Chapter 12 ~ Strange Realization

Start from the beginning

Have I been manipulated by Aoki this entire time?!

He wouldn't do that... He's my friend, right?


Two years ago.

Rui's first day at his new school, Kamiyama High.

A new school year...Huh.

When can I ever escape from this type of torture?

I stared at the entrance, people walking past me. Probably staring at me, and whispering, too.

I need a break.

Although this is a new school, a fresh start in April...

(A/N: Japan schools start in April.)

I can't help but feel like people are staring at me and whispering about me.

"Hey," A voice came from behind me, and a hand landed on my shoulder, "You don't have friends here, do you?"

"No..." I turned around and answered truthfully. There's no way I could've denied that anyway. I don't even look like I have friends.

I only had two friends in my life, Mizuki and Nene, they are both in the year below me.

Not to mention, me and Nene, or should I call, Kusanagi, aren't even friends anymore.

I'd much rather we stay as strangers.

Mizuki had been the only one supporting me through middle school. We'd hang out on the rooftop every day, skip every lesson, and chat about random things. It's nice to have someone by my side, and someone that can understand my mental state and pain too.

But now that I've graduated, things are different.

"Want me to become your first here, then?"

"Sure." I answered plainly.

He walked in front of me, "I'm Hayashi Aoki, and what's your name?"

"Kamishiro Rui."

"Nice to meet you!" He smiled at me, but the smile didn't seem... Real

But I don't what type of smile that is...

Could it be that he's suffering too?

If that's the case, then this friendship is worth a shot...


That had been the worst decision in my life.

All this time, I've been manipulated into thinking that I'm the stronger one, and I had control over my friends, and Tsukasa, too.

So I'm basically manipulated, but I think that I'm manipulating other people?

This is confusing.

But at the same time, it makes so much sense.

I don't think I ever wanted to bully Tsukasa.

I don't think I ever wanted to bully anyone.

Oh, God. If Mizuki knew this, they'd be so disappointed.

Disappointed at how I was bullying someone, knowing the pain myself.

I'm so goddamn stupid.

I didn't even know!

Luckily, it didn't seem to be too hard on Tsukasa....


The door opened, "Rui? Are you okay?"

"Uh, yeah," I replied, not sure who it is.

The person walked over to me and squeezed my hand, "You don't look okay."


He sighed, "I feel like something's bothering you. Am I right?"


"Do you want to tell me?"


"It's alright if you don't, just remember I'll always be by your side, Rui." He said, letting go of my hand.

"It's just a small thing, I promise." I grinned at him forcefully.

"Whatever you say... I'll be going now, okay?"

I asked before he went out the door, "Wait, Tsukasa-kun, how'd you know I was in here?"

He shrugged, "Just felt like it. You weren't with your friends, on the rooftop, or in the classroom. Where else could you be?"

"You were trying to find me? Why?"

"I told you, I felt like something was wrong."

I turned my head back to sink, "Oh, alright, then. Bye."

"See you in class!" He replied cheerfully.


What's bothering Rui?

I want to help, but he doesn't seem like the kind of person who'll open up easily.

Is it our relationship?

"TENMA! Pay attention in class!" The teacher yelled at me.

"Oh, right, sorry."

He could be cheating on me...

But he wouldn't do that...



"Don't you think something's wrong with Rui?"

"It's obvious, isn't it?" I answered Makoto.

"What is it, then?" Kosuke asked.

"He's changed." I said simply.


"Are you two dumb?! Figure it out yourself." I yelled.

"Well, I can't." Makoto rolled his eyes, "So tell me, Aoki."

"He isn't befriending Tenma because he wants to hurt him," I said, "He's befriending him because he truly wants to be friends with him."


Kosuke wasn't convinced, "How did you know?"

"He's ridiculous at lying. All that hesitation. Everyone can sense it. It's just that you guys are dumb."

I smirked, "So, shall we stop him?"

Words - 1133 

Whee~ A POV from a character I made up myself!!

I can't wait for the 3rd anniv song!! (Aka NEO) The instrumentals sounded GREATTT

Anyways, Yeah. Chaos is coming~~

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