"Jazz told me this is a special exhibit they're putting on after discovering a lady pirate! That's exciting, right?" Alice said from her position on Jasper's back.

"Really? A woman pirate? That is exciting!" Esme commented.

"Amazing. She must have been remarkable to get her men's respect," Carlisle commented.

"A tough S.O.B.," Emmett agreed.

"I'm curious to see what they found. A lady pirate is pretty impressive," Edward agreed.

The family entered the museum and checked their coats. Then, they stopped to figure out their game plan. They debated whether to start clockwise, counter-clockwise, or go straight to the main event, which was advertised as the lady pirate.

"We should split up. I don't want to keep hearing about how bored those two are," Edward gestured with his chin toward Serafina and Rosalie.

Rosalie was currently looking at a loose thread in Serafina's sweater. She was trying to decide whether to pull it out or not but wasn't sure if it would cause a bigger problem. She was just about to ask Esme's opinion when Edward made that comment. She and Serafina both looked up at him and glared.

"We didn't even say anything!" Rosalie scoffed.

"You didn't have to say anything," Edward said, giving the two a knowing look.

'Fuckin' stupid,' Serafina thought.

"See, that right there," Edward gestured to Serafina, "You thinking that about the exhibit, I can do without that."

Serafina looked him square in the eye, "I wasn't thinking that about the exhibit." She said with a large mocking smile now covering her face. Standing just behind her, Rosalie couldn't help looking over Serafina's shoulder to give Edward a mocking grin of her own. She could only imagine what Serafina thought, but considering Serafina's reaction, she could guess.

Edward frowned as he turned away from the couple.

Esme quickly shut the two down with a look, "Sorry," Serafina said to Esme. Looking at Edward with narrowed eyes, she said, "Then you go to the left. And we'll go to the right."

"I'll go with you, Ed!" Emmett practically shouted as he jumped to Edward's side when he noticed Rosalie signal Esme. The two women were now looking over the loose thread. He didn't want to be delayed. He just wanted to look at the exhibit.

"We'll go ahead!" Alice said with a smile. She had already dropped from Jasper's back and now skipped ahead with Emmett as Jasper and Edward followed.

Esme deftly pulled the thread without affecting the rest of the sweater. Rosalie gave a sigh of relief that the sweater wasn't damaged. She gave a grateful smile to her mother.

"Now, you girls better not do this on your own. You can make it worse by doing that. But Mama knows her clothes," Esme winked.

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