself, washed her hands, and got back in bed. As the warmth from the cover wrapped around her, she quickly fell asleep.

Morning came, and Xhenia never left her bed. Why? It was her day off, and she wanted nothing to do. She looked over to see Paws was still sleeping.

"Morning, Paws."

The sleepy puppy yawned and stretched out before crawling onto her lap as if he were saying it back.

"What should I do today?"

As if looking for an answer, she looked at the puppy on her lap, but Paws only looked up at her. "I'll take that as nothing."

After giving it some more thought, Xhenia finally got an idea of what to start her day with. "Let's give you a bath today."

She got out of bed, no longer concerned about how she got in her pajamas, and went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.

Once she was done, she washed her face and called Paws. "Come here, Paws."

Paws heard his name and lifted his head, but he never moved. When Paws didn't come the first time, Xhenia called for him again.

"Paws, come here, boy."

She heard Paws' paws before she saw him and hid behind the door. When Paws entered the bathroom, he looked around, confused. He was sure to have heard his name come from here.

He entered the bathroom further, and Xhenia from behind the door.

"Boo," she whispered, spooking poor Paws. Paws yelped and ran behind the toilet. This made Xhenia feel apologetic for her actions. She went to where Paws hid and kneeled in front of him.

"I'm sorry, Paws," she said, holding out her hands.

Paws immediately jumped into her hands and snuggled against her. "Cute."

She turned behind her and began running water for Paws' bath. Paws began his tail as he watched the water run. It was a cute fact that Paws liked to take baths.

Xhenia would even let the water run higher so he could swim, then she would lower when he got tired.

As the water, she put him in the tub, and he jumped around as if he were splashing puddles. When the water was at a safe height for Paws to swim, Xhenia stopped the water and watched him swim. She was on lifeguard duty.

While he swam, Xhenia would throw small toys in the tub. Paws would grab them and push them out the tub so that she could throw them again. This went on for a couple more minutes before Paws started to get tired.

When Xhenia saw he got tired, she let some water out, lowering the water level as Paws drank the water.

"Alrighty, ready for your bath?"

When he heard bath, Paws sat and waited for her to bathe him.

"I'll take that as a yes."

Xhenia was as gentle as ever with Paws, and like always, because of that gentleness, Paws was asleep after his bath.

"My sweet baby," Xhenia cooed. She laid him in his dog bed and began washing the tub out.

When she was done, she sat back and let her head lay on her knees.

"I really have nothing to do today."

Like Alekses said she would, she had sent an address to Amy and sent her driver to meet the girl with her proposal. Surprisingly, she was on time, according to the driver.

She didn't go herself, because she didn't have the time, nor did she want to go. Mainly because today was the day she could watch Xhenia all day.

Plus, she figured there'd be no reason for Amy to decline with the amount of money offered. She'd have so much to spend on drugs that she'd easily have an overdose.

She chuckled at the thought and poured herself a shot of tequila.

Alekses had been watching Xhenia absolutely nothing all day. Her mind was filled with all the things her little mouse could be doing with her instead of doing nothing at her apartment.

But now, her mother was here, nagging her ear off about marriage, grandkids, and happiness. Though the woman wasn't her biological mother, she was still the mother one she had.

"Alekses, I'm not getting any younger. I wanna see my grandbabies before I die, not when I'm already dead," her mother said, letting her Russian accent drip from her tone.

"Yes, mama, I know. I'm working on it."

"Work harder. I don't give a damn if you have to pay someone to give me grandkids," her mother shouted.

To sum it up, she was desperate for grandchildren. She wanted the same joy she saw her sister with now that Ona's brother had children. Unfortunately, she only had Alekses to rely on.

"Mama, you don't mean that," Alekses pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed. "Plus, I already said I'm working on it."

"Oh, but Alekses, I do mean that. I meant every word that came out of my fucking mouth," her mother sneered.

"Mama, don't get worked up over this. Just let me handle it in my own way," Alekses said, attempting to calm her mother down. "I already have someone in mind."

"You better, Alekses."

That was the last thing she said before she kissed Alekses' head and left the room.

"Sorry, Whiskers, but it seems I have to speed things up."

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